Armor Frenzy

Chapter 748: Trespassing an enemy ship

748 Trespassing Enemy Ship

748 Trespassing Enemy Ship

Taking the lead in teasing Ye Han for the disrespectful Zhuang Bo, at the same time, Bruno has taken his subordinates to slowly approach the alien warship, carefully observing the warship. ( )

Bruno really wasn't sure about the situation in the battleship, but after hesitating for a moment, he made up his mind. He aimed his gun at the enemy ship with his right hand, raised his left hand to his shoulder and made several gestures.

The French soldier squatting behind Bruno stood up cautiously, bent his legs and walked slowly, taking every step carefully.

The alien warships are deeply embedded in the ground, the earth and rocks are piled up and the trees are toppled around. The terrain is very complicated, and more than half of the soldiers' attention is on their feet.

A few soldiers finally came to the vicinity of the alien battleship, and the leading soldier stopped and stabbed the outer shell of the battleship with his rifle.

Hard, but not like metal.

The vanguard made several gestures to signal safety ahead.

Bruno also made a few gestures, and the soldiers were quickly divided into four groups. Several groups of people moved forward separately, either looking for cracks or holes, and entered the alien warship from different directions.

Under normal circumstances, any commander with a normal IQ would not rush into the alien battleship in such a situation, and Bruno's idea was the same.

But Bruno knew very well that his little tricks could not hide from the Americans. The reinforcements were definitely on the way. At the speed of the helicopter, the distance of more than 100 kilometers would only take half an hour.

The alien warship is in front of him. If he doesn't hurry up before the reinforcements arrive, this warship will probably have nothing to do with France.

Bruno personally brought a group of soldiers into the warship - this is not the first time humans have entered an alien warship, but it is a breakthrough by the French!

A lot of alien warships arrived on Earth two months ago, but not many have the chance to fall into the atmosphere. Although Europe has long ceased to be the heart of the world, there are many veteran military powers. The alien warships that crashed into Europe are either in The air was blown up by anti-aircraft missiles, or it was submerged by intensive artillery fire after landing. In the end, except for some fragments of alien warships, the Europeans got nothing.

However, the United States and Russia have all had close contact with alien warships in their own territory, and even more desperate and **** battles like Fengcheng. I dare not say how much they know about alien warships, at least they know a thing or two.

But apart from these few, the situation in other countries is basically similar to that of France. They all get some useless fragments, and they don't even know what's going on inside the alien warship.

Today I finally got to see the true face of the alien battleship, and Bruno found himself a little nervous in his heart.

The hull of the battleship is very thick, two or three meters thick, probably because the time spent in the tropical rain forest was too long, and the cracks were covered with moss and the like. What Bruno could not have imagined was that the fracture surface of the hull was also long enough. Plants that cannot be named.

He touched it well with the muzzle of the gun, and it was firmly attached. He took out his saber and gently scraped it, and immediately scraped off a half-finger-thick layer, revealing the underlying fracture surface.

Bruno has never seen an alien warship, but he has heard that the shell of this thing is not metal, nor is it any kind of non-metal known to mankind. Until today, no laboratory has claimed to have cracked this material.

Passing through the crack is a very tall cabin. There are no furnishings in the cabin, and it is empty at a glance, but the bulkhead and ceiling caught Bruno's attention. He found that the walls were a bit rough, and after a closer look, he realized that this was the surface of the wall. pattern.

Bruno said it was not a feeling, but his intuition told him that these patterns were not that simple.

There was no time for him to stay here for research, so Bruno simply ordered the two soldiers to stay here and record all the patterns on the wall.

The two-person cabin door was half open, and the team continued to pass through the cabin door. In front of everyone, there was a huge corridor that could accommodate two cars side by side.

The corridor is very wide and tall, not long at all, only more than ten meters left and right, and the corridor itself has an inclined plane, the left side is high and the right side is low.

A group of French soldiers entered the Grand View Garden like Grandma Liu, and they looked around and discussed in a low voice.

After the alien battleship landed, it basically remained horizontal, but the corridor was inclined. The soldiers deduced from this that the aliens 80% did not know that there was a thing called a ramp in this world.

Bruno felt that the discussion among the soldiers was boring, he thought for a moment, and led the troops to the right.

He didn't know what was in the battleship, but his intuition told him that there should be some unusual discoveries in the bilge.

Going down the corridor, turning a few turns in a row, behind each turn is a spacious cabin, and each cabin is as empty as it came.

However, the situation soon turned around. When Bruno and others opened the fourth cabin, Bruno suddenly saw a tall alien in the cabin!

Bruno and the soldiers instinctively raised their guns, but the alien still didn't move.


Bruno didn't dare to be careless, he just gave a shot first.

The bullet pierced the alien's forehead, and the alien didn't react at all.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and under the leadership of Bruno, they approached the aliens to study the corpse carefully. Unfortunately, no one is an expert in this Except for seeing the manufacture of the corpse's equipment Other than the material seems to be the same as the battleship, nothing has been found.

Bruenor hesitated again and again, and finally ordered the soldiers to drag the body into the corridor and take it out with him when he was ready to leave the ship.

Then he moved on with the troops, and then he found a large number of ant eggs in one of the cabins, and Bruenor threw two grenades into it through gritted teeth.

Immediately afterwards, the troops found a viscous liquid nearly ten centimeters thick in a particularly spacious cabin. The liquid covered the ground of the cabin, but no one could say what this thing was.

The ground in the cabin was lower than the height of the corridor ground, so Bruno judged that this place was originally what it looked like, and it was definitely not formed after a forced landing on the earth.

As for the use of slime, there are many speculations. Some people think it is the fuel of warships, some think it is food for aliens, and some think it is building materials for aliens.

Bruenor emptied the kettle at the sound of the soldiers arguing, filled it with mucus, and prepared to take it back to study it.

Taking the troops to open the next cabin, there was still a layer of mucus in the cabin, but Bruno was shocked to find that there were giant beetles that looked like buses in the depths of the cabin.

If Ye Han was here, he would definitely recognize that this was the giant beetle that escaped into the ground with the aliens on his back. As early as two months ago, Beidu officially named this thing "Car Bug".

Even more unexpected to Bruno, this car bug is actually alive!

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