Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1153: erase

But within ten minutes, Ye Han received a reply from Zhong Yuantai: "Just do it according to your plan, just say whatever you need."

Ye Han was very surprised: "So fast?"

"Special case, Beidu's instructions, no matter what the price is, we must not let nuclear materials fall into the hands of aliens."

"I see." Ye Han said, "I need a drilling rig and a nuclear bomb, a high-yield one."

"Five million tons, okay?"

"Definitely!" Ye Han's biochip quickly calculated, "I need five."

"Not that many." Zhong Yuantai said, "One is five million, two are three million, and the remaining maximum equivalent is less than one million."

Ye Han calculated again silently, and reluctantly said, "You can also try, but the effect cannot be guaranteed."

Zhong Yuantai said: "I only have one five million here!"

Ye Han suddenly looked at the U.S. representative: "What about the Americans? Did they bring nuclear bombs? Also, are there any strategic missile nuclear submarines nearby? No matter which country it belongs to, get the nuclear bombs first."

"Wait a moment, I'll contact you."

The communication was quiet, this time it was even longer than just now, more than 20 minutes before Ye Han waited for Zhong Yuantai's communication: "Okay, everything is coordinated, you first send someone to receive the drilling rig, which is located in the southwest of Malida. More than 30 kilometers, and the mines there have drilling rigs.”

"Understood... what about the nuclear bomb?"

"We're coordinating. When you drill the well, I'll make sure the nuclear bomb is in place."

"Understood!" Ye Han let out a long sigh, "Xiao Yuan, give you a coordinate, and bring someone back to me with the drilling rig!"

"Yes!" Xiao Yuan immediately led the team and borrowed an armored vehicle from the Navy before departure.

The next step was to wait patiently. Ye Han was worried that the team would encounter an accident and kept in touch with Xiao Yuan, but the journey went smoothly. The team arrived at the ground in only half an hour and found two truck-mounted drilling rigs.

Soldiers who knew mechanics checked the truck and drove away.

But the accident happened at this time. There were still a few people hiding in the mine. They jumped out, claiming that it was federal property, and resolutely prevented the soldiers from driving away the drilling rig.

Xiao Yuan didn't have time to chat with these scumbags, so he directly ordered the soldiers to push them aside and drive back with the drilling rig.

Although those miners have guns in their hands, how dare they compete with the elite troops equipped with power armor? Can only watch the drilling rig being driven away.

After more than an hour, the drilling rig drove back to Marida, and Ye Han immediately designated the drilling location and asked to drill as deep as possible.

The two drilling rigs were put to work immediately, but the soldiers were not very professional, and the drilling speed was really not very good.

Probably the bug man found out that the situation was wrong. A few minutes after the drilling rig was turned on, a group of bugs appeared and attacked the drilling rig. As a result, they were ruthlessly suppressed by the military, and dozens of light bug men died.

The bug man learned a lesson and never dared to come forward again.

In this way, the drilling rig was busy until the next morning, and finally drilled five shafts up to 100 meters deep, and the nuclear bomb was also delivered to Marida during this time.

However, unlike the plan, there were only a few nuclear warheads in abundance. Ye Han could only use the quantity to make up for the quality, and even planned to put ten nuclear warheads of 500,000 tons in a shaft.

In order to ensure the blasting effect, the technicians modified the nuclear warheads overnight, and used a set of detonation system for ten nuclear bombs to ensure that ten nuclear bombs were detonated at the same time... As for whether they can explode at the same time in one millionth of a second, it is not something that Ye Han can consider. .

Everything was ready. In order to prevent the night from dreaming, Ye Han immediately sent the nuclear bomb to the ground. With an order, everyone was evacuated from Marida. Even the ro-ro wheels and warships on the pier drove away. Only the second battalion stay on site.

The second battalion is equipped with flight bags, and no one is better than them in terms of mobility.

After everyone withdrew outside the safety line, Ye Han gave Ouyang an order to act.

After the countdown was set, the five nuclear bombs were sent into the shaft at the same time. With Ouyang Ping's order, the soldiers immediately detonated the explosives placed in the shaft in advance. The five shafts collapsed at the same time, burying the nuclear bomb deeply underground.

"Withdraw!" Ouyang Ping roared, ran quickly against the sea breeze, jumped into the air, and activated the flight bag on his back.

With the wings unfolded, the 2nd Battalion quickly evacuated from Marida and landed on the flight deck of the Luzhou after a while.

Ye Han looked at the time: "Yes, there are still twelve seconds."

Ouyang Ping smiled, turned to look at Marida, raised three fingers, and bent one to count: "Three, two, one!" After the last count, he clenched his fists suddenly.

Marida, which is more than ten kilometers away, suddenly turned upside down. Countless mud flew into the sky. The sand and sand in the sky could not block the strong light of the nuclear explosion. Several mushroom clouds rose high.

Only then did a deep rumbling sound come from afar.

Probably because of the underground detonation, there was no shock wave near Marida. Instead, the sea surface swelled like a boiling water pot, and the waves spread with Marida as the When they reached the vicinity of the fleet, the waves formed unexpectedly. As high as a hill, an aircraft carrier with a displacement of 100,000 tons is about the same as a small sampan between the peaks and valleys.

Standing on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier, Ye Han actually felt like riding a roller coaster.

After a while, the waves calmed down, and the earth all over the sky fell again.

Marida is not visible from the battleship, but it can be seen from the satellite images received that Marida has been completely wiped off the map, the entire Marida has been stripped of an entire layer, and the average height has dropped below sea level , countless tons of sea water is pouring back into Marida.

Ye Han carefully compared the map of Haibei before and after the explosion, and Marida's position was obviously missing, as if she had been bitten by something.

However, his goal has been achieved. The collapsed area includes the entire tunnel network. Even if the swarm and the worm are not killed by the nuclear explosion, they will not be able to escape the end of being submerged by sea water.

But Ye Han still felt that it was a little bit worse, and always felt that Marida was not deep enough: "If the time is not so tight, it would be better to dig the shaft deeper."

"Unfortunately, all we need is time." After the colonel said, he looked at Ye Han seriously, "Are you sure that if you fried Marida, you can stop the aliens from getting the yellow cake?"

Ye Han smiled and shook his head: "Not sure, but there's only so much I can do."

The colonel couldn't help but be stunned: "Then how dare you..."

Ye Han squinted at the colonel: "It's definitely wrong not to do it, maybe it will work, how do you want me to choose?"

The colonel stopped talking. The principle of officialdom is to do more and make more mistakes, less to make less mistakes, and not to do well. It was the first time he had met someone like Ye Han who did his part.

He admired Ye Han's decisiveness very much, and wanted to send Ye Han a sentence to do it for himself, but he hesitated again and again, and in the end he didn't speak.

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