Armor Frenzy

Chapter 862: race against time

The situation was very clear, the meeting ended immediately, and Qiu Tianning returned to the Ministry of Defense immediately after leaving Zhongnanhai.

The hour hand was already pointing to nine o'clock in the evening, but Qiu Tianning couldn't care less. As soon as the car drove out of Zhongnanhai, his phone number had already been called back to the Ministry of National Defense.

Qiu Tianning gave an order, and all the people involved in drafting the Mars plan were all in place immediately, and immediately organized manpower to improve the Mars plan.

Not only that, but that night, the Joint Staff Department organized elite troops and a staff team of up to 100 people to join the formulation of the Mars plan. Before the early morning of the next day, the improvement of the plan had already entered the fast lane.

It was far more than the military that acted. Just after the meeting, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received instructions from Zhong Nanhai and immediately contacted the US embassy in Beidu, revealed the draft Mars plan to the US, and invited the US to participate in the Mars project.

The Mars plan seems simple, but it is actually complicated. It is not impossible to implement this plan with the strength of China alone, but the resources of Beiyuezhou must be tilted towards the Mars plan, the military's shipbuilding plan, the construction plan of Nanyuezhou, and the penetration of the moon. Subway plans at the North and South Poles, etc., will be severely affected.

The security of all mankind is a matter of concern, so there is no need for China to bear the blame. The time has come. If all countries do not give up their prejudices and work together, there will be no chance for cooperation in the future.

At this time, the northern capital was already walking into the night, and Washington on the other side of the ocean was still shining brightly. After receiving the notification, the United States attached great importance to it. The president immediately summoned his staff to discuss the plan. Home access to the White House.

Later that day, Washington reached out to Beidu to inquire about the details of the Mars program.

In the early morning of June 1, 2027, the planning team finally came up with the detailed plan of the Mars plan after two nights and one day of hard fighting, and delivered it to Zhongnanhai early that morning.

The first brother who received the plan immediately convened a team to study the plan, and passed the plan in the afternoon. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately informed the U.S. side of the plan details and invited the U.S. side to investigate and fill in the gaps.

At this time, Beidu has already made up its mind that even if the US does not participate in the Mars plan, the Chinese side will continue to carry out the Mars plan.

It's not that the North Capital underestimates Washington, but the current global situation is rotten, and the North Capital really can't figure out what Washington's pulse is!

At the beginning of the year, Africa and South America were flooded with giant ants. Although humans built the Nile Defense Line and the Panama Defense Line in time to block the impact of the ant colony, the impact of the ant colony has never been interrupted, and even broke through the human defense line for a time.

Fortunately, the human side has long been prepared. Both the Nile defense line and the Panama defense line are composed of several lines of defense. After the ant colony broke through the first line of defense, the offensive has weakened a lot. Facing the strong defense line and the fierce artillery fire, the ant colony is very difficult. Break the second line of defense.

However, the situation on the human side is not as good as it seems. The two major defense lines have invested a lot of manpower and material resources, and the resources consumed are not a little bit. To put it in a bad way, most of the resources of the entire Western group have been invested in the two major defense lines. It is hard to say whether the two major lines of defense can maintain the status quo with China's strong support.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the Russian side can no longer sit still in the face of the surging ant colony. It exported a large amount of resources and weapons to Europe, and even once sought to join the al-Qaeda group, but the al-Qaeda group headed by the United States has always been ambiguous. Not only did they not want to agree to Russia’s request, but they also wanted to obtain Russian resources. The two sides almost broke up. Later, I don’t know what kind of agreement was reached. line of defense.

Although the United States does not need resources from Russia, it has also been dragged by the Panama defense line and vomited three liters.

Washington once tried to annihilate the ant colony in one go, and smashed dozens of nuclear bombs into northern South America in one go, destroying all the virgin forests in northern South America, but an endless stream of giant ants still burrowed out of the ground.

Analysis believes that the South American underground may have been hollowed out by giant ants. Even if the ground is blown into glass with a nuclear bomb, it will not have much impact on the underground.

Americans have also made other attempts, such as abandoning nuclear waste on the only path of giant ants, or dumping nuclear waste into ant holes to intercept giant ants with strong radiation; for example, catching giant ants and researching specifically on giant ants chemical poisons; such as the use of drill bombs to destroy the underground labyrinth of ant colonies.

Americans do everything they can to deal with ant colonies. They use a lot of reliable and unreliable methods, but many methods are effective when they are first used. When the nerves relax, this method will not work.

To get to the bottom of it, the reason for this is that giant ants mutate too quickly. The method used on the battlefield will soon be known to aliens, and then the giant ants' genes will be improved for this method.

Today, the anti-radiation and anti-toxic capabilities of South American ant colonies have reached an extremely terrifying level. Even if giant ants are thrown into nuclear waste or highly toxic chemical agents, they can live for at least an hour.

If people were thrown into it, it would be a miracle to survive for a minute and a half.

The European side also wants to counterattack, but there are many countries with many The attitude of the counterattack has never been reached. So far, the Nile defense line has been in a defensive state, and it has not been able to launch a counterattack like the Americas.

To this day, the two major defense lines are like two insatiable vampires, lying on the body of all human beings and constantly consuming the human heritage. Everyone hopes to end this embarrassing situation as soon as possible, but no one knows how to eliminate the giants. ant.

Ant colonies are not without weaknesses. Their mutation relies heavily on aliens. As long as the aliens can be found and killed, the giant ant problem will be solved.

But the key is that no one knows where the aliens are. From the time the aliens landed to the present, they killed a few aliens in the spider cave at the beginning of the year. Since then, the shadow of the aliens has never been found.

The U.S. military has sent small units of troops to search for aliens behind enemy lines several times, but as long as the troops dare to enter the cave, none of them can come back.

The Pentagon believes that the possibility of these troops falling into the hands of aliens is extremely high, and the aliens are likely to launch a new round of human experiments, but the US just can't find the location of the aliens!

In order to find out the aliens, the United States did not hesitate to send death squads with positioning equipment behind the enemy, but in the end they could not find where the aliens were.

Before the South American issue is completely resolved, it is extremely unlikely that the Americans will draw their energy from South America. Under such circumstances, the North Capital has no confidence to convince Washington at all.

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