Armor Frenzy

Chapter 942: The effect is too strong

A few days later, Qiongzhou Base Affiliated Hospital.

In the late summer and early autumn, the sun is shining brightly. Standing in front of the window and looking far into the distance, you can see the beach in the distance, as well as the waves surging on the beach.

The Qiongzhou base has not been what it used to be. Not only has the area expanded a lot, but the facilities are far from comparable to the original. This hospital was originally a local tourist resort. It was directly assigned to the Qiongzhou base as a sanatorium, and later because of the hatred of the sanatorium's name, it was assigned to the base hospital as a senior ward.

But no matter how many people, don't even think about living in this place, because the main task here is to isolate the astronauts returning to Earth, and the rehabilitation of the seriously wounded in the military.

Ye Han was fascinated by the sudden sound of the door, the isolation door opened with a hissing sound, and a tall female nurse walked in with a stainless steel tray.

Her face was buried in a large, thick mask, and even her eyes were closed by a pair of protective glasses.

The isolation level of the ward is very abnormal. The isolation area is completely isolated from inside and outside, and even the air is not circulated. The internal air extraction equipment is turned on 24 hours a day. Even if the doors and windows are opened, no virus-carrying dust will float out of the window. .

Ye Han pouted helplessly: "An injection again?"

The nurse looked at Ye Han in front of the window with a little smile in her eyes: "Sir, this is the last injection."

"I believe you're a ghost!" Ye Han muttered, rolling up his sleeves obediently, "Isn't it just one stitch? It's more than a dozen stitches, right?"

The nurse replied while disinfecting Ye Han's arm: "If there is no accident, this is the last shot."

Ye Han was too lazy to talk to the nurse any more: "Just tell me when I can go out."

"You must see the effect, but the shortest is no less than seven days!" The nurse picked up the syringe, proficiently pierced Ye Han's upper arm, and slowly pushed the potion into the deltoid muscle.

Ye Han felt a slight pain in his arm, and moved his arm habitually, and the little discomfort disappeared immediately: "There are four days left, okay, ah, you said that this is a big trouble, and the police station detention is not so strict. Hold on tight!"

The nurse was amused by Ye Han's words, and her eyes curved into crescents: "You are so funny, Chief."

"Forget it, I'm just too nervous to say a few words... Hey, I can't go out and let others come to see me, right?" Ye Han suddenly asked.

"Not in principle," the nurse said. "We are an isolation area."

The implication is that it is impossible to get in and out at will.

Ye Han sighed helplessly: "Isn't it okay to get a reception room or something? Prisons allow visits, why can't you just do it?"

This is too unreasonable and rogue, but the nurse still persuaded her with good-natured words: "Sir, it's useless for you to talk to me, and I can't be the master."

"Then you can help me ask who can make the decision, and hurry up with any tests. I can go out as soon as I get the results." Ye Han said.

The nurse agreed sweetly: "That's fine, I'll help you ask, but I can't guarantee it."

"It's okay, you've helped me a lot by asking." Ye Han grinned, and at a glance, he knew that he was happy.

The nurse left with the tray in hand, and came back after a while, put a needle in Ye Han's elbow, and drew some blood for testing.

Ye Han kept pondering what his blood could be tested for, but he still heard all his biochemical knowledge from his wife, so he couldn't think of a reason, and he gave up neatly after a while.

He thought that the nurse would come to tell him immediately after the result, but he didn't want to wait until there was no movement at night.

Ye Han is so bad, even if it doesn't work, come over and say it, no matter what the matter is if you put people here directly?

It was not until the next morning that the nurse walked into the isolation room with the tray.

Ye Han knew who was coming as soon as he saw those eyes, and couldn't help teasing: "Isn't yesterday the last needle? Why is it changed today?"

He didn't intend to ask the nurse why he didn't come yesterday, the identity was there, and the size was also a colonel officer. It was too cheap to embarrass a little nurse.

The nurse was a little embarrassed: "No injections, blood draws."

Ye Han rolled up his sleeves and said, "Didn't you smoke yesterday? What's the matter, didn't you smoke enough?"

"No." The nurse skillfully disinfected. "The test results came out yesterday, but it's a bit... um, it's too exaggerated. Our director said that we must test again today."

After speaking in one breath, the nurse pinpointed the blood vessel, held her breath and stabbed the needle in, and the dark red blood immediately flowed into the vacuum tube.

"Exaggerated? What's going on?" Ye Han immediately grasped the point.

The nurse unplugged the half-full vacuum tube and replaced it with a new one: "It is said that the drug is too powerful, and I asked you if you are constipated these days."

Ye Han was stunned: "Yes, there is such a thing, and it has become more and more serious in the past two days."

"That's right." The nurse pulled out the needle and asked Ye Han to hold down the eye of the The immune booster not only worked, but also worked surprisingly well, killing all the probiotics in the intestines …”

"I'm going, so exaggerated?" Ye Han's whole person is not well, "So I have to avoid food in the future?"

He doesn't know much about probiotics, but he knows that people can't digest cellulose. The cellulose that people eat is decomposed by bacteria in the intestines, and the decomposition product is methane, which is the main component of farts.

"I don't know that either." The nurse shook her head.

Ye Han's face darkened: "Then what do you know?"

The nurse said: "I know that your immunity is very strong now. No matter how powerful the virus is, you are not afraid of the four-level virus."

Ye Han pressed his arm and asked, "What do you mean by a four-level virus?"

"It's the really powerful viruses," the nurse said, "like rabies, AIDS, Ebola, and smallpox."

"Hey, I'm going!" Ye Han was in a bunker at the time, with twinkling eyes, "Hey, so I can go out right away?"

Ye Han was staring at the nurse, and she muttered in her heart. She almost thought that this person was suffocated and wanted to do something to herself. Her heart clenched when she heard Ye Han's words. "It should be. The results will be available after the test today. You have to ask Director Jiang if you can go out."

Ye Han is not a little fresh meat, but he is a high-ranking officer. The whole army can't find a few such young senior officers. What's more important is that the family members of senior officers are treated by the state. How about half a lifetime, at least he has nothing to worry about eating and drinking... Ye Hanguang knew when he could go out, but he didn't mention his wife and children at all.

"Okay, I get it, just tell Director Jiang and let her come to see me right away!" Ye Han said impatiently.

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