Armor Frenzy

Chapter 814: by surprise

The response of the aliens was not slow, and the large grating composed of fine light immediately began to intercept, and the alien fleet that stayed behind Io Zero also began to gather, forming a second line of defense on Io Zero's low-altitude orbit.

It is hard to say whether the feint of the Third Fleet can break through the first line of defense. The alien fleet has deployed two lines of defense, which are enough to intercept all the firepower of mankind.

But the aliens apparently thought this was not enough, and the second line of defense soon divided into two fleets with hundreds of warships each, one of which continued to guard Io Zero, and the other quickly changed orbit to fly towards Io Zero. high-altitude orbit.

Well, with the front, middle and back lines of defense, Ling Yu couldn't find a place to pick up the leaks.

At this time, Ling Yu was about to explode with anger. No matter what the Third Fleet did, the Alien Fleet would immediately counteract. If it was on the ground, Ling Yu could completely set up an ambush based on the terrain and other environmental conditions, and then use the A unit lures the enemy deep, thereby annihilating part of the enemy army.

Soldiers are tricky, but this ghost place has no conditions at all!

The battle situation was at a stalemate again, and Ling Yu was extremely unwilling. At this moment, he suddenly found that the alien fleet also dispersed, still blocked between the human battleship and Io Zero!

Moreover, the alien fleets are very evenly divided. Whether it is an air carrier or a landing ship, there are more than a dozen enemy ships in front of each human battleship.

Ling Yu blinked, almost not happy.

This is such an opportunity!

A human warship is definitely useless against ten enemy ships, but an aerospace carrier must crush ten enemy ships, otherwise what is an aerospace carrier doing?

The Third Fleet should have regrouped after dispersing and firing. Ling Yu quickly stopped the fleet from gathering, and ordered the ships to continue to disperse. Once they found signs of the alien fleet approaching, they had to retreat immediately. The counterattack was limited to the minimum force.

This inexplicable order is really incomprehensible, but no one questioned the order, and all captains obeyed immediately.

As the human warships became farther and farther apart, the alien warships in front of them became more and more dispersed, but the distance between the enemy troops had not yet widened.

Ling Yu hesitated for a moment, then randomly picked a destroyer and ordered the battleship to feint forward, and immediately retreat after the exchange of fire.

The destroyer did so, cautiously advancing a distance and attacking the enemy in front, but the enemy was not fooled at all and remained on the same level as the other alien fleets.

Ling Yu knew very well that he despised aliens again, so he immediately expanded the order to the entire fleet.

Before the battle with the alien fleet, the alien image in his mind was always vague, but after a few trials, the alien image became clearer and clearer.

It's not that he looks clear, but that he is getting more and more aware of the clarity of aliens.

More than a dozen warships are like whack-a-mole. You sing and I come on stage. They go forward irregularly to lure the enemy. After a short battle, they retreat in time.

At the beginning, the ships only attacked the enemy ships in front of them, but the clever captains soon began to play cross-attacks, and then they developed multi-directional fire-focusing shots, so that the alien fleets gathered and not scattered. No, it was messed up for a while.

The Third Fleet also achieved the result of injuring two enemy ships in the melee. After a long time of tossing, it took hundreds of missiles and thousands of shells to kill two enemy ships. This achievement is really hard to mention.

Ling Yu's face was getting worse and worse. He had already discovered that the feint command was a mistake. Not only did it fail to achieve the purpose of dispersing the enemy, but instead it would allow the enemy fleets to cover each other.

If you can't break this situation, it will be a waste of ammunition to continue the stalemate!

Thinking of this, he decisively ordered: "Wang Tianyu, order the ships to continue feinting, Duan Jingwen, the Nanzhou immediately leaves the battlefield and turns to the front of Io Zero!"

"Yes!" The two voices said in unison, and the order was quickly executed.

Nanzhou suddenly turned away from the battle zone, and the alien fleet that had been blocking the front of Nanzhou instinctively chased after it, and continued to block between Nanzhou and Io Zero.

Ling Yu's eyes showed a bit of surprise, and he secretly called out, "Duan Jingwen!"


Ling Yu pointed at the group of enemy ships on the screen that were separated from the main force: "Wait a little longer, and send the aviation troops to me. It doesn't matter how you order me, in short, I want these ice ships!"

"Yes!" Duan Jingwen agreed and immediately began to arrange actions.

Under the command of Duan Jingwen, Nanzhou continued to maintain the density of firepower and fired a batch of smoke bombs at the enemy ship.

Because both sides were accelerating, this wave of smoke could not be kept between the two ships, but was quickly left behind by the two ships.

The aliens casually hit the smoke screen for two rounds, and then stopped paying attention to the smoke screen.

Duan Jingwen shook his fist in excitement and ordered the warship to fire another round of smoke bombs.

His purpose is to use a smokescreen to test the enemy's reaction.

The Third Fleet fought with the alien fleet for a very short time. For a long time, the smoke bombs were used in combination with other missiles. As long as the aliens saw the smoke screens, they would definitely think that other missiles were hidden in them.

The volume of carrier-based aircraft is much larger than that of missiles. If the carrier-based aircraft is directly hidden in the smoke screen, the probability of being caught by the grating plough is very high.

Duan Jingwen deliberately shot a smokescreen while The smokescreen would soon be dropped by the warships on both sides. Even if there were missiles hidden in the smokescreen, it was impossible to hit the accelerating enemy ship. The flight direction deviates from Io, so that the attitude of the aliens towards the smoke screen can be tested.

The situation was even better than Duan Jingwen had expected. The second round of smokescreens even saved the gratings.

Ling Yu reminded at the right time: "Duan Jingwen, play so many useless smoke bombs, be careful the enemy is staring at you."

"It should be fine." Duan Jingwen continued to command the battle with a bit of anxiety.

While the Nanzhou slowed down, it released a third round of smoke screens. Dozens of heavy carrier aircraft took the opportunity to hide in the smoke screens and flew forward slowly with the smoke screens.

Duan Jingwen hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth: "Let's go over and cover with firepower!"

Nanzhou immediately turned, and at the same time fired several rounds of shells and missiles at the enemy, as well as some scattered smoke bombs, floating in the east and west between the two sides.

It is not safe for the carrier-based aircraft to hide behind the smoke screen. The distance between the Nanzhou and the enemy ship is not close. It is completely possible to get closer and strengthen the firepower to implement cover.

The approach of the Nanzhou really caught the attention of the aliens, and the sudden increase in firepower made the aliens even more alert. They instinctively concentrated their firepower and swept away the missiles and smoke screens that were attacking from the front, and could no longer pay attention to the previous waves. smokescreen.

Duan Jingwen breathed a sigh of relief. As a result, the aliens had a high chance of ignoring the smoke screen on the side.

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