Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1082: I want to do better

Ye Han was stupid, Duan Zhiyang was stupid, and everyone was stupid.

"Twenty million tons?" Ye Han couldn't believe his ears, "How is that possible?"

The staff officer was helpless: "Master, the data doesn't lie."

"Are you not wrong?" Ye Han questioned.

"I checked it three times." The staff officer said aggrieved.

"How can we raise the power?" Duan Zhiyang asked.

The staff thought for a while and said, "Speed, just increase the speed."

"Then mention it!"

The staff officer almost cried: "Captain, even if the speed is increased to 60 kilometers per second, the impact energy is only 150 million tons, which is similar to a super nuclear bomb."

Duan Zhiyang looked at Ye Han, Ye Han also looked at Duan Zhiyang, the two looked at each other, and finally everything turned into a sigh.

"No way, it's not that I disagree." Duan Zhiyang's first sentence to break the silence was to clear himself.

There are only three supply ships in the fleet. Even if the three spaceships are tied together and hit them at the fastest speed, it is only equivalent to the power of three super nuclear bombs.

Ye Han's heart was full of bitterness: "Don't put a knife in my heart." What bothered him the most was not that the crash plan died before it even started, but that he thought of the Penglai.

The tonnage of the Penglai is far less than that of a fully loaded supply ship. That is to say, the impact power at the beginning was not as great as imagined. Now that the times have changed, it is a pity for the Penglai in retrospect.

Duan Zhiyang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this: "Yes, I know how to make jokes, so I'm relieved."

Ye Han sighed and said extremely unwillingly: "How could the asteroid wipe out the dinosaurs back then?"

"A little common sense will do. The asteroid is 10 kilometers away, and the supply ship is only 500 meters, okay?" Duan Zhiyang crossed his index fingers and made a cross at Ye Han, "This is twenty times, twenty times!"

Compared with surface warships, space warships of the same tonnage are slightly larger.

The length of a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier is only about 330 meters, while a space battleship of the same tonnage can reach about 370, 80 meters or even 400 meters. The supply ship has a special task, and the structure is not as compact as the main ship, so the volume It is even larger, with a total length of nearly 500 meters at the head and tail, making it the largest active battleship.

Don't underestimate the extra 100 meters. The increase in length means that the width and height will also increase accordingly. The result is that the supply ship is a circle larger than the aerospace carrier. Removing the internal compartment can even remove the aerospace carrier. Put it in your stomach!

If the supply ship fills its stomach according to the standard of an air carrier, its total tonnage will never be less than 200,000 tons. Otherwise, the supply ship cannot be filled with 270,000 tons.

If it wasn't for the necessary armor and military facilities to overcome a lot of space, it was purely made according to the standard of a civilian transport ship with a big belly and a thin skin. A supply load of more than 80,000 tons of 60,000 to 700,000 tons is not a problem at all, millions of Tons are not too heavy to hold. (Note: 1)

"You don't have to emphasize it to me." Ye Han said, I don't even know this point. "

In fact, he really doesn't know the difference, but he has a biochip in his head, I don't know if we can count it!

Ye Han immediately gave an instruction to the biochip, and the chip immediately gave an astonishing set of data: if the length and width or the diameter of the ball doubled, the volume would be eight times the original size.

The difference between five hundred meters and ten kilometers is twenty times, and the volume of the latter will be 64,000 times that of the former!

If a fully loaded supply ship weighs one million tons, then a ten-kilometer asteroid will weigh 64 billion tons and hit Ganymede at a relative speed of 25 kilometers. The energy released is about 4.8 trillion tons of TNT, which is equivalent to detonating 32,000 at the same time. A super nuclear bomb.

Ye Han's eyes were dazzled by the large series of zeros in these sets of numbers. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to detonate five trillion tons of TNT.

"It's good that you know." Duan Zhiyang breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't think so much, we've done our best."

"But I still want to do better..." Ye Han whispered.

"You have done a good job." Duan Zhiyang said.

"I want to do better!" Ye Han's tone suddenly became very firm, "Old Duan, do you read science fiction?"

Duan Zhiyang thought that your words were turning too fast, but he asked vigilantly, "What do you mean?"

Ye Han said, "Have the Devourer seen it?"


"If you don't know, go back and look for it." Ye Han said, "In short, nuclear bombs are installed on asteroids, a large number of nuclear bombs are installed, and then they are detonated layer by layer, and the asteroid is propelled by nuclear explosions."

Duan Zhiyang suddenly said: "I seem to understand a little bit, isn't that what Orion is doing?"

"That's a spaceship, this is an asteroid, can it be the same!" Ye Han stared, "Do we still have a lot of nuclear bombs? There are thousands of missiles alone, as well as nuclear mines and nuclear bombs, choose one A suitable asteroid might work!"

Duan Zhiyang didn't come up in one almost suffocated: "Why are you still thinking about this?"

Ye Han said bitterly: "If I don't take care of them, I can't take this breath!"

Duan Zhiyang reluctantly said: "We have quite a few nuclear bombs, but if we add them all together, it's only a few thousand, and more than half of them are 12-ton miniature bombs. Calculate for yourself, how much is the equivalent of 7,000 miniature bombs combined? "

The biochip gave the answer in an instant, 84,000 tons!

Duan Zhiyang didn't want to hear Ye Han's answer at all. He excitedly stretched out his finger and made a little gesture, and kept gesturing at Ye Han: "It's not as good as a super bomb, a fraction!"

Having said that, he took a breath, calmed his mind and persuaded: "Lao Ye, I know you are unwilling, and I am as unwilling as you, but can you be more sober? It's not that you don't know what our conditions are now, just How many noises can you hear when you throw it all in? Your wild plans are good, but we don't have the conditions for them to be realized at all!"

Ye Han's straight back seemed to bend in an instant, and his whole body was shrouded in depression and loss: "Then you say, if the plan is sent back to Earth, can the above agree?"

"I can't say." Duan Zhiyang shook his head. "But I think the asteroid is more likely to pass."

These two plans are too crazy. It would be better if they were closer to the earth, but this is Jupiter, which is far away from the earth, and either plan needs to consume a small amount of strategic resources, and it is very difficult to implement.

"Then I'll write a report and submit it, regardless of whether the boss agrees or not..." Ye Han sighed wearily, "In short, I've done my best."

Maybe it was his conscience, or maybe he didn't have confidence. This time, Ye Han let Duan Zhiyang go, and didn't change his way to coax him to sign together.

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