Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1103: alien revenge

() Bian Ge was stunned, speechless, and suddenly asked, "What's the distance?"

Qi Haifeng glanced at the screen: "Satellite guns are 500 kilometers away, and enemy ships are 600 kilometers away."

"So close?" Bian Ge looked disappointed.

Qi Haifeng glanced at Bian Ge: "Then how much do you want?"

"It has to be 30,000 to 50,000 kilometers, right?" Bian Ge said without hesitation.

"Three to fifty thousand?" Qi Haifeng rolled his eyes, "You can hit the synchronous orbit directly, and you won't directly destroy the alien fleet..."

Before the words were finished, another wave of lasers lifted off on the ground, targeting the alien fleet at an altitude of 1,000 kilometers, and successfully destroyed three enemy ships.

The alien fleet was suddenly in an uproar, so the alien battleship turned around and ran away.

The aliens responded quickly, but the laser air defense network responded faster, firing into the air wave after wave, killing more than a dozen enemy ships one after another.

Counting the enemy ships killed in other directions, fifty or sixty alien warships were killed in such a short time, and the results were brilliant.

However, the range of the ground air defense network is indeed far inferior to that of the super cannon. After the aliens raised the orbital altitude to 2,000 kilometers, the laser from the ground hit the enemy ship again, but this time the enemy ship only emitted a burst of blue smoke, and then Running away quickly, the laser from the ground had to stop.

Everyone on the Donghai had a feeling of escaping, and Long Jianguo looked at Qi Haifeng for the first time: "Is this guarding it?"

Qi Haifeng nodded: "It should be."

"Great!" Bian Ge waved his fist.

After being frightened for so long, I finally heard good news.

Although the others didn't say anything, they were also relieved.

What everyone is most worried about is the fall of the earth. Now that the earth is blocking the alien fleet, it doesn't matter whether the earth or the moon are not available to aliens. When I arrived at Io, the nuclear bombs in the center of the earth were lonely and unbearable, waiting for the aliens to come.

Thinking of this, Ye Han suddenly remembered one thing: "Lao Qi, are there two alien spaceships heading towards Io Wei?"

"Yes, there is such a thing."

"Where is the spaceship?"

"That's what you're asking... I don't know!" Qi Haifeng made a rare joke.

Ye Han also smiled: "Okay, if you don't know, you don't know. If the aliens dare to go up, they will definitely dare to bomb the moon."

A few nuclear bombs can't blow up Io, but there is absolutely no problem in destroying the planetary engine placed in the center of the earth, and Io will stay in front of the earth forever.

Hit the Earth with Io Zero? wishful thinking!

The crisis of the earth was lifted, and everyone's mood was relaxed, and they chatted for a while before leaving the bridge.

There is still more than a month's voyage, and Ye Han plans to wait for the aliens to leave the earth, then re-inject hibernin and sleep all the way back to Beiyuezhou.

His little abacus was playing quite loudly, but he didn't expect to sleep soundly that night, when Qi Haifeng suddenly called out: "Senior Ye, something happened!"

Ye Han's sleepy bug disappeared immediately: "What's the matter?"

"Alien Fleet, they are flying to L4 and L5!"

Ye Han's mind paused, and suddenly realized what Qi Haifeng said: "Lagrange point... asteroid?"

This news is like pouring a basin of ice water on his head, and the chill seeps from the skin to the bones.

Qi Haifeng's face sinks like water: "It should be."

Ye Han quickly climbed out of the sleeping bag: "Is there any news up there?"

"Not yet."

"Is there any report?" Ye Han quickly put on his clothes.

"Reported." Qi Haifeng said, "But I think the above should have known it long ago."

"I'll be there soon." Ye Han said while jumping out of the dormitory, flying flexibly in the corridor, and arrived at the bridge in a short while.

The main screen has long been replaced with a top view of the Earth-Moon system. At this time, the alien fleet is divided into two, one is flying to L4, and the other is flying to L5.

Lagrangian points are also called translation points. In layman's terms, they are the gravitational equilibrium points between two large celestial bodies. There are five in total.

The L4 and L5 of the Earth-Moon system are located before and after the moon, and are on the orbit of the moon. Any point connected to the Earth and the moon can form an equilateral triangle.

Most importantly, there are asteroids at these two points!

(PS: I can't find information on this on the Internet. There should be no asteroids in the L4 and L5 of the earth and the moon. Here is the plot need, please don't be too concerned about it - this paragraph is not within the charged word count!)

Both L4 and L5 are stable gravitational equilibrium points. These asteroids are not a problem at all in normal times, but if aliens acquire these asteroids, it will directly threaten the safety of the earth.

Ye Han stared at the screen for a while before asking in a low voice, "How long will it take?"

"At the current speed, L4 is about an hour longer, and L5 is a little longer, between one and a half to two hours." Qi Haifeng said.

"Is there any movement from above?" Ye Han asked reluctantly.

Qi Haifeng shook his head: "It's too far."

Ye Han repeated blankly: "Yeah, it's too far."

Whether the earth or the moon, the distance between these two points is nearly 400,000 kilometers, and it will take two days to fly over this distance at the fastest.

After watching for a while, Ye Han shook his head and said, "It should be fine."

The asteroids on the two points are not much combined, and then again, the earth's air defense network even aliens have to shy away, so what's the point of dealing with an asteroid?

A flashing cursor suddenly appeared on the screen in front of Qi Haifeng, and he immediately said, "There is news up there!"

Ye Han immediately floated to Qi Haifeng's side: "What did you say?"

Qi Haifeng clicked on the icon and swept it at a glance: "It's nothing special, it's just to remind all units to get ready... God!"

"What's wrong?"

Qi Haifeng raised his head and looked at Ye Han with astonished eyes: "The above said that there are several asteroids coming to the earth soon, the smallest is two or three kilometers, and the largest is almost eight kilometers."

Ye Han's whole body is bad: "How many in total?"

"Said six."

Ye Han suddenly turned his head and stared at the alien fleet: "It must be aliens!"

There are many small celestial bodies near the, but most of the asteroids are less than three meters in size, and there are very few asteroids above three meters.

It's not that there are no larger asteroids, but it's definitely not the norm. Usually it's difficult to have one, so how can there be six at the same time now?

The only explanation is aliens.

And Ye Han thought of Ganymede.

When Ganymede was destroyed, the interception campaign had ended for more than a month, but the actions of the Beihai fleet could not be hidden from the aliens.

Although the aliens are down and out, they are also an interstellar race. It is impossible not to understand the intentions of the Beihai fleet. If there is no way, the aliens on Ganymede must have run away long ago.

Therefore, it is very likely that the aliens deliberately brought a few asteroids after discovering the intention of the Beihai fleet, in order to repeat the destruction of Ganymede and retaliate against mankind... But the alien fleet runs L4 and What does it mean to go to L5? Are these two places related to the asteroid that is about to reach the earth?

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