Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1112: maybe a good thing

() Ye Han thought about it carefully, and felt that what he thought before was simply wrong.

Aliens can move on the surface of Ganymede in a vacuum, so he subconsciously felt that the extreme cold of Antarctica would definitely not help aliens.

However, the vacuum lacks a medium for transferring heat, which is equivalent to adding a natural thermal insulation layer to the aliens.

What about Antarctica? The cold air here is dozens of degrees below zero. If the insulation measures are not in place, even the aliens will be frozen into popsicles.

Aliens rely on biotechnology to conquer the world, and Antarctica is extremely cold and light throughout the year. It is definitely the most unsuitable place in the world for the development of biotechnology.

This ghost place is cold to the core. If you want to engage in biotechnology, you must first find a way to keep warm. There is no way to do it on Ganymede, but there are places on earth with suitable temperatures, so why stay here and find it hard?

After I figured it all out, and then look at the actions of the aliens, everything is so logical.

But then again, what if you figure it out? At the beginning, only a few warships landed, and the earth was tossed. This time, dozens of ships were landed in one go.

The alien fleet flew lower and lower, perhaps because of the speed, or because of the power issue, and the falling warship had obvious tremors.

But the alien warships are integrated, and the structural strength is much better than that of human warships, and none of the warships disintegrated during the landing process.

It didn't take long for some alien warships to fall into the clouds, and they were only five or six kilometers away from the ground at most.

At this time, most of the warships had already flown to the sea, plunging into the water like prey ospreys and disappearing.

There were also several ships that failed to fly out of the ice in time. First, an alien warship slammed into the thick ice sheet. The first half was smashed into pieces, and the second half was full of cracks, and it looked like it would disintegrate when it touched.

Another alien warship had even worse luck. It actually slammed into the towering iceberg. At the same time as the peak collapsed, the warship was also split by the hard iceberg. The mountain fell.

Another alien warship flew near the air defense position as if it was looking for death. The soldiers who were so angry poured all their anger on the warship, and a laser opened more than a dozen holes in the enemy ship.

However, the warship finally landed safely, and it was also the unfortunate alien warship that landed near the air defense position.

The soldiers immediately flattened the laser cannon and blasted at the enemy ship, and they refused to stop until the enemy ship was beaten into a sieve.

In addition, there were also two alien warships that landed safely. One of them fell in the blizzard without moving, and the other fell not far from the coast. The alien warship on the ship left the ship immediately, and then Another large group of aliens flew out and flew to the sea without hesitation.

Ye Han was dumbfounded: "What's going on? Why do I feel like they are fleeing?"

"I look the same." Xiao Yuan said.

"Are you afraid we will bomb them with nuclear bombs?" Qi Haifeng guessed.

Xiao Yuan seemed to have heard some great news: "Isn't it? Those battleships can't fly?"

"Shouldn't be!" Ye Han frowned, "They fly as soon as they say fly on top of Io Wei Ling. Could it be that they are so close?"

Io's gravity is indeed much lower than Earth's, but the difference isn't that big, right?

"It may also be that the engine has burned out." Qi Haifeng said again.

Humans have not yet figured out the power source of alien warships, but if such a large warship does not try to counteract the gravity when it lands, the final result must hit the ground like a meteorite.

According to this line of thinking, it is not impossible for the alien warship to burn the engine.

Several people were talking about you and me, and the alien aircraft group and a large group of aliens had already flown to the sea, as if they had found something, and suddenly turned in circles on a piece of water.

After a while, an alien spaceship with scorch marks on the surface floated underwater. All the alien fighters and aliens fell into the warship, and then the warship sank back into the water and quickly disappeared. .

Ye Han turned his head and asked, "Lao Qi, is there any of our submarines near the Antarctic?"

"Where am I going to know about this?" Qi Haifeng smiled bitterly, "Even if there is, it's only offensive."

If there is a strategic missile nuclear submarine near the Antarctic, the nuclear bomb has already been blown away, how can the alien fleet land so smoothly?

"It's going to be aggressive!" Ye Han pointed at the screen and said.

Xiao Yuan said: "If there is, the sky should be turned upside down under the water now, right?"

"Even if it doesn't, it will definitely be dispatched. Maybe all the submarines around the world are heading for the Antarctic now." Ye Han guessed, "The enemy ships have all fallen down, so you can't just watch it from above, right?"

Qi Haifeng said worriedly: "Do you think submarines are the opponents of alien warships?"

"'s really hard to say." Ye Han is very cautious, "Space battleships are definitely not suitable for underwater, but alien battleships grow out of water, they must have enough understanding of underwater, maybe they can also Fight underwater."

Qi Haifeng's expression changed: "Why is he so omnipotent?"

Ye Han added: "There are so many planes on the alien warships, especially the submarine carriers. If the alien warships can also anti-submarine, how many submarines come will be nonsense."

"It shouldn't." Xiao Yuan said, "Alien fighters are still omnipotent?"

Qi Haifeng said: "If you want me to say, the key to whether aliens are anti-submarine or not depends on whether they have such a concept, this thing is a layer of window paper, no one will feel anything if it is pierced, but before it is pierced, everyone will Don't wonder what's behind the window paper."

The technical level of aliens, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com to come up with a special anti-submarine bug bomb should not be a big problem.

Ye Han rolled his eyes: "I haven't done any anti-submarine exercises in the past few years, have I?"

"Aliens can't deal with it, how can you have the leisure?"

"That's fine, that's fine." Ye Han immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Lao Qi, I suggest reporting this idea right away..."

"Tell me not to use the aircraft for anti-submarine? Are you kidding me?" Qi Haifeng teased me with a look on his face.

Ye Han was at a loss for words, isn't it, now the aircraft is the main force of anti-submarine, submarines really don't care much about submarines, and the efficiency is really not very good: "Then report it, don't mention the plane, just talk about aliens People may not know that aircraft can anti-submarine, and it must be more comprehensive than we think, it is best to find out all the positions of enemy ships first, and then dispatch aircraft to catch them all."

"That's a good feeling." Qi Haifeng said, "According to this, it might be a good thing for aliens to boil the battleship in the water."

"Hopefully." Ye Han said worriedly.

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