Armor Frenzy

Chapter 994: scale of victory

Yaoshan No.

Ye Han's eyes kept moving between the screens, and with the aid of the biochip, his brain kept the battlefield situation in his heart.

In the past, he couldn't do it by killing him. If he could grasp the general situation, his merits and virtues would be complete, and most of the commanders grasped the general direction. How the grassroots combat units fought must be controlled by the commanders at all levels.

But today's Ye Han has unprecedentedly grasped the situation of the entire battlefield in his mind!

It is a very wonderful feeling to not want to put the entire battlefield in his mind. In his mind, there is neither a ground battlefield nor a sky battlefield, but only a three-dimensional battlefield that integrates air and space. He dare not say every point on the battlefield Changes can be grasped, but the general situation is not bad.

Therefore, Ye Han is very aware of the situation facing the three transport ships in the Caspian Sea and the Inner Sea and the West Sea, and is also very aware that the Red Sea has just repelled the first wave of the enemy's attack.

The situation in the air is just like that, nothing more than a few tricks. But on the ground, he couldn't be led by the enemy's nose, so he ordered his servants to take the initiative to attack.

Being beaten and not fighting back is not Ye Han's style. Taking the initiative to attack can not only disrupt the enemy's offensive rhythm, but also create opportunities for the ground troops. Once the time is ripe, he will order the main force of the servants to leave the Red Sea, attacking and defending. Substantial detours were made at appropriate positions behind enemy lines.

This is the military's forte. At that time, it will smash the rear of the noble army in one breath, and see if they still have the ability to fight the Red Sea.

"One hundred kilometers!" Lin Yi's voice resounded through the bridge, and the airborne had reached the most critical moment.

The three assault ships followed behind the transport ship, and Ye Han decisively ordered: "The naval artillery fires, and the close-in defense artillery, hit me hard!"

Close-up guns?

A question mark appeared on everyone's head. With the speed of the cannonball and the gravity of Ganymede, it only took 30 seconds to fly over 100 kilometers, and the naval gun could fully exert its due power.

But the muzzle velocity of the anti-aircraft gun is only half of that of the naval gun. The shell needs to fly for one minute to land, and the small power of the shell is even smaller. What is the situation of using the anti-aircraft gun to hit the ground target?

Everyone was hesitant to be seen by Ye Han, and he immediately widened his eyes: "If you are stunned, please hurry up."


Everyone hurriedly executed the order, and the three assault ships were in full swing.

Needless to say, the laser has been the main force of the assault ship to strike ground targets from the beginning. As the distance approaches, the power of the laser increases exponentially, which is simply the ace of air strikes.

The electromagnetic gun is not bad. Although the shell is a strange metal strip, it is very useful for clearing ground targets at a fixed point.

The first few air defense positions had long since been killed and wounded by the continuous artillery bombardment. If the enemy continued to replenish air defense forces, the landing battle would have been won long ago.

However, after the naval gun fired, the situation changed fundamentally immediately. Although the speed of the naval gun is not as good as that of the laser gun, the power is not as good as that of the electromagnetic gun, and the accuracy is not so good, but the firing speed of two rounds per second is not bad. In cooperation, the first round of artillery bombardment had the effect of a barrage of Xu Jin, and a group of noble troops rushed to the Red Sea were beaten to the point of crying. Thousands of noble troops were reimbursed for more than half of them in a blink of an eye.

Immediately, several naval guns were aimed at the underground bunker of the noble army that was heading out, and a series of shells smashed it, first blowing up the nearby noble army, and then pouring a series of shells into the chrysanthemum gate.

The situation is similar with the close-range artillery. Its combat method is to fire for up to three seconds after aiming at the target, and then immediately switch to the target and continue to fire.

Three seconds is not a long time, but if the close-to-anti-aircraft fire rate is fast enough, three seconds is enough to shoot hundreds of shells, no matter the air-defense position or the marching noble army, once the close-in defense artillery is targeted , which means that a large wave of artillery shells is about to fall from the sky.

Think about it, in three seconds, hundreds of shells all landed and exploded in a limited area. No matter the giant insect or the servants, as long as they were within the explosion range, they would be smashed into pieces by the intensive explosion.

Even though the noble army was all composed of servants who were not afraid of death, this scene made them feel a shuddering cold in their hearts.

The noble army finally realized that the assault ship was the real enemy, and decisively abandoned the transport ship and aimed its muzzle at the assault ship.

However, the three assault ships were full of firepower. The replenishment rate of the noble army was not as fast as the consumption rate. The anti-aircraft firepower on the ground was decreasing every minute. The remaining anti-aircraft firepower could no longer threaten the assault ships. The balance of victory finally turned to the human side. .

At this point in the battle, Ye Han finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Keep the firepower suppressed, the Caspian Sea and the West Sea continue to land, and the remaining transport ships are temporarily hovering, waiting for further orders!"

"Yes!" The communications staff immediately passed the new order to each unit.

Ye Han said again: "The close-up guns stopped The naval guns supported the Red Sea, and the landing craft was suspended for landing."


Perhaps knowing that no matter how hard they tried, they would be powerless. The noble army that had been replenishing the ground suddenly disappeared, no new air defense positions appeared, and the underground bunkers in the landing area were silent.

However, within a few minutes, the fierce battle not long ago had undergone a fundamental change. The air battlefield became quiet, and only the noble army surrounding the Red Sea continued to fight.

But only the noble army on the front line was still fighting, and the noble army still on the road either retreated to the nearest underground bunker, or was wiped out by air strikes, in short, there was no good end.

The nobles on the front line seemed to understand that the doomsday was coming, and they suddenly launched a death charge against the Red Sea. Tens of thousands of nobles attacked from all directions at the same time. Not only did they escape air strikes, but one of the nobles also attacked the counterattack. The servants collided head-on.

The two sides are fighting for life and death in a limited space, bullets and thin lights come and go, taking away one life after another.

The servants were very tenacious. They used their rifles, grenades, and everything to compete with the nobles. Many servants pulled the grenades when they were dying, and perished with the nobles around them.

But the servant army was only a mere 600 people, and the aristocratic army that flooded in like a tidal wave can be said to be several thousand. The servant army is not the opponent of the noble army at all.

Afterwards, the charging noble army was stubbornly resisted by the defenders. The whole ship of the Red Sea was full of shooting fire, and the dense rain of bullets swept away the countless charging noble army.

Then came the air strikes from the fleet, lasers swept across the noble army, and various explosions exploded in the charging team, but within a few minutes, all the tens of thousands of noble army fell on the way of charging.

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