Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1077: before despair

Ye Han thought that there would be news soon, but waited until the evening and did not wait for any new news.

He is not waiting alone. Duan Zhiyang, all the officers and men of the Airborne Division, the Beihai and all the officers and men of the other warships are waiting for the news of the Nanzhou.

Everyone is suffering in a painful wait, that kind of feeling like a death row prisoner about to go to the stage, from anxiety to anxiety, and then to ashes.

No news is the best news?

Wrong, at this time, any news is better than no news, no news just means that the situation is likely to be extremely bad!

At midnight, the extremely tormented Beihai fleet finally received the communication from the Nanzhou.

Gao Kai on the screen was exhausted, and as soon as the communication was connected, he said straight to the point: "There is news, the Northern Capital announced that the interception campaign ended at 13:42 this afternoon, and the interception fleet 130 Seventeen warships, more than 7,600 fighter planes, 300,000 officers and soldiers from various countries...the whole army was wiped out."

Suddenly there was a huge pumping sound from the bridge, almost draining the air here.

Ye Han hurriedly interrupted: "What about the alien fleet? How is the alien fleet?" As long as the predetermined strategic goal can be achieved, even if the interceptor fleet is completely wiped out, it is worthwhile.

Gao Kai's exhaustion showed a bit of gloom: "The alien fleet is more than half damaged."

"More than half of the damage?" Ye Han was so angry that he lost his voice, "The interceptor fleet was wiped out and replaced with more than half of the damage? Where did they go?"

Gao Kai's eyes were full of bitterness: "The alien fleet is divided into two parts, half of them turned around and flew back, and the other half went to Earth."

Ye Han trembled uncontrollably, as if he was in the cold winter.

He felt that fainting to death on the spot in the dark in front of him was the most suitable situation, but he was mentally prepared, and it was impossible for him to faint.

Gao Kai said again: "There is also an order from Beidu, ordering the fleet to immediately destroy a giant ship..."

Ye Han couldn't believe his ears: "It's all this time, why are you putting extra pressure on it?"

"This is an order from Beidu." Gao Kai said.

"What about us? What are we doing?" Ye Han asked angrily.

"Stay where you are, that's all." After saying that, Gao Kai cut off the communication without waiting for Ye Han to speak. The bridge was dead silent, and the bridge officers didn't even dare to take a breath.

At this moment, a voice broke the silence: "What are you doing? The aliens haven't reached the earth yet. Besides, the interceptor fleet is gone, isn't there still a defense fleet? It's not desperate yet, how about the international fleet? I don’t know, but I know that the Beiyuezhou fleet still has at least seven air carriers, as well as the two bases of Beiyue and Nanyue, as well as Tiangong and Space City, can’t they still deal with the remaining alien fleet?”

It was Duan Zhiyang who spoke, and the almost frozen atmosphere relaxed a little, but everyone's mood was still extremely heavy.

Once aliens landed, they destroyed Africa and South America. If the climate in Siberia was not extreme, the entire Northeast Asia region would not be able to escape the clutches of aliens.

If aliens land again, where will the bad luck be?

Also, it sounds like the earth still has a lot of military power, but in fact? The Assault Fleet and the Intercept Fleet have already emptied the elites of the Beiyuezhou Fleet and the International Fleet. Even if the fleet flying to Earth is only a quarter of the original, Beiyuezhou and the International Fleet can make up another half of the interceptor fleet. ?

You must know that it is not simply stacking warships, but also requires enough qualified crews, a large number of pilots, various types of fighters and corresponding weapons and equipment.

And all of this needs to be completed within half a year, because it only takes half a year for the quarter of the alien fleet to fly to Earth.

However, the return journey of the assault fleet is a whole year. Even if everyone turns into nuclear fuel balls, it is impossible to rush back to Earth in front of the alien fleet.

Knowing that the earth is about to fall into crisis, but being far away from Jupiter is powerless, this feeling is like countless sharp knives, stabbing in everyone's heart again and again, and the pain is unbearable.

Duan Zhiyang said again: "Everyone raised their heads, what does it look like when they are downcast? You can all figure out why the aliens sent back half of the remaining fleet, because we are here, because the assault fleet is there. Here, the aliens can be dragged back in half, how much pressure will this reduce the earth? Have you ever thought about it?"

After listening to this sentence, everyone's mind finally came alive, yes, it is a victory to be able to pull back half of the alien fleet, which is better than the rest of the alien warships all flying to the earth.

Seeing that everyone's spirit had finally recovered, Duan Zhiyang couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and when he looked up, he saw Ye Han giving him a thumbs up.

Duan Zhiyang smiled wryly and shook his head, thinking that this is what I said, I will only know what will happen in the future.

With a beep, the communications staff reported loudly: "The bridge, the Nanzhou is online!"

"Get on the main screen!" Duan Zhiyang said.

As soon as the words fell, Gao Kai appeared on the main screen again: " The latest situation, the second fleet has destroyed a giant ship, and the other giant ships are still in pursuit, Beidu ordered us to slow down. Pursue, see the reaction of the aliens and then decide the next action plan, the task for you is to continue to stay in Ganymede, but the fleet must be ready for battle as soon as possible."

"The foreign devil is quite fast!" Ye Han muttered in a low voice.

"Understood!" Duan Zhiyang nodded, "Commander, didn't you say what the specific mission is?"

"I didn't say it, just be prepared."

At the end of the communication, Duan Zhiyang sighed, "There is no need to sleep now."

Ye Han raised his eyebrows: "Can you sleep?"

Duan Zhiyang twitched the corners of his mouth: "Yes."

Ye Han said again: "You better hurry up and rest for a while, the order is not so fast."

The battlefield is not only farther from the earth and farther from Jupiter, but also the aliens, like humans, do not have the super technology of super beam communication, so not only does the earth need enough time to observe the reaction of the alien fleet, but the aliens near Jupiter and Alien fleet ventilation also takes time.

The time on both sides is put together, and there is no result within a few hours.

The most ideal result is that the alien fleet is forced to turn back to Jupiter, and now it is up to the aliens how to choose.

At about three o'clock in the morning on May 30, Beihai finally waited for the communication from Nanzhou.

Gao Kai's expression and tone were unprecedentedly heavy: "Comrades, the latest news, the observation found that the alien fleet should have received a communication from Jupiter, and the returning alien fleet was divided into two, half of which returned to Jupiter, and the other half was turning Earth."


Everyone is stupid.

Gao Kai said with determination: "The plan has failed, but the battle is not over yet. Beidu ordered us to immediately destroy all the giant ships, and also, immediately destroy Ganymede, and all the satellites occupied by aliens!"

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