Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1090: listen from a distance

() Ye Han suddenly became an ant on the hot pot: "Lao Qi, where's the picture? Where's the picture?"

"No, we're at the wrong angle, we can't see the battlefield..." Qi Haifeng shook his head again and again, "Or the signal wouldn't be this bad."

"How is that possible?" Bian Ge looked suspicious.

Qi Haifeng tapped a few times on the touch screen, and the top view of the solar system immediately appeared on the main screen.

He pointed to the picture and said: "Jupiter will oppose the sun in May. We are now behind the earth, the moon and the battlefield are in front of Jupiter, and the earth is just in the middle."

Qi Haifeng drew heavily on the earth and ended the explanation.

When he said this, everyone remembered Jupiter's opposition to the sun.

Ye Han frowned and asked, "How long until the moon turns out?"

"At least six days." Qi Haifeng said, "When we can see it, this battle should be over long ago."

He tapped twice again, and the main screen reverted to a close-up shot of the Earth... Due to the position, from the Tokai's point of view, the Earth's left side was day and the right was night.

Ye Han was about to speak, but a new voice came out in the communication: "All units pay attention, Jizhou at ten, Qingzhou at two, Xuzhou at four, Yangzhou at eight, Youzhou at six, Taizhou at twelve, and Yuzhou at ten. The island is in the center to respond, and the fighters will be released immediately after the ships disperse, repeat, and the fighters will be released immediately after dispersing—”

As soon as the voice fell, the communication immediately became chaotic. The password for flying the fighter, the sound of adjusting the position, and various reply sounds were mixed together, and it was not clear who was who.

You don't need to ask to know that this is because the Tokai used a full-band reception method to receive more signals, and received all communication content in one go.

And each level of command on the battlefield has its own frequency, and there will be no such confusion.

The communication in the front and the chaos in the back were unprecedentedly clear, but no one in the bridge noticed this, and everyone was attracted by the content of the communication.

Long Jianguo looked at Ye Han: "Is the fleet unfolding? Is this about flying a kite?"

Ye Han nodded with a sullen face, and the scattered fleets in the shape of plum blossoms appeared in his mind: "Not counting the international fleet, we have seven air carriers, and one wave can dispatch more than 1,400 fighter jets..."

"So many?" Xiao Yuan was amazed, "Can't more than a thousand fighter jets defeat the alien fleet?"

Qi Haifeng said: "The key is not how much we can produce, but how much the aliens can produce. According to what I said, the aliens still have more than 400 warships, and they are all alien warships that are aircraft carriers. You do the math. How many planes can aliens get out of at one time?"

"So many?" Xiao Yuan's eyes almost didn't pop out.

"Too much? This is still half of the interceptor fleet." Qi Haifeng said.

Xiao Yuan's eyes straightened: "So, the interceptor fleet killed more than 400 alien warships?"

"Yeah." Qi Haifeng nodded.

Xiao Yuan continued to be dazed, but quickly recovered: "Can this battle be won?"

"Could it be that if the enemy is strong enough not to fight, you can use the failure to win as an excuse to avoid fighting?" Ye Han tapped the armrest hard.

"That's not what I meant." Xiao Yuan quickly shook his head, "I'm worried about the fleet, and, and the earth..."

Ye Han's expression softened: "Everyone is as worried as you are. There is no shortage of empty Helicarriers at home, but there are definitely not many **** ships. Relying on 011 **** alone... I really don't know what to do."

"What's wrong with 011? Isn't it fine?" Long Jianguo asked puzzled.

He is an army officer, and he was transferred to the fleet to do the work of the Marine Corps. He didn't even know the fur of the fleet.

Ye Han said: "No matter what kind of mothership, it is mainly aircraft, and the equipment on the ship is very small. Once the enemy is approached, it will rely on the **** formation to fight."

"I know this!" Long Jianguo wondered.

Ye Han sighed: "Then, do you know that an aerospace carrier needs much more **** ships than an aircraft carrier? Do you know that 011 is thick and thin?"

Long Jianguo shook his head honestly: "I understand the front, what does the back mean?" Surface combat is two-dimensional, while space combat is three-dimensional, so aircraft carriers need more **** ships.

"It means that the 011 level has more than enough offense and insufficient defense, and the armor is too poor. It is not the material for **** at all." Qi Haifeng said.

Long Jianguo understood: "What should we do then?"

Ye Han said: "The key is the carrier-based aircraft. As long as the aircraft can withstand it, the aircraft carrier will be fine."

"It doesn't matter if the planes are exhausted, as long as the planes are withdrawn in time to replenish the planes, there will be combat effectiveness if there are planes. The key depends on how Beiyuezhou prepares." Qi Haifeng said.

Bian Ge has one big head and two big ones: "I'll make your head explode, so let's just say if we can win."

Ye Han and Qi Haifeng were silent together, but finally Ye Han broke the silence: "It depends on how to fight."

Bian Ge immediately understood, this is so unconvincing, obviously Ye Han is not optimistic about this battle, it's just as if he didn't say anything.

Long Jianguo said, "It's been so long, it's time to catch fire, right?"

"Not yet." Qi Haifeng said, "I've been watching."

"What did you say?" Ye Han asked.

"It's nothing, it's all about tactical assignments, etc.," Qi Haifeng said.

"What about the distance? Did you say the distance between the enemy and me?"

"I haven't found it yet, it's too messy."

Ye Han immediately said, "Why don't you separate the command channel separately?"

Qi Haifeng smiled bitterly: "That frequency band has been quiet just now."

"Why is it so messy!" Ye Han looked sad.

"I have it!" Qi Haifeng suddenly shouted in surprise, and with a finger, a voice appeared on the bridge: "Distance... hoo... 8,000, long-range missiles... live ammunition 100 percent... Zi... 100 decoy bombs. Ninety percent..."

The so-called decoy bombs are fakes that disrupt audiovisuals, and their only use is to cover the real missiles.

"This is the beginning?" Bian Ge was a little stunned, eight thousand kilometers was a little too far.

"Shh—" Several people put their raised fingers to their lips together.

Everyone wanted to hear about the next However, the communication became a mess again, all of which were instructions to launch missiles, and then the communication was silent again.

Bian Ge coughed lightly, "Can you speak?"

Just as Ye Han was about to say yes, the voice from the earth reappeared: "The enemy forces will fly... Zi... pay attention... release the aircraft group... Zi... attack!"

"Five divisions, five divisions... five..."

"Eight divisions and eight divisions... keep... nourish... accelerate"

"Eleven... Zi... hold on, hold on..."


"It's starting!" Several voices said in unison. Although they couldn't see the situation on the battlefield, they could imagine what it would be like when a huge group of friendly aircraft and a large group of enemy aircraft slowly pressed down from both sides at the same time.

Everyone's hearts were raised at this moment, worried about the battle far away on Earth, and more worried about the comrades who resisted the aliens.

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