Armor Frenzy

Chapter 840: Part 1 (4)

Below the last line of words, some meaningless lines were drawn. Ye Han couldn't guess what these lines represented, so he turned to the next page suspiciously.

The first line has a smear of ink, then the text:

The aliens don't take human life seriously at all, they jump down from the sky like madmen, gag our guns with their bodies, and then others grab our arms and, if struggling, our legs.

Their strength is very strong, even if we try our best, we can't break their embedment...

Ye Han felt that this should be a clamp, not an inexplicable embedding, but there is no need to worry about this, and continue to look down.

Many people pulled the grenade, but the grenade deliberately controlled its power, and it didn't destroy the armor at all, but it made us people feel dizzy, but saved the aliens.

Later, I heard Captain Huang say that before the aliens caught him, he used a laser gun to shoot a set of light signals into the sky. The content was traitors and prisoners. I hope this method can be used to remind the earth and tell them that someone has fallen to the alien. in human hands.

After listening to it, I was silent for a while, not knowing what to say, and I felt very uncomfortable and aggrieved.

Continue to talk about the matter of January 28, we can't fight the aliens, and after a while, all of us fell into the hands of the aliens and were escorted away by them. I can't tell the south, east, west, north and west of this ghost place, anyway, just go wherever you want to go.

After a while, another team of aliens brought a few people over, including Li Wenzhe from Dog Day.

The aliens escorted us for more than half an hour, probably far enough from the nuclear explosion zone. The aliens did not know how to recruit an oversized bug from the ground.

This thing scared me a lot, I thought the aliens wanted to feed us to the bugs, but the shell on the back of the bug opened, and there were several meat pits inside, the aliens stuffed some of us in, and then the bug Close the case and shut us in the case.

The bug's shell was like a ladybug, covered with transparent dots, like a window.

I saw the escorted aliens land on the bug's back and control the bug to crawl forward like a car.

I just realized that this kind of bug is actually an alien car. Although the meat pit is narrow and tight, the bug crawls very steadily and the speed is quite fast, and it can swim across a river.

I put my head on the transparent shell, but I looked out, and saw a lot of strange bugs along the way, as well as all kinds of strange alien plants, mainly all kinds of insect trees, the tallest one. The plant is about ten stories tall, and at least seven or eight meters thick. To this day, I have not figured out what kind of insects such a large insect tree can grow. occupies a very important place in life.

The car bug was crawling very fast. After a while, I saw the huge Jupiter rising from the front. It hung in the sky like that, filling half of the sky. The layers of stripes were so clear that even the halo could be seen. Gotta be clear.

At that time, my heart was really very emotional, feeling the insignificance of human beings and the vastness of the universe.

Jupiter is moving surprisingly fast, and in no time, it will be on top of our heads.

Then, I saw a river, the water in the river suddenly rose a lot like a high tide, and then I suddenly found myself lighter,

Wasn't sure at first, but the closer I got to Jupiter, the more obvious it became, and I suddenly realized that it was tidal action from Jupiter, and it was really big.

Later I learned that every time Jupiter passes through the sea of ​​Io, it will cause a tsunami-like super tide, and even the crust of the earth has loosened a lot because of this. During that time, the earthquakes never stopped. It's fixed, but the quality of the alien's construction passed the test, and it didn't die in the end.

Also, aliens seem to be quite used to it and are not afraid of earthquakes at all.

It took more than two hours from seeing Jupiter to moving Jupiter overhead. I have never seen Jupiter so close, and I also saw lightning and auroras in the clouds with a telescope. It is hard to imagine what it would be like to be in it. Feel.

With human technology, there should never be a chance to land on Jupiter. I just don't know if the aliens have this ability. If they really do, there is no need to fight this war anymore...

The description of this paragraph is very insightful and rational, which made Ye Han a little curious about Lu Peng who wrote this paragraph, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't remember such a person among the original students.

Maybe you can think of something when you see the photos, but you don't need to look for it. You can contact Beiyuezhou's archive center when you have the opportunity in the future.

Read on:

We quickly left below Jupiter, and the weight slowly came back. I don't know how far we have traveled. The bugs who pretended to be us finally got to the opened the soil and took us into the ground, just now At the beginning, it was all digging and walking. After a while, I got into a hole in the ground. After walking along the hole for a long time, it stopped. It was downhill all the way, so I guess we were in a very deep place.

How to describe it? This place should be the underground base of aliens. It is very large and the dome is very high. There are white buildings everywhere, and there are several white pillars supporting the dome. The ground is empty.

I can't think of how much manpower and material resources it takes to dig such a big dungeon, but until today, we prisoners are still trapped in a corner of the base, no one knows how big this place is, but I have seen alien warships flying in the sky... ...above the dungeon, below the dome, and it didn't feel narrow at all.

We all think that aliens are likely to dig Io Zero into an ant nest. There must be many cities like this, otherwise there will be no place to hold so many aliens.

They can travel through interstellar space with Io, and these dungeons must have played a very important role.

I remember very clearly that when we arrived in the dungeon at 22:18 on the evening of January 28, 2025, the aliens ignored us after they arrived. The bugs were very obedient, waited quietly, and kept us locked up. On the back of the bug, they didn't send the bug to a fully enclosed building until half past eleven in the evening.

When the worm shell is opened, those of us can't wait to jump out. Some people are willing to accept their fate, and some people want to resist, but all resistance is futile. The aliens don't give us a chance to resist, and send us directly to the baptism. Intermittent.

We refused to take off the armor, so they just washed the armor and brushed us from head to toe with a brush they didn't know what to do before letting us go out the other end.

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