Armor Frenzy

Chapter 988: Servant falls

Ye Han's brain almost didn't explode: "What's the situation?"

"Enemy air defense positions, distance 270, number 40, and continue to increase!"

Before Ye Han could speak, several laser beams had already fallen from the sky, wantonly harvesting the life of giant insects, Ye Han opened his throat and shouted: "Red Sea, seven o'clock direction..."

Before he finished speaking, dozens of thin lights flashed away, and the Red Sea's side and rear were severely damaged in an instant. Not only did the armor fragments peel off in large numbers, but one engine was penetrated by the thin light. Then the engine suddenly exploded from the inside, and the hull slammed into the air. sink.

Those giant insects only had time to emit a small wave of light, and there was no chance to launch the second round of shooting, and they were completely slaughtered by aerial firepower.

"Red Sea, how are you?" Ye Han's forehead was blue and his eyes widened.

"I can still control, I can still control!"

Lin Yi said anxiously: "Three kilometers high... Chief, the speed is getting faster and faster!"

"Red Sea, can you still control it?"

"I'm controlling..."

The side of the spacecraft on the screen flashed, and the Red Sea suddenly tilted to one side.

Lin Yi's desperate voice penetrated into everyone's eardrums: "It burst, the No. 4 engine burst!"

Everyone's eyes were focused on the screen. The remaining two engines of the Red Sea were on the port side. The spacecraft seemed to be lame in one leg. First, it rolled uncontrollably, and then rolled in the air like a barrel. Many servants. The tumbling spaceship was thrown out of the ship, and fell in various poses.

"Two kilometers!" Lin Yi's voice broke the silence.

Ye Han said in a heavy voice, "Red Sea, abandon the ship, you tried your best."

There was a moment of silence in the radio, and finally a low voice came: "Yes."

The only two remaining engines of the Red Sea suddenly turned 180 degrees and turned their power in the opposite direction. The momentum of the rotation was effectively curbed immediately and became slower and slower.

At the same time, an emergency disengagement siren sounded in the Red Sea.

The shell of the Red Sea has long been penetrated by the fine light, and the air inside the ship has been lost, but the flashing warning lights also reminded the remaining servants, they immediately acted and escaped the ship at the fastest speed.

The Red Sea quickly regained its balance, and then began to rotate in the opposite direction. At the moment when the spacecraft was balanced, Lin Yi's voice sounded again: "One thousand meters!"

At the same time, a double lifeboat popped up above the Red Sea.

If you don't wait for the spacecraft to regain its balance, when the lifeboat pops out of the ship, it is likely to rush down and hit the ground directly.

Everyone in the bridge of Yaoshan breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Ye Han's thoughts turned, and the biochip had calculated that the speed of the servants when they touched the ground was about 70 to 80 meters per second.

The speed limit of the servants when they landed was about thirty-five meters to forty meters. At their current speed, landing was equivalent to death.

That's more than 10,000 servants!

They only had the last ten seconds of their lives... But at this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that no matter where they were, all the servants were trying to find their companions. Seven or six, piled together in the air.

Everyone is a little confused, what do you mean? Skydiving?

Before everyone could come up with a reason, the fallen servants had already given the answer.

The servants were grouped in pairs, tightening their bodies in the air to adjust their posture, squatting in the air as if they were doing acrobatics.

What do they want to do?

Just as this thought entered Ye Han's brain, the servants who were about to touch the ground suddenly separated, the one below kicked up with all their strength, and the one above jumped up with all their strength.

As a result, the servants below accelerated and fell, hitting the ground with broken bones and horrific fractures, while the one above had a sudden drop in falling speed.

Ye Han's eyes almost didn't pop out, how could he still use this method to slow down?

In the blink of an eye, dozens and hundreds of pairs of servants assisted each other, and a large number of servants fell to the ground and were killed, but there were also the same number of servants who got a precious chance to survive.

However, the speed of the fall was still a bit fast. Many servants broke their legs when they landed, and only half of them landed successfully.

The servants who successfully landed did not wait, but took off with all their strength, or caught the falling companion, or pushed the falling companion sideways to help the companion land.

Only a small part of the servants landed. The rolling Red Sea fell from the sky and crashed to the ground. Half of the hull was embedded in the ground, and all kinds of debris flew all over the sky.

Many of the servants who successfully landed had no time to escape, and were sadly crushed by the spaceship, and many of the servants who were about to land were hit by flying debris and died on the spot.

The remaining servants had no time to grieve for their companions and did their best to land safely.

Because the speed was not enough, the Red Sea did not explode, and some of the servants just above the spacecraft inevitably collided with the wreckage of the spacecraft. They might have landed successfully, but were pierced by the corrugated steel on the battleship.

There are more and more servants landing successfully, and often a servant falls from the Several servants will jump on the ground at the same time, and the success rate of a safe landing is getting higher and higher, until the last servant lands , Ye Han let out a long breath, but didn't know what to say.

This hand of the servants really gave him too much shock. The whole army should have been wiped out, but he just survived half of it. Did they jump directly from space and some of them landed successfully?

"My mother..." Luo Qi's eyes straightened, "Boss, what's the next step?"

"What else can we do? Continue landing!" Ye Han replied without hesitation, "Notify the resistance organization, one more... No, three!"

"Come back?" Luo Qi wondered if he had heard it wrong.

Ye Han said: "They don't care about themselves, what do we care about?" The more than 10,000 servants finally kept 5,000, which is already a very good result for the airborne landing.

This is not self-consolation. Although landing operations and airborne operations are not the same thing, they are very similar in nature. They must face intensive anti-aircraft firepower, face the crazy counterattack of the enemy, and give their lives to the sky...

It is not without reason that the Marine Corps was changed to the Airborne Division.

The airborne troops have always been the arms with the highest death rate. In World War II, there were 16 large-scale airborne landings at the campaign level. However, there were four wins and twelve losses, and the success rate was only 25%.

During the Normandy landings, the Allies dropped more than 60,000 paratroopers, and only less than 7,000 remained at the end of the battle; the German airborne troops had a mortality rate of 75% in World War II; even in the most successful airborne operations in World War II, the casualty rate exceeded 70%.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the servant army can ensure that half of the personnel land safely even when the spaceship crashes. It is hard to say whether there are so many people left in the human airborne soldiers.

So, what is this loss? Is there any reason not to let the resistance continue to drop?

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