Armor Frenzy

Chapter 975: Go straight to Huanglong

May 25, 2030.

Two days after the air raid on Ganymede, the raiding fleet finally arrived near Ganymede.

In the eyes of all fleet members, although the trajectory of the fleet from Callisto to Ganymede is not a straight line, it is also a near-straight line that is not very curved. However, since the fleet is revolving around Jupiter while changing its orbit, if the perspective is Go beyond Jupiter and you'll see a very pronounced arc.

Like Callisto, Ganymede has long been locked by Jupiter's strong gravitational force and is always facing Jupiter. Gao Kai continued to use the tactics of air strikes on Callisto. The fleet stopped outside of Ganymede and pulled away enough security. distance.

The aliens are more attentive to the management of Ganymede. The dense ground buildings are more than ten times more than that of Ganymede, and the air defense positions are one after another. This is only visible on the bright side, hidden underground. I don't know how many.

In the face of such a huge defense system, even if Gao Kai is confident, he has to pay attention to it. The most direct manifestation is to park the fleet more than 1,500 kilometers away from Ganymede!

This distance is more than twice the effective range of Xiaoguang, but the entire fleet is from top to bottom, and no one thinks that Gao Kai's decision is wrong.

At 14:00 p.m., the air strike was officially launched, with one air carrier, four destroyers, eight frigates and three assault ships participating in the air strike.

Since only electromagnetic artillery was used, the artillery fire of the air attack was a bit sparse, and the hit rate was not very good. It was not bad that three artillery shells could destroy a target, but during the air attack on Callisto, only one of the seven artillery shells missed on average.

No way, the distance is too far, and even exceeds the effective range of the electromagnetic cannon. Even if the electromagnetic cannonball, it takes more than four minutes to fly over this distance, and the distance brings not only a matter of time, but also the dispersion of the impact point. expands with distance, resulting in a lower hit rate.

The raiding fleet played happily, and the aliens on Ganymede were not idle to be beaten. The first batch of artillery shells just approached Ganymede, and countless thin lights shot up into the sky without warning. The originally calm star The surface boiled instantly, and it was impossible to count how many fine lights shot into the sky at the same time.

"Damn it!" Gao Kai burst out two words subconsciously, if it wasn't for the seat belt, he would have to float up from his seat, "How many bugs does this get?"

Lu Zuo quickly called up the statistics: "The total is between 24,000 and 27,000, with an error of no more than 1,000."

It is good to have a supercomputer. If it was the central computer before the modification, it would take at least half an hour to complete such a statistic.

"So much?" Gao Kai gritted his teeth and turned to Ye Han, "Ye Ye, are we going to use nuclear weapons now?"

The power of the electromagnetic gun is good, but it is only good. The destructive power is equivalent to the heavy gun. If you want to get the effect of a nuclear weapon, the shell must be at least several tons, not just fifty kilograms.

Ye Han thought about it and said, "Good steel must be used on the blade."

The task of the raiding fleet is to hurt the aliens, so they have to call the fleet back. Using the electromagnetic gun to grind slowly can really kill the ground firepower on Ganymede slowly, but it takes too long, strong The raiding fleet cannot wait, the intercepting fleet cannot wait, and the Earth cannot wait either.

Gao Kai got Ye Han's support, and immediately nodded: "Change the cannonball!"

With Ganymede's anti-aircraft firepower, the possibility of missiles escaping interception is infinitely close to zero, and only artillery shells have the opportunity to penetrate the firepower network.

Note that it is only an opportunity, not a grasp!

Although the fleet was unable to monitor the flight of the shells due to the wrong position, the fine light was too dense, and the massive beams simply stopped in front of the shells regardless of where the shells went. No matter how fast the shells were, they would inevitably hit the beams. superior.

There's really no direct evidence of this, unless there's a battleship on the side filming the whole thing with a hyper-speed camera.

However, the effect of the first wave of tungsten alloy shells on the ground was much worse than that of the previous days. Apart from the fact that the shells were divided by fine light, Gao Kai could not find a more reasonable explanation.

There is also the hit rate of the pit father. Although the distance is a little far, it has not exceeded the maximum range of the electromagnetic gun. There are so many shells that miss, is there no reason?

Can the shells be stopped?

The answer is yes, the fully automatic close-in guns on the battleship can do it, but only the laser close-in guns have this ability, and they can only intercept low-speed shells.

The detection radar equipped with the anti-aircraft gun has the ability to detect high-speed flying shells, that is, the response speed of the interception system is limited, and the power of the laser is also limited. The laser stays on the same spot long enough.

But even if the laser is always on the same Because the speed of the cannonball is so fast, the cannonball will already fall on the battleship before the irradiation time reaches the target.

In short, intercepting artillery shells is not as easy as you think.

Of course, these are all scientific and technological achievements of human beings. No one knows whether the aliens have more powerful technology.

According to Gao Kai's experience, there should be no. Can the reaction speed of insects be faster than that of electronic equipment? That is absolutely impossible.

In order to improve the hit rate, Gao Kai did not immediately order fire, but first ordered the fleet to disperse, so that the shells that were shot would no longer be concentrated, and then sent the nuclear shells among many electromagnetic shells.

It only takes four minutes for the electromagnetic artillery shell to land, while the nuclear artillery shell takes eight and a half minutes, and the effective range of ordinary naval guns is too short to guarantee the hit rate at all. The goal is purely luck.

Fortunately, nuclear weapons don't need much precision, as long as they hit near the target, they can play their due role... It's not a big problem if they miss. Who made Ganymede's surface full of alien buildings and positions? ?

The shells hit Ganymede one after another without money. The aliens lost a lot of positions, but the interception firepower has never stopped. Everything seems to be so orderly.

At this moment, Ganymede's surface suddenly burst into a strong light. After the short-term strong light dissipated, a huge fireball spread with a bang, the center part rose rapidly, and the edge quickly spread outward, forming a buckled to the ground. A huge hemisphere, still an expanding hemisphere.

The fireball lasted only a few moments longer than the bright light, and soon disappeared, but everything covered by the fireball was destroyed, and the nearby alien positions were not spared. Light radiation burns severely.

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