Armor Frenzy

Chapter 835: Aftermath of the war

The hatch cut off the line of sight, the war was raging outside the door, and the inside was silent, like two different worlds.

Outside the cabin, a violent explosion tore the Swift 3 into pieces, and the shock wave of the explosion swept the metal fragments in all directions. The alien was hit by at least one piece of metal, and even more than 100 meters away, there were unfortunate aliens who were attacked.

The thin line of defense lasted only a few minutes from the beginning of the block until Liu Bin detonated the explosives, but it was these inconspicuous minutes that gave the troops a chance to withdraw into the Yushan!

In the cabin, Ye Han sat on the ground and stared blankly at the cabin door. He was unwilling, he regretted it, and he blamed himself. It was as if he had knocked over a five-flavor bottle, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

What he couldn't let go of was that he personally left all the civil servants at Moe... Although this was the common decision of all the wounded, although he also knew that this was the best choice, soldiers are not wood and stone, they also have their own Feelings and thoughts, clear in my heart does not mean that I can accept this result.

The hatch was closed, and the two soldiers quickly turned the turntable to lock the hatch. Lin Yi, who was sweating profusely, shouted, "Sit down, take off—"

Before he finished speaking, a burst of flames burst out from the bottom of the shining radiance that stood tall. The rising flame turned into a surging tail flame in the blink of an eye, and the rocket rose slowly from the launch pad.

The flame scorched the ice surface, and the solidified ice surface quickly melted and boiled, eventually turning into a diffused steam.

The soldiers quickly found their seats and fastened their seat belts as soon as possible. They simply lay on the ground before they could sit down.

After a few seconds, there was a clear push back from the crowd, and the power became stronger and clearer.

At the same time as the rocket was ignited and lifted into the air, the landing stage shot out all the remaining smoke bombs, forming a circle of smoke around the rocket.

Although the thrown cigarette butts flew nearly 100 meters away, the gust of air still inevitably blew the smoke screen away.

Seeing that the rocket was about to take off, the aliens who broke through the defense line ignored them and rushed towards the rocket. All aliens, no matter how far or near, did their best to shoot silk light at the rocket.

The mercerized light launched near is weakened by the smoke screen, and the power of the mercerized light in the distance is limited. At most, it leaves some scratches on the surface of the rocket, which cannot prevent the rocket from taking off at all.

At this time, the alien rushing in front stepped into the detection range of the 1020 rapid-fire gun. The two rapid-fire guns on the landing section opened fire immediately, and the dense bullets penetrated into the smoke screen and broke through the smoke screen, facing the charging alien. on people.

The 20mm cannonballs are accurate and efficient, and the aliens rushing in front are hit by the cannonballs one by one. As long as they are rubbed a little by the deadly cannonballs, they will be seriously injured if they don't die.

The alien's front line was smashed back by the cannonball.

More and more aliens rushed towards the rocket, and the rapid-fire gun quickly changed from intermittent firing to full-scale firing.

However, the aliens didn't care about casualties at all, and all their attention was on the rocket.

The rapid-fire gun finally fired up the shells, and the front line suppressed by the bullet rain immediately rushed forward, but dozens of lasers from the orbiting cabin arrived in an instant, and the beams revolved rapidly around the rocket, killing all the aliens trying to get close. Get off the horse.

This is not the end, the naval guns on the rail section also began to fire, more than a dozen naval guns sprayed revenge shells at the speed of one shot per second, and each shell exploded, which could clear half of the football field.

In addition, there are several heavy missiles, and wherever the cluster warhead is, there is a piece of scorched earth.

Smoke still spewed from the smoke bomb, and as the rocket flew higher and higher, the airflow brought by the tail flame finally no longer affected the smoke, barely forming a ring-shaped smoke wall.

The aliens rushed into the smoke screen and emerged from the other side, then fluttered their wings, chasing the rockets that rose higher and higher.

The aliens outside the smoke screen also took off, trying to catch up with the rocket in the air, but their speed was too slow to catch up with the rocket that took off. The only thing they could do was to fire silk light at the rocket.

At this time, the rocket has not yet flown out of the effective range of the mercerized light. If it is hit by a large amount of mercerized light, the consequences are unpredictable!

Just at this juncture, the landing section left on the ground suddenly exploded - that was the explosion of the self-destruction device of the landing section. Although it was only a kiloton nuclear bomb, the nuclear explosion was a nuclear explosion, and the explosion within a radius of 200 meters. All the aliens were killed on the spot, the injuries between 200 and 700 meters decreased according to the distance, and the debris generated by the explosion flew up to six or seven kilometers.

The alien pursuit is completely bankrupt, the rockets are flying faster and faster, the soldiers in the spaceship are under increasing pressure, and everyone feels like a mountain is pressing down on them.

As the altitude increases, the blue sky gets darker and darker, gradually turning into a deep blue.

Eighty-three seconds after ignition, the first stage rocket was successfully separated;

One hundred and thirty-four seconds, the fairing separated.

One hundred and seventy-two seconds rocket separation.

More than three minutes passed in a blink of an eye. After the spacecraft successfully escaped from the atmosphere and entered a low-altitude orbit, the spacecraft changed its orbit under the impetus of the thruster and moved closer to the orbital segment.

The pressure on everyone dissipated at the same time, the soldiers lying on the ground gradually floated up, Ye Han floated into the air with a little force, turned around and reached out to grab the edge of the air window, leaning against the window and looking down.

Half of the white Io was exposed in the sunlight, and the other half was hidden in the darkness. On the snow-white ice sheet, the scorch marks left by the nuclear explosion were clearly discernible.

Lin Yi let out a long sigh of relief: "Nanzhou, Yushan successfully escaped and are docking, please instruct!"

"Yushan, the alien fleet is approaching, dock as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible."

"Yushan received!"

Lin Yi shouted loudly while manipulating the spacecraft: "Chief, chief?"

Ye Han looked back: "What's the matter?"

"The alien fleet will arrive soon, and docking is too time-consuming. I suggest giving up the spacecraft and flying directly into the Yushan!"

Ye Han turned around suddenly: "Check the thrusters!"

Propellers and flight bags are two different things. The former is standard equipment used in zero-gravity conditions, and must be carried on the body at all times, and should not be discarded at will without a legitimate reason; the latter is temporary equipment for flying, and few people carry that thing on their backs all the time.

The inspection results were quickly reported to Ye Han. Only two people reported the failure of the thrusters. Ye Han immediately arranged for someone to take the two of them. In just over ten seconds, all the marines were ready to evacuate the spacecraft.

Lin Yi maneuvered the spacecraft to approach Yushan, and the speed of the two gradually synchronized until Lin Yi shouted ok, Ye Han pulled open the hatch, and the air in the spacecraft immediately dispersed from the hatch, and the sound in the spacecraft followed the air. The dissipated and rapidly weakened, and soon became silent, only the sound of his own breathing could be heard.

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