Armor Frenzy

Chapter 933: fall to the ground

933 landing

Everything was normal, Ye Han stretched his waist and stood up: "Let's go, leave one person on duty, and everyone else should go back to wash and sleep."

"It's over?" Luo Qi was a little confused.

He was called back by Ye Han temporarily, and he hadn't had time to look at the project plan.

Ouyang Ping reached out and dragged him up: "I'm gone, it's still a few days away, I'll be on the first shift first!"

Luo Qi's eyes fell on the screen, and he suddenly figured out what Ouyang Ping meant.

The spaceship travels between the earth and Io Zero, and the speed must not be slow, otherwise it will take too long to travel.

The speed of ordinary spaceships is very fast, not to mention fast transport ships. It is so fast that it is impossible to lean against Io Zero, and I can't rely on it. Io Zero's gravity can't catch such a fast spaceship, it must be a swipe. However, I don't know where to fly.

Therefore, any spacecraft flying towards Io Zero must decelerate a few days in advance, and reduce the speed to a point that Io Zero can grasp, in order to smoothly cut into orbit and circle around Io Zero.

This is the law of nature, no matter who's spaceship must abide by, the same is true for Kuaijiu and the cable.

The Kuaijiu ship towing the cable is like a locomotive, but the cable is soft. The Kuaijiu ship can slow down, but the cable must continue to float forward.

There are only two ways to slow down the cable. First, the Kuaijiu ship turns to turn around, throws the cable forward, and then the spacecraft slows down and pulls the cable.

The second is to use the one just now, and then a spaceship decelerates synchronously.

Beidu also specially found a few aerospace experts for this place. All of them agreed that the second method is more reliable, so there is today's incident.

Now the speed of the ship and the cable is a bit fast, and it will take a few days to bring the speed down.

After figuring out its joints, Luo Qima slipped back to sleep. The next day, when she was full, she got up and asked for the project plan of the rail elevator. After reading it carefully from beginning to end, she finally had an idea in her heart. spectrum.

In the next few days, the most important task of advancing to the base is to pay attention to the progress of deceleration. The command room will not be away from people 24 hours a day, for fear of problems with the cables.

Fortunately, everything went well. A few days later, the speed of the two spacecraft and cables dropped below the standard line at the same time, and at this time, they also flew near Io Zero.

The two spaceships flew to the synchronous orbit and stopped. While revolving around Io, they adjusted the position of the cable. Specifically, the two spaceships continued to maintain a distance to keep the cable roughly straight. Slowly approach the Tianhe.

The Tianhe was no longer in its original position, and was moved to the synchronous orbit of Iowei in advance. After the Kuaisan ship approached, it directly spit out all the contents in the belly and handed it over to the Tianhe.

Tianhe receives the outer end of the cable, pulls the fixture into the depths of the space station to firmly fix it, and finally locks the fixture. From now on, unless the fixed equipment is blown up, no matter whether it is automatic manual or remote control, don't even think about removing the cable from the space station. get it out.

After this step was completed, there was nothing to do with the No. 3. Tianhe began to change its orbit to a higher orbit, and the Kuai-jiu ship at the other end was not idle. It opened the bilge and released the ground station hidden in the belly of the ship. .

The ground station placed in the cabin is in a disassembled state. The robotic arm of the Kuaiji Ship takes out the parts needed by the ground station one by one and assembles them together outside the ship. After a while, the main body of the ground station like a diving bell is assembled.

The Kuaijiu ship also completed its mission. After speeding up and flying away, another transport ship came over to fill up its position and continued to assemble the ground station.

Two other transport ships flew nearby, but they did not get close to the ground station. Instead, they directly opened the cabin, took out the parts in the cabin, and then released a few engineering boats, dragged the parts along the cable and flew to the ground station. After more than 100 kilometers, the parts were put down and assembled to the cables one by one. After a while, the simple low-orbit dock was completed with the efforts of the engineering boat.

At this time, the ground station was also completed. In addition to the main body of the assembled ground station, which looked like a diving bell, there was also a ring like a swimming ring on the outside, which looked like a flying saucer tied to the bottom of the cable.

At this point, all the preparatory work is completed, the base gives an order, the flying saucer starts, pushes the ground station to leave the synchronous orbit, and slowly flies towards Io Zero.

At this time, the cable was still roughly straight. The Tianhe, which was stuck in the synchronous orbit, was like the foot of the compass to fix the center of the circle, and the ground station at the other end drew a super large arc and slowly approached Io Zero.

As the altitude decreased, the linear velocity of the ground station became lower and lower, and it was gradually pulled by the gravity of Io Zero, and began to fall like a free fall.

At this time, the role of the flying saucer is no longer to push the ground station, but to hold the ground station to prevent it from falling too fast.

The whole process lasted for more than three hours, and finally the ground stood firmly above the atmosphere, about 140 to 50 kilometers above the ground.

Due to the effect of gravity, the cables at this time have been pulled straight, and the Tianhe is suspended more than 24,000 kilometers away, with the ground station hanging from the bottom and dangling vigorously, reminiscent of the broken **** used for demolition of houses.

Everything was ready and the situation was reported to the advance base. Ye Han gave the Tianhe orbital change Tianhe started the engine and slowly approached Io Zero at a steady low speed.

The ground station was pulled by Io Zero's gravity, and descended with the orbital change of the Tianhe. After a while, it penetrated into the atmosphere and slowly fell to the ground.

At this stage, the rail elevator has succeeded 80%. As long as the strength of the cable does not go wrong, the success is a nail in the coffin.

The critical moment was approaching. Ye Han couldn't stay in the base any longer. He led a group of men to wear armor and rushed out of the base at the fastest speed. He rushed to the base of the rail elevator in one breath before stopping, looking up at the sky. descending ground station.

When the ground station was still a few hundred meters away from the ground, Ye Han issued a new order to the Tianhe. The Tianhe adjusted the engine output, and the ground station's descending speed slowed down until it was only a few dozen meters away from the ground before it remained suspended.

The ground station is so big that it hangs in the sky, and there is a feeling that no matter where you hide, you will be detained.

Ye Han made a gesture to Zeng Rui, Zeng Rui sent a message, and the aliens who came to help immediately fluttered their wings and rushed to the sky to support the ground station.

The Tianhe continued to descend, and a group of aliens vibrated their wings to align the lower end of the ground station with the base, so that the ground station was accurately stuck on the base.

Ye Han rushed with the soldiers, turned on the locking device, and locked the ground station firmly... The locking device on the ground was not completely locked like the Tianhe, but the team could unlock it. If necessary, it can be unlocked at any time. Unlock it and let Tianhe pull the ground station into space.

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