Armor Frenzy

Chapter 891: old friends (2)

"That's a good relationship!" Ye Han also smiled, "I'll count on you two when I look back."

"Don't tell me, your colonel is counting on me as a colonel. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse? We both are counting on you!" Duan Zhiyang quickly cleared his responsibilities, "The sky is falling and there is a tall man on my back, so I am the only one who is my head. This military rank is my qualifications, can I stand up to me?"

"If you mention the military rank again, I'll be in a hurry with you, believe it or not!" Ye Han's eyes widened fiercely, but before Duan Zhiyang did, he laughed first.

Lin Yi knew that he should also be humble, but Ye Han and Duan Zhiyang didn't give him a chance to interject at all.

Lin Yi didn't speak at all when he saw it, he got up and poured water for Ye Han and Duan Zhiyang, and took the opportunity to say: "Sir, if you don't have anything to tell me, I'll go back first, you also know that the Yushan ship has just been repaired and has to be run in again. for a while."

"Okay, then you can go back first." Ye Han agreed without thinking. "Hurry up and get ready. If you have any difficulties or needs, report to me immediately. Don't delay."

"Yes, don't worry."

"Go." Ye Han sent Lin Yi away, and immediately put away his smile, "Old Duan, will you bring a battleship?"

"It would be nice to have one, but don't be my Beihai. It just dispatched a batch of nuclear bombs for me. I wouldn't dare to say that it destroyed Io, but adding a glass case to Io is definitely no problem." After Duan Zhiyang finished speaking, he sighed, "Do you think there are too few warships?"

"That's for sure, but it's not that I don't know what the situation is now. I thought I'd just give me a landing craft. Adding yours has exceeded my expectations." Ye Han said.

It is not polite for him to say this. No one knows why the aliens took the initiative to ask for negotiations. There is a view that this is the alien version of the tiger leaving the mountain. If humans send a fleet to **** the delegation, then there will be less fleet guards. Earth, can create favorable conditions for alien fleets to attack Earth.

However, there are not many people who agree with this point of view, because it is impossible to **** too many warships. Three or five ships are already the limit, which has no effect on the overall strength of the human fleet.

Duan Zhiyang smiled optimistically: "It's useless to have me, if there is an accident, I can buy you some time with my life, you may not be able to escape, and I will die a little earlier than you. Don't worry, I will definitely accompany you to go, not to let you go on the road alone."

"Fuck off, I have a wife and children, and I haven't lived enough yet. Who wants you to accompany me!" Ye Han punched Duan Zhiyang angrily, "Hey, haven't you been in Beiyuezhou all the time? ?"

Duan Zhiyang's eyes were full of strangeness: "How long have you been gone, do you still think I am in Beiyuezhou?"

Ye Han was right when he thought about it, and couldn't help laughing: "Yeah, I've already been in chaos at this time!"

Duan Zhiyang also smiled: "Can you not mess up, look at you, the First Fleet has you, the Second Fleet has you, the Third Fleet and the Fourth Fleet still have you, you have hibernated for at least half a year this year, can you remember? It's weird to know the time!"

"Long live understanding!" Ye Han waved his fist, "Wait a minute, don't change the subject!"

"Hey, I really don't have much to say." Duan Zhiyang showed a look of memory, "You know, Beiyuezhou is not our time. Beiyuezhou's current level is getting higher and higher, and it is almost the same as the municipality directly under the Central Government. The top is a group of airborne, and those people we used to be are becoming more and more marginalized."

Speaking of which, Duan Zhiyang couldn't help sighing: "Look at you and Lao Gao, and look at what we left behind, the gap!"

Ye Han sighed endlessly: "Normal, Beiyuezhou is becoming more and more important, how could those people above not attack Beiyuezhou's idea?"

Today's Beiyuezhou not only has a super-first-class heavy industry, but also the largest military base of the Republic, which has an irreplaceable role in both industry and military. Under such circumstances, it is natural to enhance the political status of Beiyuezhou.

Moreover, Beiyuezhou is far away from the moon. It is the only place without giant insects. It is much safer than the current stage of the earth. Officials with political ambitions are more likely to make political achievements in such a place. Safer, why don't those officials who are qualified to serve in Beiyuezhou come?

Duan Zhiyang looked helpless: "The more people who come, the less status we veterans will have. We don't want to be subordinated to others and we don't have suitable positions. The few of us who are unwilling to make a living have discussed it a few times, and we just meet the fleet shortage. Man, I simply signed up for the fleet, because I was originally a pilot, so I was directly sent to the captain training class... To be honest, I myself don't know whether this step is right or wrong."

Ye Han smiled understandingly: "How can there be so many right and wrong in the world, just follow the feeling."

Although Beiyuezhou is on the moon, its development in all aspects is no less than that of first-tier cities in China. Now Beiyuezhou is already a very mature city. The large number of people who have migrated in the past few years have also brought some bad habits into Beiyuezhou. Although Duan Zhiyang and several other elders played an indelible role in the establishment of Beiyuezhou, it was still very difficult to make it out of this situation.

Duan Zhiyang was amused by Ye Han's tone: "I'm hoping now that I didn't make a mistake in this I know it's more secure to stay, but I'm a person who has pursuits, and it's not like eating and waiting for death. My pursuit. I also thought about it before joining the fleet. The fleet is at a time when there is a shortage of people. Now joining the fleet is not to say that it is valued, at least it is very beneficial in terms of personal development. "

"Well, it's quite beneficial. You never thought that the fleet would fight with aliens all day long. Maybe it will be your turn to go to the battlefield one day. It's nothing to die on the spot. The worst thing is that it falls into the hands of aliens. , when the time comes, if you can't survive and you can't die, you will know that you will be powerless." Ye Han said that you are stupid.

Duan Zhiyang was startled, and suddenly became alert: "Do you know something?"

"I know." Ye Han admitted frankly, "but I can't tell you."

Duan Zhiyang didn't need to think about it, he knew that what he couldn't say was definitely classified content, and he didn't ask further: "I've also thought about this, the fleet is more dangerous, but is Beiyuezhou really safe? If the fleet can't stop it The alien fleet, can Beiyuezhou stop it? The difference is nothing more than dying early or dying a while later, rather than dying in Beiyuezhou inexplicably, I prefer to die on the battlefield."

"Okay, stop shouting slogans with me to show your determination. You came to me, or were you sent from above, can I still drive you back?"

Duan Zhiyang bared his teeth: "You can try, I don't mind."

"You don't mind if I mind!" Ye Han looked disgusted, "I'm unlucky to know you!"

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