Armor Frenzy

Chapter 848: Weird experience

End of November 2025.

The enemy is in chaos, the whole dungeon is in chaos, the entire dungeon is in chaos, and the usually serious aliens seem to have turned into headless flies.

At the beginning, we didn't know what happened, but it didn't take long before we felt the earthquake!

It is very slight, but obvious, and the number of times is quite high, and the vibration is particularly intensive for a period of time.

Calculate the time, the Second Fleet should also arrive, the abnormal vibration during this time must be the nuclear bomb killing Io... Let the nuclear bomb come more violently!

I can't describe how I feel now, excited, excited, want to cry but can't cry... We have become monsters, no matter how sad we are, we can't cry.

Although we are in a dungeon, even if the Second Fleet occupies Io, we will not become human, but I still sincerely hope that the Second Fleet will win.

I can't tell how long it took. In short, the fighting stopped and the enemy returned to order. We were always trapped in the dungeon. We didn't know what was going on outside, and the enemy couldn't tell us what was going on outside. The Second Fleet didn't seem to be able to deal with Zero Io either.

I don't know now whether to be disappointed by the failure of the Second Fleet, or to be thankful that Io is fine.

Late November 2025.

The Second Fleet should do better than we imagined!

The enemy watched us for half a month, and today the ban is finally lifted. Wang Zhifei was taken away by the enemy. We are still worried about his safety. He was sent back by aliens.

Wang Zhifei was very excited. He said that the dome of the underground city was damaged by the earthquake, and there was a big crack in the surface. The enemy was organizing people to repair the dome.

It's a pity that the enemy has been watching us to death, otherwise this is definitely a good opportunity to escape.

I have to say that the quality of the enemy's engineering is really good. After bombing so many nuclear bombs, there is no problem in the dungeon.

December 2025.

I don't know what's going on, but it's a bit strange. The interval between weightlessness and overweight seems to be getting longer and longer these days. It's not obvious, but I can feel it.

This is weird, supposedly without a timing tool, we shouldn't notice a change in time, but everyone, myself included, felt that the change in gravity took longer.

Could it be that this body has a clearer sense of time? How strong is this biological clock to feel time changes in minutes?

But what about the reason for the change? The enemy thinks that Io Zero is rotating too fast? Or some other reason?

December 2025.

The time of gravity change is getting longer and longer, and then, this change suddenly stops, and when it stops, we happen to be in the overweight zone. It is considered that our strength is much stronger now, and the high gravity also makes us very uncomfortable.

What the **** is going on?

Seeing Ye Han here, he couldn't help sighing. Human vision is still too narrow. Put yourself in the shoes and think about it. At that time, no matter who was in Huang Biao's position, it was impossible to think that aliens were controlling Io Zero to slow down. , it is even less likely to think that Io will break away from Jupiter soon.

This is to use human thinking to fit aliens, and it is called a strange thing if nothing goes wrong.

Late December 2025, or late January 2026.

The gravitational shift is gone, and we lose our way of reckoning time, and while the biological clock is still so accurate, living things only function within a day.

This time, it's getting more and more strange, not only the enemy is strange, but our feelings are also strange, but it's still the same sentence, no one knows why, and no one can guess why.

The enemy's guards are still so tight, it's really weird, are we prisoners so important?

The end of January should be this time.

The dome collapsed, collapsed, collapsed!

I don't know what happened today. There was a strong earthquake without warning. The dungeon felt very strong and the buildings were damaged in many places.

The previously repaired dome could not hold up. Shortly after the earthquake, there was a loud bang on the top of the head, a small half of the dome collapsed, and countless earth and rocks fell, pressing down half of the dungeon. hog protruding.

opportunity finally arises!

Taking advantage of the chaos of the enemy, we swarmed and killed the only two guards left, and successfully escaped from the cage!

Aside from the food, I only took this diary and the accompanying ink with me, and everyone else did the same, all with food.

When we escaped, no one thought about bringing water at all. There was something on the ground, and there was no need to bring it on purpose. After staying in the dungeon for so long, we already knew where the passage to the ground was, but it never existed. Opportunity is approaching.

Most of the enemies were busy to the rescue, and the collapsed mound was full of enemies and bugs.

We moved quickly, trying to avoid the enemy, but we were still spotted as we approached the passage.

Our horses rushed to the passage, and finally rushed into the passage before the enemy. The only thought at that time was to pray that no enemy would rush down from the ground.

The enemy's movements were fast. Although only seven or eight people came over, they all had wings and rushed into the passage.

Seeing that we were about to fall into the enemy's hands again, the aliens didn't know what was going on, and suddenly they played the nest, a few aliens raised their arms and killed everyone else, and then they flew to In front of us, gesturing to follow them.

I was amazed at the time, the others weren't much better, and we were all worried it was another alien conspiracy.

Seeing our hesitation, those few aliens didn't give us the chance to go back at all, and each of them mentioned one flight.

After a while, another team of chasing soldiers came from behind, and the aliens carrying us flew faster. It should be the enemy who was chasing behind and opened fire, and the two aliens flew and fell headlong. The fall is a serious one, and it hurts just listening to the sound of the landing.

The captives in their hands fell to the ground with them.

The rest of the aliens didn't dare to stop at all. Carrying our burdens, they flew at the fastest speed, dodging the fire behind them while flying - I still don't know what weapons the enemy used.

Our people were not spared either. A person was cut in two by my side, leaving only two arms and a head. The aliens flew forward with Kejin. The scene at that time was called a horror.

Maybe a few minutes later, there was a fork in front, and a group of aliens rushed out of the fork.

I was dumbfounded at the time, and I thought that this was over. I didn't expect these aliens to be a group. After letting us go, they would directly fight with the pursuers behind!

