Armor Frenzy

Chapter 816: full assault

Ling Yu immediately stopped the cheers on the bridge, and pointed at the screen and stared at Wang Tianyu with piercing eyes: "Chief of Staff, now is not the time to be happy, we must decide whether to fight or withdraw before the enemy arrives."

Wang Tianyu turned to look at Duan Jingwen: "Jingwen, what do you think?"

"It's hard to say." Duan Jingwen replied cautiously, "I took advantage of the sneak attack just now and attacked from the front..." He shook his head when he said this.

Wang Tianyu looked back at Ling Yu: "Commander, the advantage is now in our hands. It is difficult to say whether there will be such an opportunity in the future. Now is the key to breaking the game, and we must decide decisively."

Ling Yu's eyebrows were almost twisted into twists, he weighed the left and right in his heart, and finally made up his mind: "Duan Jingwen!"


"Order the first regiment and the second regiment to prepare for the assault and launch a smoke screen to cover the aircraft group!"


"Wang Tianyu!"


"Order the fleet to prepare for the assault. The carrier-based aircraft is the main force, and the battleship cannot be idle. The assault time is a little later than the fighter."


"Also, throw out the drones and cover the fleet... Tune up a channel for me, and I want to talk directly to the fleet!"


"Wait!" Ling Yu suddenly stopped, "The call is canceled, and the entire fleet will broadcast directly."


The Third Fleet took action immediately, and the Nanzhou fired three waves of smoke bombs in a row, almost emptying all the stored bombs, and the aircraft group also shot out the smoke bombs they were carrying. , the small is only a mere 100 meters.

The smoke screen is black, and the background of the universe is also black. If the smoke screen blocks the starlight behind it, it is hard to say whether the aliens can find the smoke screen.

More than 70 heavy fighter jets quickly got into the smokescreen, and then shuttled up and down between the smokescreens, either in groups of three or five, or acting alone, each looking for a hidden spot to close his eyes.

The fleet also released the drones as soon as they received the order. The drones were regarded as the scouts of the warships, so each warship brought a lot, and all of them added up to a few more than the heavy fighters.

The length of the drone is only 30 meters, which is nine meters shorter than that of the heavy fighter. However, except for its smaller size, there is basically no difference in other aspects... It is strange that there are differences. These two aircraft were originally designed by the same team, not The twins are also brothers, can they look alike?

In order to attract the attention of aliens, only half of the drones are hidden in the smoke screen, and the remaining more than 30 drones are flying around in a dazzling manner. The flight trajectories of each drone are different. In cooperation, if the carrier-based aircraft is a regular army, the performance of the drone is like a group of gangsters.

Space warfare is undisguised and somewhat similar to the ancient cavalry hedging. Perfect formation and close cooperation can indeed increase a certain combat effectiveness. The drone group swarms in a mess. Stupid would not believe that humans would make such a low-level mistake, plus the carrier fleet had just killed a dozen ice ships, and the alien fleet responsible for the interception immediately became alert.

More than a hundred alien warships immediately shrank their forces, gave up blocking the Third Fleet, and tried their best to deal with the incoming drones, and even the fleet that had been separated before withdrew.

The drone travels back and forth between the dark clouds, the speed is fast and the power is fast, the flight trajectories are variously intersected and variously intertwined and various coordinations, not to mention the aliens who have never seen this set, even the people behind them. Also looked dazzling.

Aliens don't care how many drones fly, they only look for one thing, that is, whether they enter the range of the fine light or not. Covering the line of sight, no matter whether the drone or the dark clouds were repeatedly swept away by the fine light, the two drones flying in the front were directly trapped by the enclosed grating, and were chopped up on the spot by the interlaced fine light.

The fuel in the fuel tank quickly mixed and volatilized in the vacuum, and after contacting the burning tail flame, it immediately exploded into a dazzling silent flame.

If the planes in the previous group had not shut down their engines in advance, they would have burst into flames.

Before the flames dissipated, another drone passed through the flames, rushing towards the alien battleship like an eagle pounced on its prey.

Then came the second, the third... More than 30 drones rushed into the range of the thin light in one breath, the alien warship immediately opened fire with full force, and the countless thin lights chased the drone and flew up and down. In the blink of an eye, three more drones were cut by the fine light.

Because the flying directions of the drones were different, Xiaoguang only focused on chasing the drones. The tight-fitting gratings before appeared no longer, but a small-scale cooperation between several ice ships.

But drones are not so easy to grasp, they are like the most slippery loach, sliding away from fingers composed of fine light again and again.

The maneuvering flight of the UAV is not controlled by, but after the target is set, it is automatically executed by the flight control system.

The UAV controlled by the flight control system has an extremely fast response speed, and the flight overload is much higher than that of a manned aircraft. As long as the strength of the aircraft can withstand it, it is easy and pleasant to fly with an overload of 20 to 30 g.

If it was replaced by a manned machine and one headed into the alien's firepower network, even if the entire army was not wiped out for so long, it would have lost more than half of it.

However, drones are not without their shortcomings. The biggest flaw of this thing is that it is too rigid, and it is not as flexible and flexible as manned drones.

Seeing the drones walking through the dense light, Ling Yu made a decisive decision and ordered all the remaining thirty or so drones to be pressed down.

The first wave of missiles also flew into the firepower range of the alien fleet while the follow-up fleet went forward.

In the other direction, the first and second aviation regiments rushed to the alien fleet from two directions, and the distance between the two sides was not far, and the fleet could reach the battlefield in a short while.

As for the alien reinforcements from Io Zero, it will take about ten minutes to arrive. The third fleet grabs this time difference. If the alien reinforcements can be eaten before the enemy reinforcements arrive, the third fleet will be able to Get the results and withdraw from the battlefield calmly, otherwise, you can only withdraw from the battle in a hurry, and if the trouble is bad, you will have to let the alien fleet chase after you.

Of course, staying behind is also an option, but unless it is absolutely necessary, Ling Yu will definitely not disturb the safety of the fleet.

This is not just a question of whether the fleet or the crew can take risks, but the enemy is outnumbered. This fleet has no capital at all. If the third fleet is exhausted, a series of subsequent arrangements in Beidu will be affected. No one can afford that responsibility.

The first group of drones is getting closer and closer to the enemy ship. As the distance shortens, the hit rate of the fine light is getting higher and higher. Every time the drones are killed, Ling Yu's pupils will shrink slightly.

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