Armor Frenzy

Chapter 986: forbearance

Ganymede on the morning of May 26, 2030.

The assault fleet hovered in the void, Ye Han looked at the main screen and said calmly, "Let's start, pay attention to support."

"Yes!" Everyone responded neatly and immediately executed the orders according to their respective divisions of labor.

Directly below the fleet is the devastation left by a large number of nuclear bombs. After careful calculation, the area of ​​the air strike zone far exceeds the airborne requirements, and the conditions for landing Ganymede are ripe.

The so-called maturity only means that it can be landed, not that there is no danger.

Although the power of nuclear bombs is great, they are not omnipotent. You don't have to think about it to know that there must be alien air defense forces hidden in the underground of the air raid zone.

It is difficult to find out these enemies, let alone eliminate them one by one. The only way is to risk landing, using the landing troops as bait to draw out the enemy's hidden air defense forces.

However, this plan is very dangerous, and a large number of landing troops will be lost if you are not careful. Ye Han carefully analyzed the current situation and felt that there is no need to rush to land.

But the resistance organization did not think so. The assault fleet had just turned out from the front of Ganymede, and immediately received a communication from the resistance organization, hoping to land on Ganymede as soon as possible.

Ye Han and the resistance organization conducted detailed communication and carefully analyzed the risk of rushing to land, hoping to convince the resistance organization, but the resistance organization did not eat this set at all, their only requirement was to land on Ganymede as soon as possible, and the loss would not be too much. The loss is simply irrelevant.

Since the resistance organization didn't care about the lives of the servants, Ye Han had no reason to care, so he happily agreed to the resistance organization's request.

Now, the landing operation officially begins!

The three assault ships were responsible for covering the landing. After receiving the order, they immediately spread out in three directions, bringing the entire landing area into the range of the assault ship's firepower.

Afterwards, the transport ship Red Sea flew away from the formation alone, hovered just above the center of the landing area, and then lowered its altitude and slowly approached Ganymede.

At this time, the vertical height of the assault ship is 700 kilometers. If the three assault ships are connected together, it is a super equilateral triangle with a side length of more than 600 kilometers. The Red Sea has passed through the center of the triangle and lowered it very carefully. high.

Everyone's attention was on the ground, always watching for air defense positions.

A voice suddenly came out of the bridge: "The altitude is 600 kilometers!"

Ye Han immediately said: "Please pay attention to me. If you find the target, fire immediately, you don't need to ask for instructions!"

"Yes!" They said in unison again.

Everyone's nerves were tense, and they stared at every inch of the landing area.

"Five hundred and fifty kilometers!" Lin Yi read the height again.

Ye Han's heart gradually rose. This distance is very suitable for thin light to fire. If there are air defense positions near the landing point, now is a good opportunity.

But there was no abnormality on the ground, Ye Han couldn't help but start to wonder, is the underground air defense position some distance from the landing point, and the transport ship has not yet entered the effective range of the fine light?

"Five hundred kilometers!"

The lower the altitude, the higher the danger, and the atmosphere in the bridge became more and more solemn.

"Four hundred and fifty kilometers!"

Still no movement, everyone was breathing heavily.

"Four hundred kilometers!"

This position is neither high nor low, and it is the most dangerous height during the landing process, but no abnormality has been found.

"Three hundred and fifty kilometers..."

"Three hundred kilometers..."

There was still no movement on the ground, and Ye Han couldn't help but have a thought: Could it be that the enemy's air defense is not left at all?

"Two hundred kilometers, it has dropped to two hundred kilometers!" Lin Yi shouted excitedly.

"What are you yelling about!" Ye Han gave Lin Yi a dissatisfied look.

Lin Yi closed his mouth shyly, not daring to look into Ye Han's eyes.

"One hundred and fifty kilometers!"

At this stage, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"One hundred kilometers!" Lin Yi's tone became excited again, and everyone's mood relaxed a lot, even Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that there should be no air defense forces in the landing area.

"Eighty kilometers, the Red Sea hovers!" Lin Yi loudly announced the good news, everyone was so excited, and some even raised their fists and waved.

"Report, the transport ship requests airborne!" the communications staff reported loudly.

"Agree to the airborne." Ye Han's voice was as dull as boiled water.

After receiving the order, the bottom cabin of the Red Sea was opened, and four cables that reached the ground were hung down. The heads of the cables had not yet landed, and several servants had already jumped out of the cabin clutching the cables.

Ganymede's gravitational acceleration is only 1.43, but the falling speed of the servants far exceeds the gravitational acceleration here. Obviously, in order to shorten the landing time, some kind of assistance was used when leaving the cabin.

After a while, several cables were already full of servants. At this point, the landing was half successful, and everyone was relieved. But at this moment, a piece of ground near the landing point suddenly appeared. Unusually, dozens of giant worms with their butts upturned appeared one after another.

The bridge suddenly became a mess: "The target appears, UU reading repeats, the target appears—"

"Fire fire, free fire—"

"Red Sea, stop airborne, evade, repeat, evade—"

The three assault ships opened fire immediately, and the lasers that fell from the sky immediately fell to the ground, scorching and carbonizing several giant insects.

However, more giant insects drilled out of the ground, and those few laser cannons were nothing but a drop in the bucket. Seeing that the insect swarms were about to open fire, the assault ship couldn't help it.

At this critical moment, the Red Sea suddenly turned off the engine, and the heavy battleship was pulled down by Ganymede's gravity.

The swarm opened fire at this time, and hundreds of thin lights were launched at the same time, but because of this sudden sinking, the Red Sea successfully avoided half of the thin lights, and most of the thin lights that hit the Red Sea were also concentrated in the upper part of the spacecraft. Temporarily unknown.

The assault ship in the air seized the time to sweep the ground and cleaned the giant insects at the fastest speed, but the speed of fixed-point removal was far from keeping up with the firing speed of the giant insects, and the second wave of thin light was about to be launched.

At this time, the Red Sea had descended dozens of meters, and found that the giant insect was about to fire again. The Red Sea quickly started the engine to stabilize the spacecraft - fortunately, the wave of light just failed to hit the engine, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

However, the second wave of thin light could not be avoided. Dozens of beams hit the Red Sea at the same time. The engine was penetrated by the strong light. The huge spacecraft was immediately launched sideways, and the four cables under the ship were also cut by the thin light. The army went into free fall on the spot.

Ganymede's gravitational acceleration is lower than that of the moon, but after all, the Red Sea is at an altitude of 80 kilometers. If it falls from this height, no matter how small the acceleration is, it will fall into patties.

Ye Han's heart suddenly twitched: "Red Sea, Red Sea, give up the hover, immediately give up the hover and make an emergency landing, I order you to make an emergency landing!"

"Red Sea received!"

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