Armor Frenzy

Chapter 751: 2 after 3

The Italian convoy drove into the cave, and the commander realized that the cave was too neat and didn't look like a natural cave at all, but he didn't think much about it. After all, there are primitive tribes everywhere in Africa, maybe this place is The old nest of any primitive tribe may also be the exit of the ant nest.

Anyway, let's hide for a while.

Thunder and lightning flashed outside the cave, and a torrential rain poured down.

Three hours later, Djibouti base.

James hurriedly found Thomas and whispered in the latter's ear: "General, the Italian troops have lost contact."

Thomas frowned, "When did it happen?"

"Just found out."

"The mud can't support the wall!" Thomas snorted coldly, "Have you checked the situation?

James replied: "At about 1:00 this afternoon, the command issued an order to the Italian troops to support the French army. After the Italians confirmed the order, they refused to set off on the grounds that the rainstorm was about to start. Half an hour later, the command center received an order. The last communication from the Dali said that they had found a suitable hiding place, not to announce their location... Twelve minutes ago, the heavy rain at this coordinate ended, but no signal from the Dali was found, and the call was not answered."

Thomas was still calm: "Has the satellite found it?"

"The fleet did not find it."

Thomas fell silent, his fingers tapped on the table unconsciously, and James stayed by the side quietly, waiting in silence.

Half a minute later, the knocking sound suddenly disappeared: "Where did the Italians hide?"

"I don't know, they didn't say it," James replied uneasily.

Thomas' face darkened slightly: "James, it's still early, you go back and wait another quarter of an hour, if there's still no movement... Which unit is closest to the Italians?"

"British sbs." James replied without hesitation.

The closest to the Italians is actually the Spaniards, but the Spaniards really don't have much actual combat experience, and the British are only a little bit farther than the Spaniards.

Thomas nodded: "Very good. If there is still no movement, let the British go over and take a look. Remember to remind the British to be careful."

"Yes!" James turned and left. After returning to the command center, he ordered the communications department to call the Italians immediately, until the Italians answered or received new orders.

Time passed by, and after fifteen minutes, there was still no response from the Italians. James immediately issued a support order to the British.

The sbs who received the order went north overnight and arrived at the incident area early the next morning, and with the clues left by the Italians, they quickly found the cave where the Italians were hiding.

Seeing the entrance of the two-person hole, the British commander immediately realized that something was wrong and shouted on the radio, "Stop!"

The convoy stopped near the cave, and the commander got out of the car and raised the binoculars to carefully observe the situation in the cave.

The heavy rain washed away the traces left outside the cave, and the marks left by the wheels have become intermittent, but the intermittent ruts have been leading into the cave.

The commander quickly picked up the radio: "sbs call the command center, over."

"Command center received, over."

"Command center, I think we found the Italians, they went into a cave, over."

"A cave? What cave?" The string in James' mind suddenly tightened.

"It's a very regular cave. I can only say that I haven't found any signs of exiting the cave. If the Italians are inside, they must not have come out yet."

James said loudly: "Listen, that hole is probably left by aliens, and the Italians may have encountered aliens. Now, I need you to go in and have a look. Is there any problem?"

The commander's heart skipped a beat, but he replied without hesitation, "No problem!"

"Be careful, I only need you to find out the situation and report the situation, I don't need you and the aliens to work hard!"


"Let's go, clear."


After the call ended, the commander said loudly after switching the communication frequency: "Prepare to fight, move forward—"

Four armored vehicles rumbled into the cave, and the thick mountain blocked radio signals and communications were cut off.

James reported the situation to Thomas first, and then he stayed in the command center, anxiously waiting for the British to report back.

But there was no movement from the left, and no news from the right. After more than 40 minutes, the command center suddenly received a short-duration signal: "help..."

Frightened and frightened, James turned his head to look at Thomas.

Thomas' face was extremely ugly. The Italian was missing. The British who sent him to look for the Italian finally left a message for help. The seriousness of the situation was obvious.

According to the information in advance, the cave discovered by the Italians is likely to be the hiding place of the aliens. Then, should we continue to send people to check, or should we concentrate our troops to attack, or apply for reinforcements from the Pentagon...

Continuing to send people to the past has become a fuel-filling tactic. It is a big taboo in the military. In any case, you can't do it. The situation in the cave has never been clear, and there is no reason to apply for reinforcements. After thinking about it, you can only concentrate on attacking the cave first. Find out what's going on inside.

Thomas made up his mind, UU Reading ordered with a sullen face: "James, order all the troops in Moro Bida to immediately suspend the mission, assemble as quickly as possible to the scene of the incident, and let the forward base send the helicopters out... Also, prepare the plane immediately, and I will fly over to direct it myself!"

"General!" James was shocked.

Thomas waved to stop James: "Needless to say, execute the order... By the way, after I leave, you can contact the Chinese base and report the situation of Morobida."

"Just reporting the situation?" James frowned.

"Just reporting." Thomas nodded. "They know what to do."

The plane was ready soon, and Thomas led hundreds of American soldiers, as well as many supplies accumulated in the Djibouti base.

After the flight group took off, James rushed to the Chinese base as soon as possible, asked to meet Ye Han, and made a request to meet with the base's senior management through Ye Han.

Ye Han happily agreed to James' request, and he invited Zhuang Bo, the great god, out after a while. James couldn't wait to inform the Chinese side of the situation of Molobida.

James kept staring at Zhuang Bo, hoping to see some clues from Zhuang Bo's expression, but Zhuang Bo's expression was indifferent from beginning to end, as if he had not heard anything.

James is keenly aware that the Chinese side must have known the situation ahead, otherwise Zhuang Bo's expression would not be so indifferent.

Although the cooperation between the two sides exists in name only, the data networking between the two bases has never been disconnected. The cooperation between the two sides has never been suspended at the official level. The data received by the US military command center can also be received by the Chinese command. After doing a bit of manipulation, sensitive things are not received, and insensitive things are delayed.

Zhuang Bo was unmoved, he must have known the details in advance!

Leaving James couldn't help but guess secretly, guessing how the Chinese side would choose.

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