Armor Frenzy

Chapter 837: Part 1

The crew was very surprised, but didn't ask a word. After Ye Han cleaned up, the log was also delivered to him.

Ye Han shook the log, said thanks, and then floated into the living area. He floated into the empty passageway. The passage was unbelievably quiet, and only Ye Han floated forward slowly.

At this time, most of the crew members were busy in their respective positions, while the marines were recalling the battle on Io Zero, or looking at the empty bed beside them and missing their comrades in arms, or silently staring at something in a daze.

After returning to the dormitory, Ye Han threw the log to the desk, jumped onto the bed, and put himself into the sleeping bag.

The log floated near the table, and was immediately sucked by the table, making a soft click.

Ye Han ignored the log and opened the inflatable armor to inflate the air bag. He quickly felt a little pressure on his body, which made him feel a little more comfortable, but his heart could not calm down. One after another, Liu Bin's smiling face froze in front of his eyes.

But Liu Bin's smile soon turned into a miserable cry, and then Ye Han seemed to hear a bang, and Liu Bin was suddenly torn apart, turning into a rain of blood.

Ye Han didn't want to think about the tragic situation when Liu Bin died, but he couldn't control himself at all. He knew that the best way at this time was to divert his attention. When he looked up, his eyes fell on the logbook belonging to the Shuwan. .

The detective picked up the log, Ye Han took a deep breath, opened the first page of the log, and there were a few lines written on it: February 26, 2024, the moon, the first fleet of the expeditionary force set off for Jupiter...

The short two lines of words evoked Ye Han's dusty memory, thinking of the annihilated First Fleet.

Continuing to look down, there are a few more lines after the two empty lines: On January 22, 2025, near Io, the fleet is about to arrive at Muxing, discover alien spaceships, and wake up the crew ahead of time.

Ye Han felt a little pain in his heart, so he turned a few pages, and finally found something different on the fourth page.

My name is Lu Peng, a marine on the Shuwan, with the rank of lieutenant. In early 2024, I will travel to Jupiter with the First Fleet of the Expeditionary Force on the Shuwan.

The following was recorded in mid-February 2025, and I recorded this for the sole purpose of hoping that someone will see it in the future.

The writing in this passage is very scribbled, and it can only be recognizable, and occasionally it has to be guessed.

But this paragraph successfully attracted Ye Han's attention, he immediately looked down, and continued to write with two empty lines after the paragraph:

Jan 28, 2025, Io Zero.

The Shuwan crashed into Io Zero during the battle. Captain Niu Xinyu ordered the Shuwan to self-destruct. At that time, I and other comrades in arms were in the landing craft. After hearing the order, everyone was stunned. We were mentally prepared, we should have waited for the warship to self-destruct, but Captain Li Wenzhe suddenly opened fire, blasted through the gate, and drove the landing craft to leave the ship...

Seeing this, Ye Han vaguely remembered a person who was white and clean, not like a soldier at all.

When he first arrived on the moon, Li Wenzhe was still a captain. Before the expeditionary force set off, he was promoted to major and was in charge of commanding the marines on the Shuwan.

Ye Han continued to look down:

We were all stunned and wanted to stop Li Wenzhe, but Li Wenzhe suddenly shouted at us: "You don't want to live, I want to!"

We were all stunned. In fact, we had all thought about death and were mentally prepared, but when the time came, all of us hesitated.

It is better to die than to live. Who is willing to die if you can live?

It's ridiculous to think about it now. If he died at the time, how could he live in such pain? But there is no regret medicine in this world, what is the use of regret now.

The self-destruction countdown is only ten seconds. It is impossible for the landing craft to fly to a safe area within ten seconds. In order to run farther, Li Wenzhe turned on the brake rocket as soon as he flew out of the Shuwan, and used the rocket for acceleration. The ten-second countdown ended. After that, the landing craft had already flown out for almost a kilometer.

In hindsight, being able to fly one kilometer in ten seconds is pretty good, if it were any slower, we would all be dead.

Then the Shuwan exploded behind us, and the warship was blown up by the nuclear bomb. When my eyes lit up, the landing craft overturned the shock wave and fell directly from the sky. Fortunately, that **** Li Wenzhe lowered the height.

The landing craft fell to the ground, and I almost fainted, but I quickly woke up, maybe we were too close, the ground shook like an earthquake, but it came and went quickly, and it didn't take long It stopped shaking, I immediately leaned over to the window and looked back, just in time to see the mushroom cloud rising, and the sky full of broken steel pieces falling down like rain, I watched them fall, smashing the hull Loudly.

The Shuwan was not so shattered. I saw a few big pieces fall down with my own eyes, probably because they are big and These pieces all fell directly from the sky, and fell to the ground. Below the Summer Bay.

This journal was found by the aliens from the wreckage of the Shuwan. They all rummaged through the wreckage, and all the things they found were sent to us...

Let’s go too far, let’s continue talking about January 28th.

We happened to land in a worm tree, and the worm trees outside were all blown down by the shock wave. When it fell to the ground, it burned very vigorously, and the smoke was very heavy. Many worm trees were pulled out by their roots. I saw that the worm tree can grow as high as several floors.

There is also the radiation alarm. It has not stopped since the landing craft landed. The pyranometer exploded directly, and the pointers were bent. Fortunately, the three-proof equipment was not broken.

The landing craft fell and could not fly, but the fall was not heavy. After a while, everyone was awake.

Our vice-captain was named Huang Biao, with the rank of captain, a tall man, and a particularly upright person. As soon as he woke up, he held down Li Wenzhe and asked him why he had pulled out the landing craft.

He Wenzhe plausibly said at the time that he didn't want to die, that he had to live to have hope or something, but his mood was not very good. , we just remembered to pull the frame.

I remember very clearly what Captain Huang said at the time. He said that I also want to live, and I don't want to die, but now I don't die, what if I fall into the hands of aliens? If the few of us don't die, what will humans do? What about Earth? What about relatives on Earth?

I really thought at the time that even if we fell into the hands of aliens, it would be nothing. What if the aliens could use a few of us to wipe out the human race?

When I think about it now, I really thought it was wrong at the time. The aliens couldn't take us to destroy anyone, but they opened a breakthrough in us, and they also understood human beings in us.

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