Armor Frenzy

Chapter 882: Global Refuge

At the same time that the high-level officials of various countries are in an uproar, the news of the failure of the Mars plan is gradually spreading among the people.

The Mars plan has never been kept secret, but it has never been publicized. Apart from the people involved in the plan, not many people know about the Mars plan, but they know that Io has a lot of them, and I don’t know how many astronomical telescopes have not. Staring at Io day and night, passing through Mars has long spread all over the world, and the number of people who thought Io was going to hit Mars could not be counted.

The entire process of the Fourth Fleet blasting Phobos and hitting Io was recorded by the astronomical telescope. The state can control the telescopes in the public sector, but cannot control the small telescopes in the hands of the public. The Mars project has not ended, and the Internet has exploded There is news of an unknown object hitting Io Zero.

The next step is to confirm various speculations, and soon someone came up with more detailed and reliable evidence to explain the Mars plan. Until this time, the public knew that there was a fleet of secret sniper Io near Mars.

People who just heard the news were all excited, but the helpless result was like a basin of ice water poured into everyone's heart.

Everyone has the same question in their hearts - even the impact of small celestial bodies can't help Io, is there any hope for mankind?

Both true and untrue news are not good news. A new round of riots broke out all over the world because of this news. Despite all countries' efforts to suppress it, it still caused a lot of losses.

It has to be said that the adaptability of human beings is indeed terrifyingly strong. Today’s human beings have long adapted to the life of giant insects, and the order of life is much more stable than in previous years. There is very little news that can cause shocks in the entire human society. But the failure of the Mars program is clearly not on this list.

The emergency response mechanisms of various countries have been well-trained by the insect disaster. The riots in various places were quickly subsided under the joint suppression of the police and the military. The high-level officials of various countries also released authoritative official news in a timely manner, and conducted an in-depth analysis of the failure of the Mars plan.

The people are not so easy to fool. The so-called expert analysis is just like that. If you really believed these people, the aliens would have sent the expeditionary army back to grandma’s house.

At this time, Beidu publicly announced that the purpose of Io was not the earth, but the earth's orbit on the other side of the sun. This news was subsequently confirmed by the officials of various countries.

Lucky in misfortune.

Before the people of all countries could breathe a sigh of relief, all kinds of speculations related to Io was once again flooding the sky. The guesses seem to be well-founded.

What Ye Han and Wang Tianyu can think of, and others can think of, the speculation of getting closer to Earth's orbit for recovery has just appeared on the Internet, and it has aroused a lot of resonance, and is rated as one of the guesses that is closest to the answer.

However, rather than the purpose of the aliens, the people are more concerned about how to prevent Io from approaching - it doesn't matter if I don't know the purpose of the aliens, blocking them from the road and not letting Io approach is the best way.

However, other than the high-profile announcement of the formation of a new fleet, there is no other news about resistance to Io.

It's not that I don't want to make it public, but I really can't think of a way.

At the same time, all countries' asylum plans have been stepped up, and the northern capital has relocated tens of thousands of people to the western dungeon. While participating in the construction of the dungeon, they have become the first permanent residents of the dungeon.

The launch density of the Qiongzhou launch site has been increased by one-third, and at least a dozen more spacecraft are launched every day, continuously sending people into space.

But there are too many people, few have the opportunity to live in the dungeon, and even fewer have the opportunity to fly into space.

In order to increase the capacity of the dungeon, a large number of volunteers injected hibernin after entering the dungeon, and "stored" in the dungeon in the form of hibernation, so as to maximize the use of the space of the dungeon.

Many people who are not eligible to enter the dungeon become volunteers, and the total number is more than ten times that of the ordinary residents of the dungeon. Continue to mobilize the public to inject hibernin.

The hibernators do not need food, only a small amount of oxygen and a place to settle, which solves the difficulty of a large number of people having nowhere to go. Therefore, Beidu vigorously promotes the hibernation plan, hoping to bring as many people as possible before the arrival of Io Zero. Move underground.

To this end, the official promised that the newly opened dungeons in the future will be dominated by revived hibernating personnel, and even some details of the westward plan were disclosed.

The people were surprised to find that the northern capital actually had the ambition to hollow out the roof of the world. The most perfect situation is that after the completion of the westward plan, only military personnel and a small number of people will remain on the surface, and most of the people will move underground.

The plan is very strong, and the difficulties are also very strong. At least the westward plan cannot be completed before Io arrives. Some people worry that once they hibernate, they will never have a chance to wake up, and they strongly resist the westward plan.

Beidu's attitude towards this is to let it go. Anyway, it is impossible to send everyone into the dungeon. According to the statistics of the authoritative department, the population finally stranded on the ground is as high as 200 to 300 million, which is 4% of the current total population. 10. The reasons for the detention include various factors such as disease, physical constitution, age, rejection psychology and lack of How to arrange the detainees has become the number one problem in front of Yige. At present, the only feasible solution, It is to concentrate the population and protect it with heavy troops.

However, the more concentrated the population is, the easier it is to be attacked by aliens. Although dispersion can play a certain role, the population in each place is too small after dispersion, and it is impossible to send heavy troops to protect it. The star is dead.

In the end, Beidu came up with a very strange method - building a fortress-style city in the desert to maximize the conditions for resisting aliens.

All in all, Bei has a headache.

The headache is more than the northern capital, and Washington is not much better. Their shelter plan also has the problem of insufficient number and can only accommodate part of the people.

In addition to hurrying to build new shelters, Washington has also learned from the Chinese way of sending a large number of people injected with hibernin into the shelters.

That is to say, hibernin has become the standard configuration of the space fleet in recent years. All countries involved in the development of the moon can manufacture hibernin in large quantities. Otherwise, there will be no way to inject so much hibernin into the public.

The situation in several other countries is similar, but many countries are limited by their national strength and can only send some people to shelters. As for those countries that can’t even build shelters, I don’t need to say, the whole country is not a mess. Where to go, that is, before the aliens arrive, when the aliens arrive, I am afraid that these countries will raise their hands and surrender before the aliens come to fight.

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