Armor Frenzy

Chapter 763: north

Everyone boarded the plane at the fastest speed, Ye Han pulled the joystick, and the helicopter took off.

This time, the plane did not stop at all, and flew away from the airport at the fastest speed, flying towards the due east under the golden sunset glow.

Shortly after the helicopter left, a shell from a space warship hit the tower, which collapsed in a violent explosion.

According to the official records of the U.S. military, 16 U.S. soldiers who voluntarily died were buried in the ruins under the tower. The oldest was thirty-eight years old, and the youngest was only seventeen years old.

The helicopter left the airport, and Ye Han immediately contacted the base: "Zhang Ruo, I need assistance, it's better for the Americans to talk to me directly!"

"Understood, I'll do it right away!"

Ye Han took a deep breath and waited patiently.

Liu Bin felt that there was something in Ye Han's words, and couldn't help but feel uneasy: "Captain, what's the matter?"

Ye Han whispered: "There are too many people, the plane is overweight!"

Liu Bin glanced back in surprise. Although the cabin was already crowded, didn't the plane fly normally?

Ye Han knew what Liu Bin was thinking, and continued: "The more this kind of aircraft is loaded, the shorter the flight range. It can fly 900 kilometers with 10 tons, and 90 kilometers with 16 tons. How far can we fly? I can't tell, I must find a safe landing site as soon as possible, and it will be too late if there is not enough fuel."

Only then did Liu Bin understand what Ye Han was worried about, and said anxiously: "Captain, why don't you throw the armor down!" There are less than thirty people in total, but the total weight of the power armor is definitely more than half of the load. Son, if the power armor is removed, the weight of the aircraft will at least be reduced to less than eight tons.

Ye Han shook his head without hesitation: "I can't move unless I have to."

Weapons are the second life of a soldier. If abandoning the armor can make the plane fly directly to Djibouti, Ye Han would not mind giving it a try, but the current situation is that abandoning the power armor can only improve the range. Under this premise, it doesn't make much difference whether the range is 500 kilometers or 700 kilometers. The focus of the question is where to land after running out of fuel, and what kind of dangers may be encountered.

Retaining the armor is to retain the weapons and equipment. Under the current situation, retaining the armed forces of the troops is far more important than the extra voyage of three or five hundred miles.

Liu Bin fulfilled his duty to remind him, and stopped talking too much to persuade him. He sat on the ground with his back to the cockpit, and stared at the crowded cabin.

Although it was already overcrowded, the Chinese soldiers and the American soldiers could still be divided into two distinct groups. No matter how you looked at them, the two groups were so incompatible.

While Liu Bin was thinking wildly, Ye Han received a communication from the Space Fleet, and a voice said in blunt Chinese: "I am Colonel Commander Ethan of the Combined Fleet, please report your identity."

If it wasn't for the fact that the U.S. military base in Djibouti made a clear request to the fleet, Ethan would never have taken the initiative to contact this plane, even if it was the only plane that escaped successfully.

Ye Han smiled slightly: "I am Ye, Commander of the Beiyuezhou Fleet Colonel."

"Mr. Ye, what do you want?" Ethan seemed calm, deliberately not mentioning Ye Han's rank.

Ye Han didn't care either, and said bluntly, "Ethan, there are more than 70 people on the plane now, and more than half of them are American soldiers. The flight range of this plane is not enough. I need a safe landing site and necessary support."

"How far can you go?"

"I don't know, I'm not familiar with this kind of aircraft."

"How much fuel is left?"

"Eighty percent, the aircraft has a load of twelve and a half tons."

There was a moment of silence in the radio: "The remaining fuel can fly about 500 to 600 kilometers. You must immediately turn to the north, throw everything that can be thrown on the plane, and reduce the load as much as possible."

"To the north? Where to fly?" Ye Han asked in surprise.

Ethan said in a low voice: "I need you to fly over Central Africa and South Sudan, all the way to the semi-desert areas in Sudan, where the natural conditions are harsh, there are far fewer giant ants than rainforest areas, but your fuel load is too high. , if there is no way to reduce the load, it is likely to land on the grassland near the border."

"Can't you refuel in the air?"

"Sorry, Djibouti doesn't have a tanker, do you have one?"


"Then only go north."

"Understood." Ye Han said.

During this period of time, he studied African maps a lot, and kept all the locations of various countries in his mind. After listening to Ethan, he understood the current situation.

The straight-line distance from Morobi to southern Sudan is about 600 to 700 kilometers. There are arid African grasslands. Although there are some trees and grasslands, it is a sandy yellow on the satellite image.

If you continue to the east, the plane will most likely land on the grasslands of northern Uganda after running out of fuel, where the density of vegetation is much higher than that of southern Sudan, at least it is still green on satellite images.

It only takes a simple comparison to know which side has fewer giant ants.

Ye Han twisted the The plane heading due east immediately turned around: "Liu Bin!"


"Throw everything that can be thrown in the rear compartment. Armor... only one battle group is left in the armor, and the other groups only keep side weapons!" Ye Han said.

One set of power armor weighs about 150 kilograms, and 20 sets are three tons, which can reduce the weight of the aircraft to less than ten tons, and at least increase the range of 200 kilometers.

"Yes!" Liu Bin conveyed the order without hesitation. The soldiers of the two armies immediately took action and threw everything that could be thrown. After that, except for one battle group, the other three groups were reluctant. He took off his power armor and threw it out of the plane.

The weight of the helicopter was greatly reduced. I don't know if it was an illusion. Ye Han felt that the joystick was a lot lighter: "Ethan, are you still there?"

"I am here!"

"We need safe landing sites, and, preferably, an airdrop of fuel in advance."

Ethan refused succinctly: "Sorry, we have no preparations for this, there is no aircraft fuel on the battleship... Do you have it on your battleship?"

"Give me a safe coordinate first."

Ethan immediately sent Ye Han a few coordinate points: "These positions are fine, you can choose freely."

"That's it, east longitude xxx, north latitude xxx, please make arrangements to clean up the bugs near the landing site in advance."

"no problem."

Ye Han turned back and shouted, "Liu Bin, ask someone who can fly a plane to come over for me!"

Without saying a word, Liu Bin called out a man in a flight suit from among the Americans, and explained Ye Han's meaning in broken English and gestures.

Unexpectedly, this guy shook his head after listening to it, saying that he was flying a transport plane and had never driven a helicopter at all.

Liu Bin was immediately dumbfounded. Isn't there no transport plane at the airport? Where did the driver come from?

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