Armor Frenzy

Chapter 937: low rail terminal

After more than an hour, the train finally stopped.

Luo Qi stood up suspiciously with his arms up, stepped on the pile of vines and jumped twice. He didn't feel the light weightlessness at all, but it was almost the same as the gravity on the ground.

After thinking about it for a while, he understood the reason, and couldn't help laughing: "It's too bad." It's definitely not weightless if it doesn't reach the synchronous orbit.

Ye Han also stood up: "Let's go, stop talking nonsense."

The door is open... Because of the change in orientation, the door was opened left and right when getting in the car, but now it is opened up and down. There is a layer of airtight doors that open left and right outside the door. The two doors are opened at the same time, and there is an expanding square in the middle.

The group walked out of the carriage and immediately found several guys wearing power armor standing on the platform outside the door.

Seeing Ye Han coming out, the captain in charge quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Hello, Chief, I'm Tang Bei."

They are the staff of the low-orbit terminal. The distance between the two sides is only more than 200 kilometers, but one is in the sky and the other is on the ground. They have only contacted in communication.

Ye Han returned the ceremony, and after the ceremony, he stretched out his right hand: "Hello."

Tang Bei was flattered, and hurriedly shook hands with Ye Han: "The spaceship is ready and ready to go."

Ye Han was very relieved: "Well, please take us there."

"This way, please!" Tang Bei led the way, Ye Han followed behind with a group of subordinates, and everyone looked around curiously.

The low-rail terminal is much larger than expected. After the train is out, it is a small fan-shaped square. At the end of the square, there are metal bulkheads for closed spaces and floor-to-ceiling oversized portholes. Through the portholes, you can see the vast starry sky outside.

And there are two kinds of portholes, one is a layer of aerospace glass, and the other is a mirror on the outside, you can see the cables under the low-orbit dock and Io Zero.

Looking back, everyone was amazed again.

Luo Qi suddenly grinned and said, "Brothers, do you think this car stabbed a chrysanthemum on the dock?"

The soldiers were stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

The shape of the low-orbit pier is similar to that of the ground station. It looks like an oversized diving bell. The center of the pier is hollow and divided into more than ten layers from top to bottom. Corresponds to a car.

That is to say, the platform of the sky train is not the in-line type on the ground, but the vertical type from top to bottom.

The procedure for the port call of the sky train is as follows. When the train is about to arrive at the low-rail terminal, a port call signal is issued in advance. The terminal closes all the airlocks in the docking area and opens the main airlock at the bottom center.

The train drills into the wharf from below, and then locks it with the locking device after fully drilling into the wharf. After the main airlock under the wharf balances the air pressure, the carriage can be opened for unloading.

This form is indeed a bit like a **, and it is self-contained, but Beidu will never care what the train looks like when it enters the track. They only care about the fact that the low-rail terminal is not practical.

Ouyang Ping gave Luo Qi a punch with a smile: "Are you holding back?"

Luo Qi laughed, not ashamed but proud.

Ye Han, who was in front of him, also laughed for a while, and shook his head helplessly.

Tang Bei smiled and said, "Some people here also say the same thing. They also talk about the wharf, the broken chrysanthemum train, etc. I guess it won't take long for this joke to spread throughout the fleet."

Ye Han asked with a smile, "How does this place feel?"

"Very good!" Tang Bei said. "With gravity, it's the same as on the ground. I'm used to it."

During the conversation, everyone walked to the side of the square, and went down a few stairs through the airtight door. A small airport appeared in front of everyone, and a dozen transport boats were parked on the dock, arranged in an arc.

Tang Bei pointed to the No. 1 boat and said, "Sir, we only have the No. 1 passenger boat here. The conditions are limited, you can take care of it."

Ye Han waved his hand: "What do you have to worry about, that's not bad, if you don't have it, you will have to sit on the cargo boat."

Tang Bei pressed a switch, the boat door opened automatically, and he made another gesture of invitation: "Commander, the pilot hasn't come yet, do you want to get on the boat first or wait a while?"

"Let's get on the boat first." Ye Han turned around to say hello, "What are you poking for? Get on the boat!"

The soldiers immediately got in, and Ye Han was the last to board the boat, and he did not forget to wave to Tang Bei before entering the door.

There is not much space in the transportation boat. There are about twenty seats in total. There is an open cockpit in front of the boat.

Everyone curiously probed their brains and found that there was a metal airlock outside the porthole.

As soon as Ye Han was put on the boat, Tang Bei immediately called the pilot on the radio. After a while, a pilot came in a hurry.

Tang Bei whispered to the wind sentence before letting the pilot get on the boat. After the pilot got on the boat, he glanced, and after finding Ye Han, he hurried over and saluted and asked for instructions: "Chief, shall we set off now?"

Ye Han frowned slightly: "Is there any problem?"

"The report doesn't...that is, it's a little troublesome to open the airlock, and it's a little troublesome..." the pilot said nonchalantly.

Ye Han understood, nodded and said, "Then wait a while."

The pilot took a deep breath and hurried to the cab to prepare for the flight.

Although what the pilot said was clueless, Ye Han understood the meaning of the The small fan-shaped square and the airports on both sides are supporting facilities, and the materials unloaded from the train can be delivered directly to Loaded and shipped from the airport.

The low-orbit pier is located outside the atmosphere, and any resources inside the pier must be used sparingly, and air, an important resource, is no exception. Therefore, every time the pier is opened, the air must be drained before opening the airlock.

If Ye Han wanted to leave now, it would be no problem to open the airlock, but in this case, the air would have to be evacuated in advance, and other transport boats would not be able to load the vines, thus affecting the transportation progress of the entire terminal.

Anyway, if you leave early, you will follow the transport ship. There is no difference if you leave for a while, and it is no big deal to wait.

As expected, a few minutes later, a group of soldiers drove electric transport vehicles full of vines to the airport, sending them one by one into the transport boats, filling one up and loading the next one, and the transport vehicles came and went. One after another.

Each transport vehicle is the size of a small truck, and it is easy to load three or five tons. Ye Han calculated that about seven to eight vehicles can fill a transport boat. According to the capacity of the carriage, one carriage is about Can fill up to four transport boats.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help grinning, worrying about the capacity of the transport boat.

However, he is also aware of the situation of the low-orbit terminal. The self-weight, load and volume of the transport boat have been strictly measured. If it is larger, the risk of entering and leaving the port will also increase, and it will not be worth the loss at all.

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