Armor Frenzy

Chapter 776: Find

The passage was blocked, but the battle was far from over.

The US major just determined that the passage was blocked, and immediately issued a new order, leaving only two armored vehicles to guard the passage, and all other vehicles turned to monitor the water behind.

He really wants to find out the aliens hidden in the water, and he can't wait to take a few depth charges and hit them a few times, but as an armored infantry, where did he get the depth charges?

Without a weapon that can be used in the water, the U.S. military major can only retreat and order the troops to closely monitor the water surface. Once the aliens are found floating, they will be killed immediately.

At the same time, Ye Han also breathed a sigh of relief, and found that the US military was focusing on the water behind him. He tacitly ordered the troops to continue monitoring the exit of the passage.

Ye Han ordered Zhang Ruo to contact the Americans and start a dialogue over the radio to discuss the severe situation facing the two armies.

Both parties agreed that what was found in this cave was the purpose of the aliens' airborne landing on the earth. If the situation is brought out, it will make the top leaders of various countries have a headache how to eliminate the aliens!

But the way he came was blocked by giant ants, and he couldn't get out at all.

Ye Han believes that this cave hall is not a masterpiece of car bugs, but a naturally formed underground space. Only when car bugs dig through it, it becomes an alien's lair, and it may be possible to find another way to leave.

The U.S. military major wanted to agree, but the cave is so big that you can see the side at a glance. Except for the passage when you came, there are stone walls in all directions, and there is no second passage at all.

Ye Han was very depressed, thinking that if a car bug could be caught at this time, it would be great to dig a channel straight to the ground.

But fantasies are fantasies after all. Even if he puts the buggy in front of Ye Han, he doesn't know how to control it, not to mention that he can't find the buggy at all?

If you want to leave here, the only way is to return to the original path, but if you want to leave, you must first solve the ant colony blocking the passage.

Both sides are professional soldiers, and they came up with a plan to blast the tunnel without any negotiation.

The U.S. military has brought a lot of explosives, and the Chinese side also has some. It is not difficult to use explosives in a concentrated manner, and it is not difficult to blow up the ants blocking the road. The difficulty is how to deal with the ant colonies behind.

Negotiations continued, and both parties agreed that they could not leave in a hurry, and must find a way to resist the ant colony.

Ye Han immediately thought of the microwave cannon, and proposed a plan to repair the microwave cannon as soon as possible, and then leave after the repair.

The U.S. military felt that the infrasonic cannon could also disperse the ant colony, but the dispersing effect was definitely not as good as the combination of the two. In addition, the U.S. military itself needed to make some preparations, so they happily agreed with Ye Han's plan.

The two sides immediately arranged personnel and vehicle alerts. Ye Han gathered all the maintenance personnel in the team and ordered them to repair the microwave gun as quickly as possible.

Ye Han had nothing to do with maintenance and alerts. He simply left the armored vehicle and walked to the water's edge to wonder where the aliens were hiding!

The water surface occupies half of the cave hall, and the area is not small. The water is very clear and transparent, and it looks very clean. It is definitely not the feeling of a pool of stagnant water.

Ye Han suddenly had a thought: Is there an underground river in the water?

The aliens haven't surfaced for so long, could they have run away from the underground river?

He removed the scope from the rifle and put it in the water to observe the situation.

The scope is not only a part of the armored rifle, but also the detection terminal of the fire control system, and it is also a component of the power armor. Such observation is only a common application method.

The underwater situation was immediately transmitted to Ye Han's eyes through the scope. To his surprise, although this water area is not large, the depth is so amazing that you can't see the bottom of the water at all.

Turn the scope and aim the lens directly under your feet. Although you can see the bottom of the water, the underwater is a **** with a very large angle. At a position more than two meters away from the shore, the bottom of the water suddenly turns straight down.

Ye Han reluctantly stepped into the water, and after walking two meters, the water surface had already submerged his lower abdomen.

Bending down and diving into the water, he was stunned to see a nearly vertical underwater cliff under his feet.

Ye Han immediately understood, where is the accumulated water, it is an underground lake at all, and it is a gourd-shaped underground dark lake with a narrow top and a wide bottom!

The small water surface in the cave hall is just an exit. Judging from what Ye Han observed, the volume of the underground lake is not small, and 80% of it is still a large underground lake!

Ye Han was deeply touched by the complexity of the groundwater system. The aliens did not show up for such a long time. It is indeed possible that they were hiding somewhere underwater, but they may also have escaped from the underground river.

Ye Han planned to take a closer look to see if he could find the underground river, but as soon as he turned his head, he saw dozens of thick gray vines growing on the cliff on the left.

These vines should be the roots of alien vines, they directly break through the underwater cliff,

Their colors are similar to the cliffs, so Ye Han didn't notice anything wrong before. If it wasn't for the sudden thought of looking for the underground river, I'm afraid that he hadn't found anything abnormal now.

Ye Han's observation immediately focused on these vine roots, and found that after they broke out of the cliff, they were entangled together and extended down the cliff, extending to the depths of the underground lake invisible to the naked eye. If they are just to absorb water, there is no need to grow such thick and long roots in the water, right?

The giant jellyfish floating on the water is not simple either. Don't look at how big the water is, but the body underwater is amazingly large. Countless tentacles form a huge body, and countless slender tentacles spread out, densely packed. The tentacles of the jellyfish are crisscrossed, as if they are guarding against something, firmly guarding the main body of the This is not enough, there are several particularly thick tentacles under the jellyfish, like an anchor that touches the bottom. The chain usually hangs all the way to the bottom of the water, not knowing what it is connected to.

Although no aliens were found, the situation seems to be getting more and more interesting!

Ye Han wanted to know what was going on at the bottom of the water, so he silently took out a light stick, first picked up a rock and tied it to it, and then broke the light stick and threw it into the water.

The glow stick quickly sank into the water, and that little bright light illuminated the bottom of the water, so dazzling in the night vision device.

The U.S. military major on the shore was very curious, and took the initiative to contact Car No. 1: "Has Mr. Colonel found an alien?"

"I don't know either, maybe I didn't find it." Zhang Ruo told the truth.

The American Major wondered if he would also go into the water to see the situation with his own eyes. The light stick had sunk to a depth of tens of meters. Ye Han, who had been watching the ray of light, suddenly found that a huge arc appeared on the edge of the light ball. shadow.

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