Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1129: average player

Ye Han got his own test results, and then looked at the average of the test results, feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

His individual scores are indeed a bit above the average for the others, but in terms of individual scores, he is average.

Ye Han didn't expect Professor Qin to turn himself into a superman, but the test data was indeed lower than his psychological expectations, but the fusion was not over yet, maybe the final result could surprise him.

For example, Luo Qi, this kid's strength far exceeds everyone's strength, the increase is 1.4 times, and he can run very fast with a bare-handed weight of 50 to 60 kilograms. He is simply a human-shaped animal!

But Luo Qi didn't see any change on the surface, his muscles only seemed to be a little stronger.

Another example is Ouyang Ping, this boy has an abnormally strong balance ability. He has never practiced acrobatics, but he can perform tightrope walking by pulling a rope, and he can also do somersaults on his head.

It's a pity that balance can't be quantified, and it's not easy to compare the gaps between them.

Ye Han and the others also tried walking the tightrope, and the best result was standing swaying on the tightrope for a few seconds.

Among the others, a warrior named Ma Hongwei was the most eye-catching. This guy's speed increased by 0.6 times, and his sprint directly broke the world record.

In addition, there is a guy named Zhang Rui, who also ran within ten seconds of the 100 meters.

Ye Han is not satisfied with this result, but after all, he has made comprehensive progress and belongs to the average development of all aspects. Others can't do it. Except for one or two items that are more prominent, the growth of other projects is limited, which is purely a hindrance.

The least calm person is actually Professor Qin. According to past experience, it is normal for one or several items to be prominent after cell fusion. Ye Han's all-round growth is definitely the first time in history.

But this is not difficult to explain. Among the ten people, only Ye Han is a serious special forces background. Although he is older, his physical fitness is the best of all.

Looking at the test results before the fusion of others, Luo Qi's strength is stronger than others, and the running speed of Ma Hongwei and Zhang Rui is the same.

Professor Qin immediately wrote a report, suggesting that the next wave of players would pick an average player like Ye Han.

Ye Han and the others returned to the camp directly after leaving the test center. Bian Ge saw Ye Han like a suffering commoner who saw the Red Army: "You're back!"

As Ye Han changed his clothes, he asked, "How is the situation?" During the period of his participation in the experiment, Bian Ge was temporarily in charge of the airborne division.

"Everything is normal here." Bian Ge said.

Ye Han squinted at him: "What happened on the ground?"

"That's a lot." Bian Ge dragged the chair under his buttocks and sat on it like a horse, resting his arms on the backrest, "Which part do you want to listen to?"

"Where is the assault fleet?" Ye Han asked.

According to what he knew, the assault fleet should also return.

"Io, you are competing with the alien fleet." Bian Ge said, "Guess why the aliens have to run to Io?"

"Stop selling off!"

"Because there are still alien warships on Io, I don't know where they are hiding. Before anything happened, more than 50 warships were created."

"So many?" Ye Han suddenly realized that many things that could not be understood now have answers.

For example, why did the aliens not keep warships in outer space of the earth, and why did they divide troops at the critical moment of attacking the earth.

"Can the assault fleet work?" Ye Han asked worriedly.

"Are you thinking crooked?" Bian Ge laughed, "All the old ice ships are hidden on Iowei Zero, so the ones in the past are aircraft carriers."

"Oh!" Ye Han was relieved now, "What's the situation with the navy? It's still competing with Giant Vine."


"It's been a month, and it hasn't cleared up yet?"

"Qingguang? It's good to keep the status quo. Alien things are difficult to deal with."

"How is Europe?"

"It's a big mess." Bian Ge said, "In the beginning, the Europeans were quite stubborn, but after the aliens released the virus, the Europeans fought very stubbornly, and half of Europe was smashed. . Later, the aliens may have been bored and put the virus directly in Europe..."

"Virus?" Ye Han's heart skipped a beat, "What virus?"

"Who knows." Bian Ge shrugged, "I heard that it was a non-lethal virus. After the infection, I felt dizzy and tired, and the bugs took over Europe without much effort."

"What about that person? Where have everyone gone?"

"Where else can we go? All those who can run have run away, and those who can't have kept retreating. Now they should... um, retreat to the border of the former Soviet Union, probably about the same."

"Europe is over?" Ye Han couldn't believe it. Falling into Europe for a month was too much of a bummer, right? What's so special about winter?

"That's not it, half, only half!" Bian Ge emphasized again and again, "Old Maozi has put a million troops on the border, and he is fighting to the death with insects."

"They're not afraid of viruses?"

"Use the three-proof equipment against it."

Ye Han also thought about Why did he forget about this one: "What happened to South America?"

"It hasn't moved yet, but the satellite has discovered the giant worm. It says that the South American giant worm is accumulating strength and may go north at any time... The Yankees are well prepared, much stronger than the Europeans, and they can persist for a while even if they fight. ."

"That's good." Ye Han felt relieved.

Europe is smashed. If there is another accident in North America, the entire earth will be taken up by aliens, leaving only one Asia. What can we use to fight aliens?

Bian Ge pouted, "What's good, there's a big leak in Asan's place."

Ye Han suddenly turned around: "What?"

"The aliens secretly put a group of giant insects on Asan's place, spreading the virus, it will only take ten or twenty days, Asan's peninsula has already been occupied by insects, and Asan in the south is dying. Absolutely... But don't worry, it's cold in the north, and the bugs will definitely not be able to cross the plateau."

"So serious?" Ye Han frowned, "Isn't the virus not fatal?"

"Viruses are not lethal, but there are still bugs!" Bian Ge said, "Release the virus is the first step, and the second step is to follow up the swarm, and the infection is waiting to die. The bugs used by the aliens this time are particularly large, I've seen it on a satellite once, and I can swallow a person in one bite."

"No one cares about Asan?"

Bian Ge sighed: "It's good to be able to take care of yourself, who has the time to take care of them?"

"Where's the nuclear bomb? Doesn't Asan have a nuclear bomb?"

"I used it, but Asan's stock is too small, and it doesn't work much at all."

Ye Han sighed: "What else?"

"I know so much." Bian Ge said.

"What about the mission?"

Bian Ge shrugged: "That's an order for you, where can I look?"

Ye Han was right when he thought about it, otherwise there was no need to hurriedly call him back from the laboratory.

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