Armor Frenzy

Chapter 919: deep cooperation

However, most biological experts believe that the creation of life belongs to the realm of God. No matter how advanced the biochemical technology of aliens is, the possibility of creating life out of thin air is very low. The reasonable explanation is that aliens use some kind of alien creature as a transformation. Template, modify the genes of this creature, so as to transform the servants.

As long as the IQ is normal, one can understand how big the gap is between transforming a living thing and using inorganic substances to create life, and the difficulty is not the same level, so the former possibility is much higher than the latter.

But Bei Duo was taken lightly because of the expert's analysis, and immediately ordered the political work team in the advance base to add more observation, preferably to get the detailed information of the servants from the resistance organization.

To be honest, this task is not only difficult for the political work team, but even the North has no hope. Therefore, there is no set deadline and no exacting results. All political workers are only required to know that this is the case, and pay attention if they find clues.

The cooperation between Beidu and the resistance organization is not to build a number of amphibious landing ships, but to cooperate to counterattack Jupiter. Therefore, in addition to the four amphibious landing ships, the orbital factory has also built four new heavy air carriers and several capital ships. Aircraft, carrier-based UAVs, various turrets, nuclear bombs and other supporting equipment are all given priority to manufacture.

Equipment alone is not enough. The personnel who operate the equipment must also be in place. The existing personnel of the Beiyuezhou Fleet cannot meet the future needs at all, and the personnel gap is not a little bit big. Therefore, for Beidu, personnel training is more than construction. The fleet is also a huge and troublesome project.

In order to make up for the huge personnel gap, the military has recruited a large number of outstanding officers and soldiers from the entire army. Everyone must master the necessary knowledge of the space fleet within a limited time, and also pass a series of space training. In this process , may be eliminated at any time, and you will not be eligible to join the fleet until you pass the assessment of all subjects.

Note that it is not certain whether you can join the fleet just by obtaining qualifications!

In order to prevent accidents, the number of personnel dispatched by the military is ten times that of the fleet positions, but even so, no one dares to guarantee the final result... Is the elimination rate of 90% high?

To this end, the Beidu and the military have also taken a series of improvement measures, such as vigorously promoting automation, using machines wherever machines can replace manpower, and using computers wherever they can be controlled by computers.

For this, the designers did not know how many brain cells they had to die, and as a result, the automation level of the Beiyuezhou fleet was substantially improved.

In fact, this matter has long been planned by the military, and the corresponding research has also been carried out. The automatic control equipment of various equipment is ready-made, and all the military needs to do is to install these equipment on the warship!

I have never done this before, firstly because the cost of automation equipment is relatively high, and secondly because the military always believes that the determinant of war is people rather than things, and does not pay much attention to the automation of weapons.

In the past low-intensity wars, there were indeed cases where the will defeated advanced weapons. That is, with the changes in the form of war, especially in the special environment of space, objective factors such as weapons and equipment are infinitely enlarged, and the human factor must be affected by the equipment. Constrained by factors, the military does not want to pay attention to equipment.

In other words, reducing personnel and imposing automation is an inevitable trend in the development of the space fleet. This will not be influenced by the will of the high-level. Even if it is not taken seriously now, it will definitely be placed in front of the military bosses one day in the future.

The military does not lack people of insight, and the military leaders who realize this are also not lacking in courage. They just took this opportunity to set things right and upgrade all active warships. According to the simulation of the General Staff, after the fleet is upgraded, the required personnel will be Reduced by one third, the combat power of the ship can be improved by 14% to 20%.

The investment is huge, but totally worth it.

It is foreseeable that the combat effectiveness of the Fifth Fleet of the Expeditionary Force will be far superior to the past. Even if the aliens entrenched in Jupiter cannot be completely annihilated, it will teach the aliens a painful lesson.

But even in the most optimistic estimates, aliens will not give up on invading Earth because of this lesson. A more optimistic estimate is that humans will fight a protracted war with aliens in the foreseeable future, and the war between the two sides will continue for a long time.

A more pessimistic estimate, the fifth expedition is the last expedition of mankind.

This is not only the view of the Northern Capital, but also the consensus of every country in the world.

Therefore, although Beidu and the base group are fighting openly and secretly on the issue of Iowei zero, the cooperation that should be there has not been delayed at all. Specifically, Beidu made some concessions on the issue of Iowei zero, and the base group also made a participation in the first The resolution of the five expeditions, the construction of new ships and the training of personnel.

Of course, the First Fleet is said to be the Northern Capital, and Washington's name is still the Combined Fleet. On this issue, both sides are very stubborn, and neither can persuade the other.

Cooperation is manifested not only in the space fleet, but also in the ground battlefield.

Since the successful counter-offensive of the Panama defense line, the U.S. military has been advancing all the way, and the South American insect swarm cannot lift its Due to the destruction of the South American rainforest by the insect swarm, the U.S. military's advancing speed exceeded the replenishment speed of the insect swarm for the first time. .

However, the U.S. military invested huge manpower and material resources in the South American battlefield, and the huge material pressure resulted in insufficient stamina of the U.S. military. In order to maintain the advantages that were hard to obtain, countries including Beidu conducted a round of emergency consultations, and quickly increased troops to South America. Emergency mobilization of large quantities of supplies.

This operation involved more than 30 countries and regions around the world. In addition to the soldiers who retained the Nile defense line in the African battlefield, all the troops, including the Chinese African Expeditionary Force, took the time to rush to the South American battlefield at full speed.

Within a week, the number of troops stationed in South America increased from one country to 21 countries, and the total number of troops soared from less than 500,000 to more than 2 million, with more than 60,000 military vehicles, more than 7,000 aircraft, and various types of water. More than three hundred ships.

Two weeks later, the total strength increased by more than one million, and the human army formed an absolute crush on the swarm.

Since then, countries have continued to send more troops and materials to South America, smashing the counterattacks of the insect swarm several times. After a period of hard work, the anti-insect situation in South America has finally reversed fundamentally.

In order to alleviate the unfavorable situation of the South American insect swarms, a large number of African insect swarms pushed northward. Five of the seven defense lines on the Nile were broken by the insect swarms. The defenders and the insect swarms launched a fierce offensive and defensive battle. The fall of each line of defense was accompanied by The defeat of the defenders finally had to bombard the Nile River with nuclear bombs to stop the swarms from north.

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