Armor Frenzy

Chapter 843: food exchange

When: Tuesday, February 5, 2025.

Location: Io Zero, Alien Dungeon.

We have been prisoners for more than a week. During this time, aliens have been sending things to us. Most of them came from the Heat Bay, and some came from other warships. We all felt that these things were brought back from space by aliens. But I don't understand what the aliens mean by sending these things here.

Team Huang felt that the aliens wanted us to use these things and then learn about human beings through our behavior. This should be the most reliable guess, but the aliens didn’t send anything important, and we didn’t shy away from anything. , No one hides when it’s time to use it. The most used tablet is the tablet, but they don’t take it to work, either for entertainment or watching movies and novels, even if the aliens know about it, it doesn’t matter.

We didn't turn over the items that were brought in, that is, we found all the food we ate, and everything else was left to chance.

By the way, this journal and the accompanying ink were unintentionally turned out during this period of time. After turning it out, no one took a second look, including myself. When I remembered it, it was already a long time later. something happened.

February 5th is actually nothing special, but I feel it is necessary to record it, because this day is the last time that aliens sent things to us, I mean things sent to human beings, from this day onwards, there is no more from Things from the fleet came in, and we all felt that this was something they couldn't find useful.

In fact, the aliens found far more than these things, but the others were either severely damaged, polluted and unclean, or belonged to weapons and equipment, and they were all things that could not be sent in.

Later, by chance, I found out that the aliens even got a scrapped nuclear reactor and put it away for research like a treasure, but it is useless to have a scrapped reactor. They don’t understand the principle at all. It's weird to copy it.

Having said that, I have never thought that aliens who can even build planetary engines don't know how to build nuclear reactors. I can't figure out what power their planetary engines are.

Vacuum zero-point energy? Dark energy? Or more mysterious annihilation of matter and antimatter?

When: Wednesday, February 13, 2025.

Location: Io Dungeon Zero.

The aliens haven't delivered anything for a week, and if it wasn't for a few water worms every two days, we would all think that the aliens forgot us captives.

This is not Stockholm Syndrome, but the aliens have been silent. We can't be without ideas. The most fearful thing is that the aliens have been collecting data during this period of time, and they will use people like us to make more moves.

One of all prisoners counts as one, and no one thinks that aliens will let us go, let alone that aliens will talk about humanitarianism. According to Wang Zhifei, the crushing of low-level literature by higher civilizations is comprehensive. Consider how many people the Europeans killed when they colonized the Americas, and you know what the relationship between civilizations really is.

He also said that he has read a lot of science fiction novels. According to the routines in the novels, the possibility that aliens can treat us as human beings is pitifully small, and they can treat us as animals because of their kindness.

I don't want to admit his point of view, but no matter how much I think about it, I can't think of a reason to refute it, pinning my fate on the mercy of the enemy, what a joke?

The above content is what we think these days, and there is a reason why it is recorded here, because on this day, we ate all the food from the Shuwan.

We have not received much food all the time. We ate very sparingly from the beginning, drank more water and ate less. After half a month, everyone lost a lot of weight.

We don't know what to do when we've run out of food. It's a lie to say that we don't panic.

We were tangled here, and a group of aliens came in. There haven't been so many aliens since the 5th, and so many suddenly appeared today. .

But our worry seems a little superfluous. These aliens sent something and gestured with us, meaning to put it in the mouth.

We all understand that what they send is food.

The aliens seemed to want to watch us eat in person, but none of us moved, including Li Wenzhe.

After the aliens left, we had the most heated debate since our captivity, about whether the things the aliens sent were edible.

Zeng Rui analyzed from a professional point of view that we have been captives for half a month, but no one has been infected with bacteria and viruses. In addition to such a long period of observation, the aliens have reached a certain level of understanding of us. These Things shouldn't kill people, but I don't know what these things are made This word goes into everyone's heart, even aliens use the virtue of insects for everything, maybe these things It was pulled out by insects.

I really want to discuss with the aliens, let them send a stove in, and directly send two bugs over for us to clean up and eat.

We struggled for a long time on whether to eat or not. We persisted for a whole day, and then we were so hungry that we couldn't hold back.

If one can't bear it, everyone else can't bear it, and I'm no exception. But the alien food is really bad, the taste is not as good as compressed biscuits, and there is still a potion smell in it, which is to fill the stomach, and nothing else.

To be honest, if you were just captured, you might be able to persevere, but now, hehe, I just want to say that giving in and compromising will also become a habit.

We all think that the smell of the potion is for disinfection, but in fact it is not the case at all. There was nothing wrong with it at the beginning, but after taking it for three days, that is, on the morning of February 16, Zeng Rui found a lot of hair loss. , grabbed a handful like a ghost shaved his head.

Others have lost some and can't, and Zeng Rui is the most serious.

In the next few days, Zeng Rui's hair fell more and more severely, and it started to fall out, not only the hair, but also the sweat on his body, eyebrows and beards, and it all fell out within a few days.

At that time, we were all frightened and foolish, thinking that aliens brought in something with radiation, and everyone had radiation sickness.

But Zeng Rui insisted no, saying that radiation sickness can't only lose hair, but also have nausea, vomiting and running belly, but we have nothing but hair loss, and although radiation sickness also loses hair, it takes two to two It's only been three weeks since it started to fall, and the timing is simply not right.

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