Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1108: disintegrating asteroids

() The gap between nuclear explosions is getting shorter and shorter. The high-frequency nuclear explosions flashed everyone's eyes. The screen almost turned into a white screen, and everyone couldn't see anything useful.

It was not until the nuclear explosion came to an end that the screen gradually returned to normal, and everyone's eyes slowly recovered.

When they saw the scene on the screen clearly, everyone was immediately dumbfounded.

In just a few minutes, the battlefield changed completely.

None of the split-guided warheads from the intercontinental missile were left, corresponding to only three and a half of the six asteroids left, and the other two and a half turned into rubble in the nuclear explosion.

The battleships hidden behind the asteroid all followed the asteroid, and those with the asteroid cover were basically safe. As for the rest, not to mention, without the cover of the asteroid, the nuclear explosion could not escape the laser blow.

When Lu Hang launched an impact on the asteroid, there were more than 50 fighter planes, and it was less than half of it. The fighting airspace was full of floating debris of fighter planes, many of which were human, and more were aliens.

The situation on the other side is not much stronger. Lu Hang has killed a large number of alien fighters at the cost of annihilating the entire army, but only a few of the alien warships have been killed.

Ye Han quickly counted it. The two battlefields were hundreds of kilometers apart. There were only more than 30 fighter planes left, and all the fighter planes had run out of missiles, losing the basic conditions for continuing operations.

The brief and intense exchange of fire failed to change the situation on the battlefield. The asteroid continued to advance, and the alien warships were still hiding behind the asteroid. The anti-aircraft fire from the ground has not stopped, and countless lasers have been hitting the asteroid one after another.

Ye Han was so anxious: "What's the matter, don't the aliens want to hit the earth with an asteroid?"

"Shouldn't it be?" Qi Haifeng's tone was full of uncertainty, "In that case, just throw the asteroid directly, there is no need for the battleship to follow."

Bian Ge immediately put forward a different opinion: "What if aliens deliberately use asteroids to attract firepower?"

There was silence in the bridge, and everyone looked at Bian Ge, their eyes as if they were going to strip Bian Ge.

"What do you want to do?" Bian Ge was taken aback, "Why don't you let people talk?"

Ye Han shook his head: "On the contrary, I think you are talking!"

"Yes!" Qi Haifeng immediately agreed, "This is the purpose of the aliens. If the asteroid is allowed to land, the earth will be finished. You said, if the enemy's warship enters the atmosphere with the asteroid, the asteroid or the enemy ship will be dealt with first. ?"

"Of course..." Bian Ge wanted to say the enemy ship, but he couldn't spit out the words.

Aliens landing on the earth will cause endless harm, but no matter how bad the consequences are, they will not appear immediately. Asteroids are different. This thing can't be landed at all. Once it hits the ground, it is an astronomical disaster. It's not a joke to spread to the world. Who dares to fight enemy ships first, regardless of asteroids?

With the cover of asteroids, the alien fleet definitely has a chance to break through the air defense network, and landing on the earth is not a dream.

Long Jianguo's face was extremely ugly: "There must be missiles on the ground, and asteroids are definitely not a problem."

"Missiles alone are useless, the key is whether there are intercontinental missiles." Qi Haifeng said, "When the asteroid enters the atmosphere, it will be too late."

Intercontinental missiles can fly out of the atmosphere, and ordinary missiles can only destroy targets in the atmosphere even if they are equipped with nuclear bombs.

Ye Han was worried: "Did you say there are still intercontinental missiles?"

"There should be." Bian Ge guessed, "This is only one round, and it is impossible for the top to bet all the treasures in one round."

"It's just that there are not many. It's impossible to fight as many times as before." Qi Haifeng said.

"That would be troublesome," Ye Han said.

If there are still a large number of intercontinental missiles, countries can arrange them calmly and fight several more rounds to intercept asteroids.

If not?

Good steel must be used on the edge of the blade. There are not enough ICBMs to back them up, and the only ICBMs left have to be used carefully, that is to say, they must be used at the most critical time.

The earlier an intercontinental missile is launched, the easier it is to be intercepted by aliens. Conversely, the closer the asteroid flies to the earth, the more dangerous it is. The contradiction between the two is simply irreconcilable.

Guys, you said every word, and it didn't take long for you to say all the possibilities. At the end, there was nothing to say, and you could only continue to stare at the screen and ponder.

The alien warship was still advancing against the asteroid, and the remaining fighter planes of the Army Aviation followed for a while and suddenly flew away. It seemed that they should have returned to the moon.

The laser still kept hitting, the ground already knew that it couldn't deal with the asteroid, and the front laser didn't know when to stop, and only the firepower on the side was trying its best to hit the enemy ship.

However, the arrangement of the asteroids is very strict, no matter whether the beam comes from the front or the side, it cannot be an enemy ship.

The asteroid flew closer and closer, and the ground finally launched missiles again, but the number was less than ten.

As soon as the missile flew out of the atmosphere, it was strongly blocked by the aliens, and the alien fleet was completely destroyed by the fine light without even touching the side of the alien fleet.

In this way, the asteroid will pass a distance of more than 1,000 kilometers in a short while, and will soon fall into the atmosphere. But until this time, the third round of missiles did not appear.

Everyone's hearts are freezing, watching the asteroid collide into the atmosphere.

Could it be that the earth today can't even make up a few intercontinental missiles?

The first asteroid to fall into the atmosphere finally appeared, a cloud of red light enveloped the lower end of the asteroid, and then several other asteroids entered the atmosphere one after another.

"It's over!" Qi Haifeng stared at the screen with dazed eyes.

"What the **** are you waiting for?" Xiao Yuan's eyes were full of The others were not much better, Long Jianguo looked at the screen without saying a word; What; Ye Han's eyes were straight, and he was dumbfounded.

At this point, even if the asteroid is hit with a nuclear bomb, the debris will remain in the atmosphere and continue to fall to the ground.

At a critical moment, the ground beneath the asteroid finally reacted again, and a large number of air defense missiles were launched at the same time.

Seeing this, everyone has an answer in their hearts. The intercontinental missiles must be all used up, otherwise it is impossible to wait until this time to launch the missiles.

At this time, everyone didn't dare to expect anything more. They only wanted the missile to smash the asteroid, and the fragments fell to the ground. It was nothing, it was better than the asteroid hitting the ground directly.

At this time, the battleship that had been hiding behind the asteroid suddenly turned on its full power, and the dense light fell on the asteroid, quickly dividing the huge asteroid, and the fragments separated from the main body immediately flew away, without any damage. After a while, the huge asteroid turned into a rain of meteorites flying all over the sky, occupying a large area of ​​the sky like a dark cloud on fire.

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