Totally messed up this time.

End of November 2025.

The enemy is in chaos, the whole dungeon is in chaos, the entire dungeon is in chaos, and the usually serious aliens seem to have turned into headless flies.

At the beginning, we didn't know what happened, but it didn't take long before we felt the earthquake!

It is very slight, but obvious, and the number of times is quite high, and the vibration is particularly intensive for a period of time.

Calculate the time, the Second Fleet should also arrive, the abnormal vibration during this time must be the nuclear bomb killing Io... Let the nuclear bomb come more violently!

I can't describe how I feel now, excited, excited, want to cry but can't cry... We have become monsters, no matter how sad we are, we can't cry.

Although we are in a dungeon, even if the Second Fleet occupies Io, we will not become human, but I still sincerely hope that the Second Fleet will win.

I can't tell how long it took. In short, the fighting stopped and the enemy returned to order. We were always trapped in the dungeon. We didn't know what was going on outside, and the enemy couldn't tell us what was going on outside. The Second Fleet didn't seem to be able to deal with Zero Io either.

I don't know now whether to be disappointed by the failure of the Second Fleet, or to be thankful that Io is fine.

Late November 2025.

The Second Fleet should do better than we imagined!

The enemy watched us for half a month, and today the ban is finally lifted. Wang Zhifei was taken away by the enemy. We are still worried about his safety. He was sent back by aliens.

Wang Zhifei was very excited. He said that the dome of the underground city was damaged by the earthquake, and there was a big crack in the surface. The enemy was organizing people to repair the dome.

It's a pity that the enemy has been watching us to death, otherwise this is definitely a good opportunity to escape.

I have to say that the quality of the enemy's engineering is really good. After bombing so many nuclear bombs, there is no problem in the dungeon.

December 2025.

I don't know what's going on, but it's a bit strange. The interval between weightlessness and overweight seems to be getting longer and longer these days. It's not obvious, but I can feel it.

This is weird, supposedly without a timing tool, we shouldn't notice a change in time, but everyone, myself included, felt that the change in gravity took longer.

Could it be that this body has a clearer sense of time? How strong is this biological clock to feel time changes in minutes?

But what about the reason for the change? The enemy thinks that Io Zero is rotating too fast? Or some other reason?

December 2025.

The time of gravity change is getting longer and longer, and then, this change suddenly stops, and when it stops, we happen to be in the overweight zone. It is considered that our strength is much stronger now, and the high gravity also makes us very uncomfortable.

What the **** is going on?

Seeing Ye Han here, he couldn't help sighing. Human vision is still too narrow. Put yourself in the shoes and think about it. At that time, no matter who was in Huang Biao's position, it was impossible to think that aliens were controlling Io Zero to slow down. , it is even less likely to think that Io will break away from Jupiter soon.

This is to use human thinking to fit aliens, and it is called a strange thing if nothing goes wrong.

Late December 2025, or late January 2026.

The gravitational shift is gone, and we lose our way of reckoning time, and while the biological clock is still so accurate, living things only function within a day.

This time, it's getting more and more strange, not only the enemy is strange, but our feelings are also strange, but it's still the same sentence, no one knows why, and no one can guess why.

The enemy's guards are still so tight, it's really weird, are we prisoners so important?

The end of January should be this time.

The dome collapsed, collapsed, collapsed!

I don't know what happened today. There was a strong earthquake without warning. The dungeon felt very strong and the buildings were damaged in many places.

The previously repaired dome could not hold up. Shortly after the earthquake, there was a loud bang on the top of the head, a small half of the dome collapsed, and countless earth and rocks fell, pressing down half of the dungeon. hog protruding.

opportunity finally arises!

Taking advantage of the chaos of the enemy, we swarmed and killed the only two guards left, and successfully escaped from the cage!

Aside from the food, I only took this diary and the accompanying ink with me, and everyone else did the same, all with food.

When we escaped, no one thought about bringing water at all. There was something on the ground, and there was no need to bring it on purpose. After staying in the dungeon for so long, we already knew where the passage to the ground was, but it never existed. Opportunity is approaching.

Most of the enemies were busy to the rescue, and the collapsed mound was full of enemies and bugs.

We moved quickly, trying to avoid the enemy, but we were still spotted as we approached the passage.

Our horses rushed to the passage, and finally rushed into the passage before the enemy. The only thought at that time was to pray that no enemy would rush down from the ground.

The enemy's movements were fast. Although only seven or eight people came over, they all had wings and rushed into the passage.

Seeing that we are about to fall into the hands of the enemy The aliens don't know what's going on, and suddenly they play the nest, and a few aliens raise their arms and kill the others. Clean, then they flew in front of us, gesturing for us to follow them.

I was amazed at the time, the others weren't much better, and we were all worried it was another alien conspiracy.

Seeing our hesitation, those few aliens didn't give us the chance to go back at all, and each of them mentioned one flight.

After a while, another team of chasing soldiers came from behind, and the aliens carrying us flew faster. It should be the enemy who was chasing behind and opened fire, and the two aliens flew and fell headlong. The fall is a serious one, and it hurts just listening to the sound of the landing.

The captives in their hands fell to the ground with them.

The rest of the aliens didn't dare to stop at all. Carrying our burdens, they flew at the fastest speed, dodging the fire behind them while flying - I still don't know what weapons the enemy used.

Our people were not spared either. A person was cut in two by my side, leaving only two arms and a head. The aliens flew forward with Kejin. The scene at that time was called a horror.

Maybe a few minutes later, there was a fork in front, and a group of aliens rushed out of the fork.

I was dumbfounded at the time, and I thought that this was over. I didn't expect these aliens to be a group. After letting us go, they would directly fight with the pursuers behind!

Totally messed up this time.

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