Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1123: I probably understand

The tail cabin of the East China Sea, the vacuum storage area.

All the members of the Airborne Division lined up in awe, and Ye Han received a communication from the bridge: "Senior Ye, my ship is about to arrive at the designated position, please be prepared."

"Understood." Ye Han agreed, then opened his throat and shouted, "Are you all ready?"

"All right!"

Ye Han punched the airlock switch: "Follow me!" After speaking, the first one ran into the slowly opening airlock, and the magnetic shoes stomped heavily on the deck, every step was like stepping into the mud.

Ye Han simply jumped out with all his might, and at the same time turned off the magnetic control device, and the whole person slowly floated out of the cabin.

Outside the airlock is empty space, and the blue earth hangs high in the distance... This scene is so familiar, it's like going back many years.

If you could turn back time...

Behind Ye Han, the soldiers jumped out of the Donghai in row after row. Ye Han shook off the distracting thoughts in his mind and started the aircraft to fly to the moon.

The soldiers followed, and thousands of airborne troops filled half the sky.

The last soldier jumped out of the hatch, and Ye Han received a communication from Qi Haifeng: "I wish you good luck."

"You too." Ye Han said.

The huge East China Sea suddenly accelerated, and it didn't take long to get away from the moon.

Ye Han knows the order given to Qi Haifeng above. After the Donghai has sent the airborne division to the destination, it will return to Beiyuezhou, where it will be fully remodeled, most of the outer hull will be removed, and the skeleton will be fully strengthened. build a new space city on the basis of

To this day, everyone understands that it was a foolish decision to withdraw the space city from the moon, but Zhuge Liang would do it afterwards.

Space City is not only the shipyard of Beiyuezhou, but also the anchorage and maintenance center of the fleet. If you don't hurry, the raiding fleet will return to the moon, and it will only be floating in outer space without even a place to park.

Beiyuezhou put his idea on the East China Sea because the East China Sea was big enough to greatly shorten the construction period.

The ground was getting closer and closer, Ye Han adjusted his posture and landed on the moon smoothly. Looking up, the soldiers flew everywhere, but the airborne was very smooth, and everyone landed safely.

After issuing the assembly order, Ye Han rushed to the designated coordinates with several soldiers of the guard battalion. After flying over the two mountain ridges, Ye Han with a sharp eye saw an arched airlock at the bottom of the rock wall in front of him.

Looking at the map, there are exactly the coordinates specified in the command.

"All attention, gather at me!" Ye Han gave a new order, and he was the first to fall outside the airlock.

Just as his feet landed, the airlock was slowly opened, revealing several people wearing power armor.

They jumped out of the airlock immediately, and the person who took the lead was still far away, so they reached out to Ye Han with his right hand: "Ye Han, I finally hope you are here, I welcome you on behalf of Nanyuezhou."

Ye Han felt that the voice was very familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember who it was, and hesitantly stretched out his right hand: "You are..."

"What? I don't even know each other? Me, Wei Chengfei!"

"Oh, Captain Wei, look what you said!" Ye Han apologized again and again, "I really didn't expect to see you here, if it were on Earth, I would have heard it right away... What's the matter? You don't even want an aircraft carrier anymore?"

"What are you talking about, is it what I said?" Wei Chengfei feigned anger, raised his hand and punched Ye Han, "Come on, don't stick here, go ahead and talk about it."

"Just waiting for your words!" Ye Han smiled, "I heard that Nanyuezhou was set up, but I never had the chance to come and see it."

Wei Chengfei turned around and walked in: "Hey, what's there to see, it's similar to Beiyuezhou, but the top wants to stop the Americans."

The moon only has water ice resources at the north and south poles. When developing the north pole, the base group put a lever in it, and it turned out to be divided into two parts of the world.

With the threat of aliens hanging over human heads, Beidu also knocked down his teeth and swallowed blood, and took action to seize Nanyuezhou. He must have the idea of ​​monopolizing the south pole of the moon.

Ye Han couldn't help asking, "Is that what the Yankees recognize?"

"That must be unwilling, but who made them short-handed?" Wei Chengfei said in a single sentence.

Beidu's strength on the moon is much stronger than the international base. Although the international base never admits it, the international base must look at the face of Beiyuezhou when it comes to the moon. The reason why they are so eager to occupy the South Pole is probably because they are aware of the base. The group may be the first to strike.

Ye Han suddenly said: "How is the development here?" He had only heard of Nanyuezhou, but Beidu had never disclosed the situation of Nanyuezhou, and even the internal information of the military was very little.

"It's not worse than Beiyuezhou." Wei Chengfei said, "It's just too short of people."

Ye Han asked curiously, "Didn't you make up a lot of people in the past few years?"

"People have made up for it, but Beiyuezhou has deducted everything that can be detained." Wei Chengfei sighed, "Everything here is under military control, and a lunar city is about to become a fortress."

"There is no way for Beiyuezhou, and the people sent from above will not be able to fill such a big gap." Ye Han said, "If everything goes according to plan, Beiyuezhou needs at least a few million people, where is it now? where?"

Beidu's plan is to build Beiyuezhou into a comprehensive space industrial city, from the most basic mining and smelting to the most high-end military production, and no link can leave any shortcomings.

Several million people are quite a lot, but if they were thrown into Beiyuezhou, they would not be able to make a few splashes.

Ye Han believes that if it weren't for the limited reserves of ice deposits on the moon, the scale of Beiyuezhou would definitely be more than a few million people.

Wei Chengfei sighed: "Yeah, the gap is too big, and the rail elevator has been withdrawn, alas... By the way, do you know what the above arranged for you?"

"I don't know, it wasn't mentioned in the order." Ye Han said.

"It's because of the lack of people."

Ye Han was stunned: "I don't quite Wei Chengfei said: "I won't detour with you anymore, you know what's going on now, the rail elevator has been withdrawn, and the Beiyuezhou side is also staffed. I'm very nervous, and the boss is going to transfer some people from you. "

Ye Han said hesitantly, "I have no problem with transferring people out. Can I ask where they want to transfer people?"

"Everywhere needed." Wei Chengfei said.

"Be specific."

"It's a good place to fly a plane, a warship, or a spaceship."

Ye Han's brain is a bit insufficient: "Isn't it? We don't have 2,000 people in the whole division, and Beiyuezhou is not bad enough for me, right?"

Wei Chengfei said: "Beiyuezhou is not inferior to these few people, but what about the training period? Take the pilot as an example, I will give him a biochip, and the technology will definitely pass the test after a few months of work, but what about the physique? If your physique can’t keep up, what’s the use of good technique?”

Ye Han was stunned and nodded lightly: "I probably understand."

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