Armor Frenzy

Chapter 922: best ratio

The earthquake plan wiped out the South American insect swarm. Although the African side failed to replicate the success of South America, after millions of troops moved to Africa, they could achieve a stalemate at the same time.

And all of this is directly related to the cooperation between humans and resistance organizations. It can be said that this unprecedented cooperation has given mankind a chance to breathe.

During this period of time, the relationship between the several forces was very delicate. Humans, resistance organizations, and aliens did not do much. The status quo was maintained on the surface, but they were all trying to accumulate strength secretly.

Time flies, and the cooperative relationship between humans and aliens has become closer and closer with the passage of time.

On November 23, 2028, two days after the earthquake in South America, the combined module required by the geocentric base was completed in Beiyuezhou and launched on the same day.

On 21 21, 2028, the transport ship loaded with the combination cabin set sail and rushed to Io Zero at the fastest speed.

This transport ship is a new ship specially modified for traveling to and from Io. The main change is to increase the engine and fuel tank. In addition, several mounting points are added outside the ship, which can temporarily add booster rockets or booster engines.

After a series of changes, the acceleration of this spacecraft has suddenly increased a lot. It originally took a month to fly from the earth to Io Zero, but the new ship only needs half a month, which shortens the time required for this route by half!

Half a month is still a bit long, but it is within an acceptable range.

Since humans and aliens began to cooperate, the route between Earth and Io has been very busy. There are more than 30 transport ships going back and forth between the two planets, and they are only Chinese transport ships, not counting the base group.

If all ships can double their speed, then these transports will be invaluable in the communication between humans and resistance groups.

It is said that the military should renovate all the transport ships on the route, so that the fast transport ships will become the masters on the route, and mastering a batch of fast transport ships can also greatly improve the military's transportation capacity and lay a good foundation for future wars.

However, both the Beidu and the military are very cautious. After the first fast transport ship was commissioned, only the modification plan of four transport ships was approved, and none of the warships were included in the modification, including the new ships still under construction in the orbital factory.

The outside world does not understand this very much. Every expedition of the expeditionary force is based on years. The increase in the speed of the battleship not only means shortening the sailing time of the expeditionary force, but also means that the fleet's mobility is greatly improved, which is only good for the fleet. No harm.

However, the account is not calculated like this. Although the nuclear power engine is more powerful than the traditional engine, there is an optimal ratio between the engine power, the tonnage of the warship and the fuel consumption. The warship that meets this ratio consumes less energy and has a high range, but the speed is not satisfactory. .

Regardless of the Beiyuezhou Fleet or the International Fleet, all the space battleships currently appearing are within this optimal ratio!

Increasing the number of engines like a fast transport ship can indeed increase the speed, but this speed is three and a half times the engine power of the optimal ratio, in exchange for doubling the speed increase, and the fuel consumption is more than double than the optimal ratio. A few spaceships are nothing, if all the battleships are changed like this, the only increase in fuel consumption is an astronomical figure!

After Beidu and the Base Group developed the moon, the output of human nuclear materials has indeed reached several levels, and the dilemma of insufficient nuclear bombs has been greatly alleviated. After that, the use of nuclear raw materials is no longer limited to nuclear bombs and reactors, but also warship propellants, which are the most consumed.

Continuous expeditions and wars have consumed a lot of nuclear materials. The reserves of nuclear materials in the entire human world are not high, but the reserves of nuclear waste have broken records one after another.

This has also directly led to the shortage of nuclear fuel reserves for warships. Beidu and Washington have a very tacit understanding on this issue. They give priority to ensuring reactor fuel, followed by supplying the space fleet, and the rest can make nuclear weapons.

If the fast transport ships are used on a large scale, I am afraid that the existing fuel reserves will be difficult to meet the demand. If the warships are rebuilt again, the military will be forced to limit the number of nuclear bombs manufactured, and the combat effectiveness of the space fleet will be greatly reduced.

This is not the end. In order to save fuel, the training and cruising of the space fleet must be greatly reduced. Large warships can only stay in the airport, so as not to consume too much fuel for sailing.

The military cannot accept this result in any case, so unless there is a new technological breakthrough in the nuclear engine, the military will never rashly transform the warship.

Of course, Beidu and Washington have thought of many ways to solve the fuel problem. The most direct and effective way is to increase the production of nuclear materials.

As we all know, the reserves of helium 3 on the moon are amazing. Beiyuezhou and the international base have also made great efforts on the problem of helium 3. The light collection vehicles are as high as four digits, and there are more than one hundred sets of separation equipment.

The construction achievements of the moon are very gratifying, but the increased production cannot keep up with the expansion of the fleet, and the warship fuel also requires a large amount of deuterium, so the production of deuterium is also an important factor limiting the total amount of fuel reserves.

All in all, it's no problem to build a few fast battleships, fully prepared? Just wash up and sleep.

On December 6, 2028 the fast transport ship carrying the geocentric base flew to Io, and after entering the orbit, it immediately prepared for the airdrop.

Ye Han, who was notified, had long since rushed to the exit of the geocentric passage with the soldiers, waiting for the combination cabin to land.

The transport ship flew around Io for two weeks, and finally flew to the scheduled airdrop coordinates, and dropped all the combinations carried on the ship in one breath.

Since the transport ship was located in a high-altitude orbit, it took more than ten minutes for the combined module to penetrate into the atmosphere, and after a short while, it slowly landed near the center of the earth.

Ye Han gave an order, and everyone split up. Every soldier brought a group of aliens from the resistance organization. After more than 20 minutes of hard work, all the cabins were moved to the passage.

Ye Han handed over the command to Luo Qi, Luo Qi brought a group of team members to remove the protective layer outside the cabin, and then the aliens took over and carried the combined cabin into the center of the earth and sent it to the center of the earth.

In order to prevent aliens from doing things on the way, Luo Qi's group followed the whole process in an engineering vehicle, and a technical team headed by Dialect also set off together.

This time, Ye Han got a lot of attention and ordered Luo Qi to release the communication repeater along the road. The convoy kept in touch with the forward base and reported the situation every morning, noon and evening. There was no danger or danger all the way. Arrived at the center of the earth on December 13, 2009.

The geocentric base was assembled in only half an hour. After the debugging was normal, the first batch of technicians officially moved in.

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