Armor Frenzy

Chapter 953: multi-line development

Maybe the aliens really have a way to lose weight, but the servants definitely don't have this technology in their hands. This is so interesting. Is it possible that the improved version refers to this?

Ye Han immediately became interested, and immediately looked for ak47j's information. He didn't have much hope at first, but he didn't expect that there would be results.

The original so-called ak47j is actually a giant version of the ak47 redesigned to adapt to the body shape of the servants. The data of the whole gun is scaled up, and the caliber is also changed to 12.7 mm, which is barely a new weapon tailored for the resistance organization.

The manufacturer Ye Han is quite familiar with: Beiyuezhou Industrial Group... This place is the official heavy industry group located in Beiyuezhou. All equipment from Beiyuezhou is produced by this unit.

Ye Han stared at the photo of ak47j, the whole person is not well, what kind of fun is this special?

But after thinking about it and understanding, aliens need human beings to provide weapons and equipment, and the number is not a little bit, but there is no active weapon suitable for aliens.

In this way, only new ones can be built, then the next step is simple, the most convenient to manufacture, the easiest to maintain, the most reliable to use, and the lowest cost... Put all the conditions together, except for the ak47. have what?

In addition to the barrel and trigger of this thing, you can find other parts in a small workshop. All the assault rifles that have been equipped in human history, no model can be simpler than it.

Although it also has the problem of low precision, is this small problem still called a problem on aliens? It's because they don't use it well!

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help laughing. This logic is perfectly fine.

Continuing to look down, the resistance organization is very satisfied with ak47j, but put forward several opinions, one is that the number of guns is too small, and the other is that there are too few bullets. In short, they are urging humans to make up the difference as soon as possible.

Human beings are very generous when it comes to guns and promise to make up for it as soon as possible, but not so easy when it comes to bullets, only to provide some to use first, the difference is also very simple, Beidu plans to build a bullet on Io Zero production line.

The resistance organization welcomes this, but the raw materials needed for this production line must be solved by the resistance organizations themselves, and the main raw material is metal.

The most indispensable thing on Io is metal. After a brief discussion between the two sides, the resistance organization actually agreed that Beidu would pull the scrapped planetary engines in the center of the earth to the ground, melt them and make bullets...

Isn't this a joke? Although Beidu knows the composition of many special alloys, but one has not been researched. What is the difference between the resistance organization and the meat sent to the wolf mouth?

Ye Han can no longer describe the resistance organization with ignorance. If he doesn't cheat them, he is simply sorry for himself.

He searched for some more information and found that the resistance organization had prepared more than 100,000 people for the mission to Jupiter. This was due to the lack of transport ships provided by humans. Otherwise, it would not be a problem to send another 100,000 people... This number was so shocking that he couldn't keep his mouth shut. It is said that these aliens really invested their money in order to counterattack their former masters.

A simple calculation shows that one gun per person is more than 100,000, and each person has at least one base number of bullets of more than 30 million rounds. This is only the amount of ammunition carried. Considering the difficulty of supplying Jupiter away from the earth, the total amount of ammunition carried by the fleet A tenfold increase may not be enough.

Three hundred million rounds? Or a billion rounds?

It is estimated that Beiyuezhou will prepare the bullets before the production line of Iowei Zero is completed... Well, Beiyuezhou has limited conditions and lacks raw materials for producing propellants, so the possibility of local production is not high, 80% It has to be transported from the ground, and it is simply **** to send it to the sky by spacecraft. It is really better to produce it on the spot on Io.

Ye Han suddenly felt that instead of giving ak47 to the aliens, it would be better to give points of 38 or 38 to cover the water, at least to save bullets, anyway, they are the cannon fodder of the aliens, and they will not feel bad if they die.

But then again, if the rail elevator is put into use, what is this cost?

After so many years of pest plagues, 12.7mm rifle ammunition is now the mainstream configuration of the military of various countries, and a little leak in the gap between the fingers is enough to resist the endless use of the organization.

Thinking of this, he typed the words "orbit elevator" into the search box again. After removing the old news before August, he began to browse the rest of the content. (ps: Io zero-track elevator was put into use at the end of July.)

It can be seen from the information that the carbon fiber transaction between the two parties has been very smooth, and the transaction volume is increasing day by day. At present, Beiyuezhou has completed all the accessories and started to weave new cables. As long as the cables are formed, the earth orbit elevator can be put into use. It is currently expected The completion time is the end of the year, depending on the quantity and quality of carbon fiber.

Feeling the spread of biochemical technology, Ye Han searched for information on this aspect, and found that the penetration of biochemical technology was not as deep as he thought. At present, the military is the main audience, and most of the market is related to medicine. Practical technology.

Although the biochemical technology from aliens has always been controlled by Beidu, Beidu has not closed its doors to eat, but has connected major countries in the world through various means such as selling finished products, cooperative research, and cooperative production. Up, forming a global biochemical industry chain, and even Moscow is involved.

Ye Han has no business acumen, but also thinks that it is a good direction to make biochemical technology into an industry. At the very least, disabled people all over the world can benefit from the replantation technology of severed limbs, and the giant trend of newborns will also be due to a certain technology is discontinued.

Feeling that everything was developing in a positive direction, Ye Han decided to take a look at the fleet, but the information he could find was very limited. He only knew that the orbital factory had been running at full capacity, and there was no empty dock. When receiving an emergency mission, Even half-finished products under construction had to be pulled out of the dock.

For example, the fast transport ship that walks between the earth and Io Zero is the construction period that was grabbed by this method.

Looking at the formation of the fleet, the Beiyuezhou fleet is still those warships, and the main ships have not increased, but the number of various small warships has decreased and decreased.

This is the disadvantage of the shortage of crew, and it is not known when the new crew will be in place.

Speaking of this, he has also heard a little bit of wind, to the effect that some high-level military officials believe that the Marine Corps should be removed, and the saved manpower should be allocated to the battleship, or it would be acceptable to directly let the Marine Corps part-time job.

It's just that Jupiter's mission is just around the corner, and such remarks are simply unrealistic and directly rejected by the North.

Ye Han was a little puzzled and couldn't think of the whereabouts of the newly built warships. Could it be that all the new ships belonged to the Fifth Fleet? It's a pity that I can't find information on this, but I found the files of more than a dozen large transport ships.

The purpose of these transport ships is not detailed on the Internet, and there are many people who do not know the truth making random guesses, but Ye Han knows that 80% of these transport ships are "payments" for the resistance organizations.

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