Armor Frenzy

Chapter 978: crazy

The alien fleet that has never appeared finally showed up, but it was not at the right time.

Gao Kai can't wait to give himself a mouth, what to grab with Martin? Wouldn't it be the end of just letting the Yankees rush over and nibble on this bone?

He is not admitting counsel, but five to one hundred has absolutely no chance of winning. As a commander, he must be responsible for the lives of his subordinates.

It was found that the Nanzhou and other ships suddenly climbed, and the strong second fleet, which had been following behind, was very confused, and even Martin himself couldn't understand what was going on.

But Martin was a seasoned veteran after all. He instinctively realized that something was wrong, but he decided to keep the same and immediately ordered the fleet to climb.

No matter how the Nanzhou changes, the strong second fleet will definitely be no problem.

At this time, Martin received a communication from Gao Kai: "General Martin, I thought about it again, I'll leave the front to you, I'll just watch."


Martin was very surprised, and his unease was even stronger.

At this time, the strong second fleet was climbing while advancing. Before Martin could answer, he saw a group of alien warships rising from behind the horizon.

After Gao Kai's gaze, Martin's expression also solidified, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood - fortunately he hadn't agreed.

Martin quickly issued a series of orders, ordering warships at all levels to move forward and assemble, and the warships slowed down to maintain a distance, etc.

The somewhat messy Second Fleet quickly regained order and was ready to meet the enemy.

Gao Kai felt very sorry for not being able to pit Martin once, and immediately informed the entire fleet of the unexpected situation found ahead, and ordered all ships to prepare for evacuation.

The Assault Fleet has strengthened the Second Fleet, and all the main battleships together are less than forty, including the six remaining in Callisto. The total number of human battleships currently located near Ganymede is about thirty. Fighting against the enemy with all their strength does have the potential to win, but it also comes at a price.

The loss of the fleet that catches fire with the aliens first will definitely be greater. Gao Kai does not intend to be the first island, and Martin also does not want to appear. As for cooperation, these two goods have never thought about it.

It is useless to think about it. The cooperation foundation of the two sides is too weak. If they are forcibly squeezed together, not only will they not cooperate well, but they may also hinder each other.

Humans are hiding and avoiding them, and they have made various preparations. They thought that the alien fleet would rush over soon, but after a closer look, they found that not only did those alien warships show no signs of rushing over, but instead gave people a warning. A messy feeling.

Gao Kai's speed was high and his position was high. He found that the battleships seemed to have just taken off, and their tails were all facing Ganymede.

Those alien warships were roughly arranged in a cylindrical formation, and in the middle of the cylinder were several round shuttle-shaped spaceships, which seemed to be transport ships for aliens.

A particularly outrageous idea suddenly popped into Gao Kai's mind, didn't the aliens want to escape?

At this time, the alien warships seemed to have received some orders, suddenly left the transport ships, and rushed towards the Nanzhou at an extremely fast speed.

Gao Kai did not want to fight with the alien fleet, and ordered the fleet to continue to rise,

The alien fleet suddenly split into two waves after flying for a distance. About twenty warships continued to rush towards Nanzhou, and the rest all rushed towards the strong second fleet.

The enemy ships were getting closer and closer, but Gao Kai didn't care at all. Most of his thoughts were on the transport ships. He found that there were still battleships taking off below those transport ships. Most of the enemy ships turned directly after taking off, or flew towards Nanzhou, or flew to the strong second fleet, only a small number of enemy ships remained near the transport ship after takeoff.

Gao Kai suddenly became interested, those transport ships are definitely not simple!

Thinking of this, he decisively issued a new order: "Rush over, all ships are ready for battle, and the seventh and fifteenth divisions are ready to set off!"

With an order, everyone got busy, and the expressions on their faces were even more serious.

Aviation is the most powerful force in the entire fleet, but it is also the most easily damaged troop. Gao Kai will not use aviation easily, but once he is determined to put aviation into battle, it means that the battle has entered a critical stage!

Each ship raised the engine power to the highest in the shortest time, and the flashes at the nozzle were connected in a series, and the speed of the battleship was significantly improved.

At this moment, there are no less than 30 alien warships standing in front of the Nanzhou fleet. The aliens never thought that the human warships who had retreated before dared to take the initiative to charge, but their response was not slow at all. Swing defensive formation ready to intercept.

"Open the cannons, shoot at Lao Tzu!" Neither side entered the other's range, but Gao Kai ordered the fire without hesitation.

After receiving the order, the ships also did not hesitate, and all the electromagnetic guns launched a rapid fire attack at the fastest speed, and the depleted uranium bombs seemed to be free of money and smashed outwards like raindrops.

The cost of depleted uranium bombs is indeed very low, because the main raw material of this thing is uranium 238, which is a by-product of separating uranium 235. You have to find a place to store it when you don’t need it. Using it as a shell is similar to waste The speed of the waiting ship is very fast, and it can completely bypass the enemy's side. The reason why Gao Kai chose to hedge head-on is to take advantage of the range advantage of the electromagnetic gun!

If you look closely, you can find that these warships are not facing the enemy ships but slightly deviated, in order to maintain a suitable advance.

It is not only the electromagnetic gun that fires, but also the improved laser gun. Everyone knows that the laser gun is difficult to hurt the enemy ship at this distance, but the role of the laser gun is not to kill, but to try to move the enemy ship to the trajectory of the electromagnetic gun. Push up.

The cooperation of electromagnetic guns and laser guns is the tactics of the military to press the bottom of the box. The effect depends on today's battle.

But Gao Kai was still dissatisfied, staring at blood-red eyes and roaring: "Where's the missile? I can't do it today, I opened it up for me!"

With this order, the ships were lavish as if they were celebrating the New Year. Various types of missiles were shot out like water, and a large number of missiles occupied a large area of ​​airspace.

They have different speeds in different directions, but the goal is the same.

Although there are only five warships, under Gao Kai's crazy order, the instantaneous firepower is no less than a reorganized fleet.

Martin in the back couldn't believe his eyes: "My God, is he crazy?" Although he said so, he understood that Gao Kai was definitely not a lunatic, and he also saw the different ships The alien battleship, Martin immediately guessed Gao Kai's mind.

The main fleet of aliens is far near the orbit of Mars, and Ganymede was attacked by human beings. So, will these special alien spaceships be the vehicles for big aliens to escape?

Thinking of this, Martin almost fainted with happiness, and a surge of blood rushed to the top of his head. Like Gao Kai, he issued several crazy orders in a row. Lasers, electromagnetic guns and missiles took turns to fill the gap between the enemy and the enemy. the void.

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