Armor Frenzy

Chapter 860: open mind


May 30, 2027, Zhongnanhai.

The atmosphere in the conference room was stagnant, and the expressions of the participants were heavy. More than a dozen old smokers in military uniforms were puffing up clouds of smoke. The ashtrays on the conference table were filled with cigarette butts, and the air was filled with the lingering smell of smoke.

Brother Yi took a deep breath, poked the burnt cigarette **** into the ashtray and twisted fiercely: "Everyone knows the situation, don't look at the fact that Io is still a year and a half before he arrives on Earth, but the time left for us is not enough. Many, we... no, the situation facing the entire human race is unprecedentedly severe, and we cannot sit idly by, let alone pin our hopes on other countries!"

Having said that, the first brother lit another cigarette, took a heavy puff, and exhaled a puff of smoke like a fire in his stomach: "Old Qiu, have you come up with the new plan?" The first brother did not smoke, but recently this The pressure on him was too great.

"The preliminary plan is out, but it hasn't been perfected yet." There was a lingering heaviness between Qiu Tianning's brows, and the tone was the same.

The first brother waved his hand, and the cigarette between his fingers drew a few irregular bright lines: "Tell me, be more detailed."

Qiu Tianning said: "Analysis believes that even if it is equipped with a gigaton-equivalent nuclear bomb, the possibility of the Fourth Fleet preventing Io Zero is very small. It is recommended to suspend the expedition plan."

"This is to shrink the troops and wait for the Mu Wei to come over?" Brother Yi frowned, condensing a sadness that wiped out the unlucky.

"No!" Qiu Tianning opened the folder in front of him, took out a piece of paper and shook it, "This is the document obtained from the Astronomical Bureau, Io's detailed orbital data, the analysis found that Io's current speed and The direction is not to fly to Earth at all, but Io will fly close to Mars in the near future - note, not flying over the orbit of Mars, but encountering Mars!"

Everyone immediately realized that there was something in Qiu Tianning's words, and everyone looked at Qiu Tianning together.

Qiu Tianning put down the document and turned to look at the first brother: "We think this is an opportunity."

The first brother was puzzled: "What chance?"

Qiu Tianning said: "Io's speed is too fast, it must slow down to approach the earth, so we believe that the purpose of Io's approach to Mars may be to use the gravitational slingshot effect to decelerate Io with Mars' gravity! "

"What? Impossible?" Wu Shenglong's stunned eyes widened, "The diameter of Mars is less than 7,000 kilometers, which is a big circle smaller than Io Zero!"

Qiu Tianning said: "Apart from this, we can't think of why Io is close to Mars. Aliens will never come to Io to hit Mars, right?"

"It's not impossible!" Wu Shenglong said, "Even if the combined masses of Mars and Io can't catch up with Earth, it's not too far behind? Mars is still right on the edge of the habitable zone. If these two stars collide together, it will change into a new planet..."

The latter words were not spoken, but everyone can think of the consequences of Mars being occupied by aliens.

The first brother turned his eyes to the right: "Huo Qiang, what's your opinion?"

The pensive Huo Qiang raised his head: "Mars is very dry, but there is a lot of water on Io, if the combination of the two cannot form a vast ocean, at least a stable water system can be formed, and it is indeed possible to turn Mars into a Habitable planets!"

"It's not that simple, is it?" Wu Shenglong had a different opinion, "How could a celestial collision be so simple, a real collision would be called an astronomical disaster, what would happen if a new planet was actually collided, the earth took hundreds of millions of years to Stabilize, will the new planet be stabilized in eighteen hundred years?"

Qiu Tianning said: "Maybe they have a way to shorten the stabilization time of the new planet... Who can tell about the aliens?"

Wu Shenglong was a little stunned: "Isn't this brain hole too big? Then what should we do? Wait for the aliens to get the new planet out and grab it, or continue to stop Io Zero?"

If Mars can become a habitable star... it is a habitable star, and it is false to say that it is not exciting.

"It's so easy to grab something from aliens, of course it's to block Io!" Qiu Tianning replied as a matter of course, "Don't think about the good things, the aliens really knocked out the new planet, and we can't grab it. Just now you It is also said that if two planets really collide together, it is an astronomical disaster. Maybe the new planet will not come out, but the two planets will be smashed first. When the sky is full of asteroids, all the asteroids will fly to the earth, and the asteroids alone will It’s enough to give us a headache. And Mars is too far away, it’s better to hit Venus than to hit Mars, at least the temperature is guaranteed.”

The last sentence is pure nonsense, but anyone who knows a little about astronomy knows that the problem of Venus is not only the dense atmosphere and super high temperature, but more importantly, the rotation speed of Venus is excruciatingly slow.

It is daytime for half of the year. Even if Venus is really a habitable star, the temperature will never be lower when it is exposed to the sun for half a year, and the temperature on the dark side will definitely get lower and lower.

Unless Venus spins faster, it can never be a habitable star.

The first brother said sternly: "How likely is the collision?"

"It's very small." Qiu Tianning said, "No matter how advanced the alien technology is, it can't withstand the collision of two planets. I don't think aliens will mess with their home planet."

The first brother nodded thoughtfully: "Continue!"

"Yes!" Qiu Tianning Our focus is not what Io wants to do, but Io must pass through Mars! "

Huo Qiang asked in surprise: "What? The next plan is to block Io on Mars? Mars... um, how to use Mars to complete the block?"

When he finally came to the point, Qiu Tianning said loudly, "Not to use Mars, but to use the satellites of Mars!"

Still stunned, the first brother asked attentively, "What is the use method?"

"The specific plan has not yet come out. The initial plan is to install engines on Phobos and Deimos, and drive them to hit Io!" Qiu Tianning said.

"Is it possible?" Wu Shenglong looked at Qiu Tianning as if he were a neuropathy, "How much mass are those two satellites? Do we have such a big engine? Besides, the engine has to be transported after it is built. It is so easy to do. Is it?"

Just kidding, put an engine on a satellite? When human beings are like aliens, can even planets be equipped with engines to drive away?

"It's up to people." Qiu Tianning said, "When I was a child, there were countless nuclear bombs buried on the moon and pushed the moon to hit aliens. What is it like to install an engine on two small satellites?"

"No, the way is good, the key is whether we have this technology!" Wu Shenglong knocked on the table with his fingers.

"I think there is no problem with the technical aspects." Qiu Tianning said, "It's just the details that need to be carefully scrutinized."

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