Armor Frenzy

Chapter 867: sampling

Phobos is really too small. It is an irregular celestial body of 27×22×18 kilometers. Its gravitational force is pitifully small. Even standing on Phobos and jumping vigorously, it can escape its gravitational force and fly into space!

Its gravitational force is basically useless to the engineering boat. The two engineering boats swaggered towards Phobos. The engine used only a small amount of power to stabilize the attitude. on both sides.

The engineering boat did not land on the surface of Phobos, but flew at a low speed against the ground of Phobos. Various instruments on the boat continuously collected data along the way and recorded them one by one in the equipment.

Ye Han curiously probed his brain and stared at Xu Moriang and the driver curiously.

Xu Moriang turned around inadvertently and saw Ye Han with his neck tilted. He couldn't help but be stunned: "Captain Ye? You are..."

Ye Han straightened his head and smiled generously: "I'm a little curious, I want to see how you guys conduct surveys." He has learned a lot of astronomy knowledge, but surveying extraterrestrial celestial bodies is the first time he has encountered them.

Xu Moliang suddenly realized: "Hey, I said, it's actually nothing, just use remote sensing technology to find out, first take a preliminary situation and draw a few key areas, and then conduct a detailed investigation."

"Oh!" Ye Han seemed to be stunned, but in fact he still didn't understand much.

The survey continued, and the two engineering boats spent a correct time sweeping the surface of Phobos back and forth, not even the most remote corners. The preliminary survey was not completed until the three-dimensional model of Phobos was obtained.

Xu Moriang called up the 3D model from the system and carefully studied the data of Phobos.

Ye Han also floated over curiously, staring wide-eyed to watch the excitement.

I don’t know if I don’t see it, but I am startled. The geological situation of the small Phobos is quite complicated. From the model, you can see solid rocks, scattered water ice and loose gravel.

Xu Moriang concentrated on it, drew an arc in the corner of the model as a marker, and then added another one behind the arc.

In this way, Xu Moriang stroked one stroke at a time, and a good model made him a mess after a while, with crooked lines everywhere, like being scratched by a cat.

Ye Han couldn't understand it and couldn't help but ask, "Xugong, what is this for?"

"Follow these lines for exploration in a while... Heh, why are you so close to me!" Xu Moriang leaned back in disgust, keeping a safe distance from Ye Han.

Ye Han almost spat out a mouthful of old blood on the screen: "What's your expression like?" He said in his heart that I don't think you are sloppy yet, you, his grandmother's, is the wicked person to complain first!

Xu Moriang looked serious: "I'm a straight man!"

Ye Han was furious: "My mother is not crooked either!"

"Then why are you so close, keep a safe distance!" Xu Moriang crossed his arms, indicating that it is forbidden to approach.

Ye Han's whole person is not well, so he simply retreats, thinking who the **** sent this second-hand goods? God sent this to play with me, right?

The soldiers who saw this scene snickered.

Xu Moriang threw himself into the line drawing again. After a while, he finished the last stroke and let out a long sigh: "Captain Ye!"

"What are you doing?" Ye Han didn't mean to move forward at all.

"This!" Xu Moriang pointed to the three-dimensional model of Phobos, "I drew lines on the model, and each point has a label. I'll trouble you and your troops later... uh, punch and sample in order!"

"What about you?" Ye Han asked in surprise.

"Of course I'm going to see Deimos." Xu Moriang said as a matter of course.

"Wait a minute, what exactly are these lines?" Ye Han asked, pointing to the 3D model.

"Well, it's simple!" Xu Moriang also pointed to the model, "Did you see it, there is a hill here."

Ye Han nodded: "I see, and then what?" Three lines were drawn on the halfway of the hill on the model, enough to cut off the peak.

"Now we only know the surface situation, but I need to know the situation deep underground." Xu Moriang pointed to the first line, "This mountain is especially suitable for blasting, if the ground is full of stones, then this line Drill holes and blast; if it is gravel or water ice, blast it on the second line; if it is worse, blast the last line, no matter which line is blasted, the cut off hill will have a million tons, and the mass will be smashed. Io Zero is the easiest."

Only then did Ye Han understand Xu Moriang's intention to draw so many lines. Looking closely, all the protrusions on Phobos were marked by Xu Moriang, and they were all three lines.

But he suddenly saw a circle drawn in the crater in the middle of Phobos: "What's going on?"

Xu Moriang saw clearly where Ye Han was pointing, and then said calmly: "There is probably a meteorite here. According to the area of ​​​​the crater, if the meteorite remains at the bottom of the crater, it must be in this circle!"

Is that okay? Ye Han couldn't believe his ears.

Xu Moriang waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, you don't need to know why, you just need to know what to do, and sample according to the marks drawn on the picture."

"Okay, it's up to you!" Ye Han looked constipated.

It's not that he has a small stomach, but Xu Moriang's attitude is really annoying. Why didn't he realize that he was such a person when we first met?

But it's not too late to know now, Ye Han immediately asked: "What do I use to punch the eye?"

"There is a drilling rig behind the engineering You don't need to dig too deep, just take a sample at 20 to 30 meters." Xu Moliang said.

"Okay, I see." Ye Han agreed, and immediately took over No. 1 boat and flew to the nearest line.

Ye Han didn't know the situation of Phobos, and didn't know where the lines on the model were. Fortunately, the pilot was familiar with the situation, and quickly flew the engineering boat to the bottom of a desolate hill.

The engineering boat slowly approached the hill, and leaned over it. Several ropes were suddenly stretched out around the bottom of the boat. The steel anchor on the rope head was deeply inserted into the ground. Then the engineering boat tightened the cable and pulled the engineering boat towards the hill. Fix the engineering boat on the side of the hill, which is almost vertical.

The driver started the drilling rig, and the drilling rig placed behind the boat was automatically erected. The drill bit was first pressed on the ground, then rotated rapidly, and went underground after a while.

Ye Han didn't think so, Xu Moriang's brows furrowed deeply: "No, the drill speed is too fast!"

Ye Han was very puzzled: "Is it fast?"

"Of course it's not good. The faster you drill, the lower the density. Do you understand?"

"Understood now... What is the density now?" Ye Han saw that the drill had gone seven or eight meters deep into the ground.

"It's very low, it's basically water ice." Xu Moriang's eyes were stagnant, and his voice was very deep, "This kind of density can't be used at all... Forget it, I've beaten it, go on, give me a deep dive. , take a few more samples!"

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