Armor Frenzy

Chapter 812: 3 Stooges

The enemy army was strong, the Third Fleet took the initiative to retreat, and the Alien Fleet did not plan to die with the Third Fleet. After chasing for a while, the Third Fleet was forced to withdraw tens of thousands of kilometers. .

Ling Yu didn't want to do this, but the Third Fleet only had a dozen warships, so it didn't have the capital to fight to the death.

The first contact between the two sides has come to an end. Although the aliens have lost more than 30 warships, it is only a fraction of the fleet guarding Io wei. .

However, although the fleet retreated, the two drones successfully approached Io Zero.

There are more than 200 alien warships near Iowei. These warships seem to have not seen the drones, and they stick to the back of Iowei, but once the drones show signs of flying to the back, they will be immediately attacked. The expulsion of alien warships.

If it weren't for the distance beyond the effective range of the fine light, it is estimated that the drone would have killed the aliens long ago.

Seeing this, Ling Yu reluctantly ordered the drone to withdraw, and then ordered: "Chief of Staff, send a notice, the command will hold a video conference, all the captains will participate, and Ye Han will also be called."

"What time?"

Ling Yu glanced at the time: "Give three minutes to solve personal problems."

"Yes!" Wang Tianyu informed immediately, and all the people who received the notification were ready immediately. Unless they couldn't hold it back, no one had to run to the toilet at this juncture.

Ling Yu pressed a few times on the armrest, and a large screen divided into many grids fell in front of him, and a figure soon appeared on the black grid.

One minute and fifty-seven seconds after the order was given, all the participants were present.

Ling Yu looked at the screen and said, "We're in a meeting now, everyone saw the battle just now, and now there are more than 300 ice ships at Io's place. Not to mention sending the Marine Corps up, and there are so many enemy warships, even if the Marine Corps is sent up, it will be a death sentence. No matter how you look at it, now is not the time to land, but we can't do nothing and wait forever, my It means brainstorming, come up with a practical action plan... Now speak!"

Wang Tianyu immediately said: "I'm going to throw some bricks at the top, and let's talk about useless nonsense first. What the north wants is the result of landing. As for how to land, it's our business. An ice ship, my opinion is to destroy the enemy's living force as much as possible, it is best to completely crippled the enemy, otherwise there are so many alien warships hanging over their heads, and the marines will not have a chance to complete the task even if they go up, so what? , I think the key is how to eliminate the ice ship as much as possible with the least cost, Commander, I'm done."

Ye Han secretly pouted, although the words of the two are different, but there is not much difference in the meaning of the words, is it interesting to say these empty words?

He had long heard that Wang Tianyu was Ling Yu's son of a bitch. Looking at it today, it really wasn't made out of thin air.

Wang Tianyu finished speaking, but none of the captains spoke indiscriminately, all waiting for Duan Jingwen to speak.

It is said that a meeting like this should be free to speak, but Ling Yu pays special attention to the superiors and subordinates. If the superiors are good, the inferiors will follow. Except for Ling Yu and Wang Tianyu, the highest rank is Duan Jingwen, even if Duan Jingwen has no intention of speaking. , other people will not speak first as long as they have a long brain.

When Wang Tianyu was talking, Duan Jingwen had been playing the draft in his heart. He coughed lightly and said, "Commander, Chief of Staff, we have too few warships to fight the enemy head-on, but the effect of fragmentation bullets against ice ships Yes, medium-scale conflicts definitely give us an advantage, and it is a good tactic to continue to lure a small group of enemy troops, but there is a lesson from the past, the possibility of the enemy being fooled is not high, and the possibility of other tactics working is not high, I think, The potential of the existing equipment should be deeply explored, or there may be unexpected surprises.”

Ling Yu nodded: "This is possible. Anyone who has an idea can put it up now. If there is no idea, organize a discussion after the meeting. Maybe a soldier can solve our big problem with an idea... That's it, you guys continue. !"

The captains remained silent.

Duan Jingwen has finished speaking, but there is another Ye Han!

Although Ye Han was only in charge of the Marine Corps, the title was there. If he didn't have the title of captain, the third speaker would definitely not be Duan Jingwen.

Ye Han knew that he was waiting for him, so he said in a calm tone, "I have an idea." He glanced at Ling Yu.

He prefers a more free atmosphere, but Ling Yu is the commander of the Third Fleet, and it is not his turn to dictate things in the fleet. Anyway, he won't stay in the Third Fleet for long, and he will pass it with patience.

"Go ahead, what are you waiting for?" Ling Yu said.

Ye Han said: "I stumbled upon a batch of alien spaceships two days ago. It's better to play the east and west, surround the spot to fight for help, or move the tiger away from the mountain."

Ling Yu's eyes showed surprise: "Where?"

"It's just in front of Io Zero. It's not clear where it is, and it must be re-observed." Ye Han said.

He didn't intend to talk about those speculations about collecting asteroids. These are all his subjective speculations. Anyway, as long as there are alien spaceships ahead, there is no need to know why and where they are.

"Hey, this is a big discovery. If the spaceship falls outside, our work will be much easier!" Ling Yu grinned, thinking of those tactics in an instant.

Wang Tianyu immediately said: "Commander, should we do it now?"

"Not busy, Duan Jingwen?"


"You arrange for a few people to find the alien spacecraft, and then find out where they are first."


"It's best to confirm whether the target is an ordinary spaceship or a Ling Yu said again.


"Go ahead."

Duan Jingwen immediately called a bridge officer and explained the task arranged by Ling Yu.

The meeting continued, but Ling Yu's mind was already flying, and he smiled at the screen and said, "I'm not in the mood to have a meeting now, so there's no good way to do it anyway, so I can start with the alien spaceship that has been ordered. You can pack as many ice ships as you want. If the enemy doesn't move, then kill all the ships that are left alone. That's it for the time being. If others have any ideas, they will find me alone after the meeting.

The captains went offline one by one, and the screen rose again. Ling Yu couldn't wait to ask, "Did you find anything?"

"Not yet." Duan Jingwen said.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Ling Yu stared, "Hurry up and ask Ye Han, and come back after you find out!"

"Yes, I'll go right away!" Duan Jingwen agreed and contacted Ye Han immediately.

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