Armor Frenzy

Chapter 797: 1 way north

() The engine roared, one big, twelve small, a total of thirteen hovercraft lined up on the shore of Lake Albert. After the air flow lifted the hull, the fleet immediately opened the lake and galloped away in a row to the northeast. ( )

The 12 ships in the fleet belong to the US military. In addition to the US soldiers, the ships also have infrasound cannons removed from armored vehicles. The US military plans to use these to disperse flying ants to prevent the fleet from being attacked by flying ants.

Fortunately, the U.S. armored vehicle adopts a modular design, and the disassembly and assembly of the infrasonic gun is very simple.

And the largest hovercraft belongs to Fang. It is not accurate to say that it is a hovercraft. To be more precise, it is a "hovering hedgehog"!

This nickname was given by the American soldiers, because after the ship was assembled, there were metal thorns more than one meter long everywhere under the hull. These slender thorns were designed to deal with giant ants, thorns and thorns. The distance between them is very clever. If a giant ant lunges at the boat, its only end is to be held back by the spikes. Unless the spikes are broken, the giant ant will never be able to touch the hull of the boat.

Moreover, the metal thorns not only protect the hull, but even the fan shell is covered with metal thorns, which firmly protect the fragile fan. Even if the flying ants play suicide attacks, they will not be able to touch the fan, ensuring maximum safety.

Ye Han was very satisfied with this hovercraft, and even talked to Gao Kai once, shamelessly complimenting Gao Kai.

What surprised Ye Han even more was the active sonar on the ship. Despite its small size, the effect is really not small. Once turned on, it can form a sound wave of more than 200 decibels underwater. Those giant insects under the water did not dare to. near.

The crew of the boat can not only use sonar to drive away giant insects underwater, but also determine the location of giant insects through echoes. What the soldiers need to do is to release sound waves every few seconds.

The water has infrasound waves, and the underwater has sonar, and the fleet is not far behind armed to the teeth.

After the fleet set off, the soldiers finally breathed a sigh of relief. Ye Han divided the soldiers into three shifts and took turns to send the ships to watch, to ensure that the soldiers had enough time to rest.

When the fleet first set off, there were very few flying ants nearby, but after driving for a certain distance, the empty flying ants began to gather slowly, gradually forming a large insect cloud, and the annoying buzzing sound was overwhelming.

Fortunately, there are infrasound cannons.

As for underwater, Ye Han never found that the giant insect dared to approach the fleet.

In this way, the fleet went north smoothly, and the hovercraft was very fast. In less than an hour, the fleet arrived at the northern end of Lake Albert and sailed smoothly into the White Nile River.

Maybe it was because the river was shallow. After the fleet sailed into the White Nile River, the sonar never found giant insects again, but Ye Han felt that the possibility of no giant insects in the water was very small. So the sonar didn't find it.

In order to ensure safety, Ye Han ordered the sonar to remain as it was, and it could not stop even if there was no discovery.

On a lake with an open river, the distance between the two banks is not very far. With Ye Han's eyesight, he can easily see the situation on the bank.

Observation found that there are a large number of giant ants hidden in the jungle on the shore, and they even chased the fleet on the shore, and some unlucky giant ants even fell into the river during the chase.

Although the giant ants that fell into the water struggled hard, they did not have the genes to swim at all, and they drowned completely in a short while, so that the ants on the river near the fleet continued to corpse.

They can't go into the water anyway, so let them chase after them.

There are not only giant ants on both sides of the river bank, but it will not be long before you encounter a village hidden in lush vegetation. The wind and rain for several years have destroyed these villages deep in the jungle. Many villages have completely disappeared, and only a part of them have disappeared. A little outline can be seen, and occasionally broken bones can be seen on the shore.

Whoever saw this scene couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

The speed of the hovercraft exceeded 100 kilometers per hour. At noon, Ye Han suddenly saw a city appear in front of him.

He stood up immediately, activated the telephoto function of the armor, and pulled the city in front of his eyes.

It is a typical African city. The buildings in the city are simple, low, and sparse. On the contrary, the vegetation is so dense that you cannot speak. Many buildings in the city emerge from the vegetation, tenaciously telling the past here.

There are far more cities buried in the plague of insects than this, and many warriors are not even interested in taking a look.

But the U.S. ship actually began to slow down. This unexpected situation attracted everyone's attention, and some soldiers even instinctively held their rifles.

The fleet moved forward slowly for a certain distance, and Ye Han didn't know until this time that the reason for the slowdown was that there was a broken bridge on the river in front of it, and the bridge gathered a lot of giant ants who were probing their brains.

This is really a new situation.

Not only did the fleet not get close to the bridge, but instead walked in a circle and moved further away. Ye Han vaguely realized something when he saw this scene, and as expected, a few bright lines fell from the sky after a while. The broken bridge collapsed after being hit by bright lines, hundreds of giant ants fell into the river, and the water was in chaos.

Ye Han noticed that there were a few bright lines falling not far ahead. Not only was there a faint explosion sound, but there was also billowing smoke, and he didn't know where it hit.

The fleet moved forward immediately, and the U.S. hovercraft opened fire while advancing, and the large-caliber machine guns of the ship killed the giant ants on both sides of the route one by one underwater.

The fleet didn't drive far, and it was a nearly 90-degree turn. It was not until the fleet crossed that turn that Ye Han saw that there was also a bridge in front of and it was a road bridge with a high construction standard. .

But now the bridge has been broken in two, and there are also a large number of giant ants floating on the water surface. Some of the giant ants who fell into the water were lucky to grab the pier and escape the tragic fate of drowning.

The American horses strengthened the power of the infrasonic cannon, and the large group of giant ants on the broken bridge immediately dispersed.

The fleet also encountered several cities in the later itinerary, but the cities were much smaller, and the bridge across the river was never touched again, but the pier saw it several times.

Except for the heavy rain in the afternoon, the journey went smoothly. In the evening, the fleet that had been sailing for nine hours had already sailed more than 1,000 kilometers to the northern part of South Sudan and was about to enter the territory of Sudan.

After an airdrop to replenish fuel, the fleet went north all night and did not intend to stop at all.

It was the decision of the Americans to set off overnight, but it also received the unanimous support of Ye Han and all the coalition fighters!

No one likes to spend the night in alien-controlled territory. The more stationary you are, the more likely you are to be in danger, and the faster you go, the safer it is.

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