Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1095: tipped balance

() It is people who decide the war, but it is also people who sacrifice on the battlefield. Bian Ge understands the truth, and everyone understands it, but it is one thing to understand, and it is another thing to be unhappy.

525 on the screen is still alone, Qi Haifeng points a finger, the picture shrinks rapidly, and returns to the entire battlefield from one corner of the battlefield.

Everyone's eyes fell on the main screen, each focusing on a different position.

The human fighter group is still fighting with alien fighters, but everyone immediately discovered that the number of human fighters on the screen was much less than before, while the number of alien fighters did not change significantly.

"What's the matter?" Bian Ge was shocked and angry, no matter what, he couldn't believe it was true.

Qi Haifeng's eyes were deep: "There are too many alien fighters."

The encounter of the 525 fleet is just a microcosm of the battlefield. If you look away and put it on the entire battlefield, you will find that similar situations are constantly happening. Many teams are drinking and hating on the spot in the fierce confrontation, and they can really destroy it like the 525. Enemy ships are rare.

Are the pilots in front not working hard? of course not.

Aren't the pilots ahead brave? Of course not.

Aren't the pilots in the front struggling? Of course not.

The brave pilots have done everything they can, but the manpower is sometimes poor. The soldiers' marching forward and backward can only prove that human beings are still indomitable, but they cannot stop the rolling alien fleet.

More and more human fighter planes have fallen in the fierce confrontation. Most of the pilots cannot escape the pursuit of aliens, and only a few lucky ones have the opportunity to escape the battlefield.

The more serious problem is that there are too few rescue planes, fewer rescue planes can avoid the enemy, and even fewer can contact the rescue plane in time and return to the mothership successfully.

Nevertheless, as long as the pilots return to the mothership, they will immediately board another fighter to take off again, and continue to engage in the deteriorating battle - cowards without such courage do not need to contact the rescue aircraft, only When you lose contact, you can continue to float outside without having to fight another round.

However, no matter whether the Chinese side or the base group, all officers and soldiers on the battlefield know that this fleet is the last family of mankind, and behind the fleet is the earth. This battle is not only a battle between the enemy and ourselves, but also two races. battle of fate.

Without the determination to die, you will not set foot on a warship.

Without the determination to die, there will be no fighter jets in and out.

There is no determination to die, let alone face the murderous enemy.

However, courage cannot destroy any enemy plane, and there are fewer and fewer fighter planes on the human side. Even if a human fighter plane can kill three or even five enemy planes, it still cannot reverse the tipping balance.

The coalition forces have been trying to use nuclear bombs to restore the situation. Using nuclear bombs to hit enemy planes will not get much results, and fighting warships will not be able to break through the blockade of alien aircraft groups.

And once the nuclear bomb is used, the radar will be strongly interfered by the electromagnetic pulse, which will greatly reduce the combat capability of the fighter.

At a critical moment, a large number of fighter planes suddenly flew out of the air carrier, and they rushed to the battlefield immediately after leaving the battleship...

Ye Han subconsciously exclaimed: "UAV?"

The drones equipped by the military are very similar to ordinary fighter planes, but a discerning person can see the difference between the two at a glance.

Bian Ge was stunned: "Didn't you say you can't use it?"

"There should be no other way." Qi Haifeng said, "There are only so many pilots..."

Halfway through his words, he couldn't speak any more.

There are no less than 1,500 pilots participating in the war, but how many are still alive? If there is no way, how could the fleet send the drones with huge hidden dangers?

"Isn't there no remote control?"

Qi Haifeng blinked hard: "The drone can also fly according to the program, fully automatic."

Ye Han said: "In this battlefield environment, except for program-controlled drones, they can't fly at all."

"Can you do it?"

"I don't know." Qi Haifeng said, "No one has done this before. This is the first time."

A large number of drones entered the battlefield, and a voice suddenly came from the command channel: "All attention, everyone will withdraw immediately..."

The order was issued, but very few pilots actually implemented it.

Some of them were entangled by the enemy and could not withdraw at all, some were red-eyed and did not want to withdraw at all, and some were in a communication blind area and simply did not get the order.

After a while, the drone swarm rushed into the battlefield. The drones with sufficient ammunition immediately caught the enemy aircraft and launched missiles. In just half a minute, all the missiles on the aircraft were wiped out.

Next, it entered the dogfight mode, and the drone slammed into the alien swarm that was not afraid of death.

Although UAVs are program-driven, the programs are loaded with the tactical essence that humans have summarized for decades. They fly and flip, sometimes stand alone, sometimes cooperate with each other.

The command channel issued an order to retreat again. This time, the order was not only given to the fighters fighting on the front line, but also to the 011-level battleship group that served as the second line of defense.

The fleet did not evacuate immediately after receiving the order, but insisted on sticking to the spot and covering the fighters to evacuate.

With the restraint of drones, the remaining fighter planes finally got rid of the enemy planes, and some fighter planes took the ejected comrades along the way when they evacuated.

After the aircraft group crossed the front formed by the 011 class, the 011 class also began to retreat.

Looking at the withdrawn fighter plane on the screen, everyone was silent.

At the time of departure, there were 1,450 planes, and now there are less than 200 planes that have returned, at least half of which are returning to the battlefield after the crash.

The sadness in Bian Ge's eyes is hard to hide: "Is this a defeat?"

Qi Haifeng said solemnly: "It should be... at this point in the There is no point in persisting, it is better to preserve a little strength..."

Fighting light is tragic and sturdy enough, but in that case, the earth will be finished. Although retreating at this time is very frustrating, it can save the last bit of vitality for mankind.

Bian Ge turned his head away and refused to look at the screen: "I know this battle is not easy to fight, but I really didn't expect to lose so quickly and so badly."

The interceptor fleet has at least lost more than 400 alien warships, but now? There were no less than a few thousand enemy planes killed, but there were only three or fifty enemy ships at most.

It's not that Bian Ge is pessimistic, but the aliens have already mastered the flight rules of drones. The drones that were able to compete with alien fighters just now suffered heavy losses and are no longer able to resist the alien swarm. After a while, the last one. A drone exploded in the air.

The battlefield fell into a brief silence, and then some alien fighters returned to the mothership, but more alien fighters re-formed and aggressively rushed towards the gradually shrinking human fleet.

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