Armor Frenzy

Chapter 998: It is my duty to remind you

Ye Han must first consider the interests of human beings, and must not give the resistance organization a chance to take the lead. Otherwise, without the aliens coming to the resistance organization, will human beings still be alive?

But after thinking about it, Ye Han felt that he was worrying too much. Right now, he can't even control the landing zone, let alone attack the underground bunker. Even if he successfully rushed into the underground bunker, there are so many aliens in Ganymede. Can you not even eat this little servant?

Just kidding, after all, this place is the old nest of aliens. If only tens of thousands of servants and thousands of paratroopers can torture the noble army to death, how long will the war between humans and aliens take so long?

Thinking of this, Ye Han was suddenly relieved, and decisively gave an order, ordering all the transport ships to make an emergency landing.

If these six ships fall in the air, it is completely possible to place another layer of outer circle, and the inner and outer circles can be inward or outward respectively when the world is in the realm... Well, there is a little distance between the last two layers, so that the defense area is increased. To expand, enough manpower must be invested, and the manpower of the resistance organization to attack will be correspondingly reduced. . . .

The servants must attack the bunker, otherwise the enemy will not feel much pressure, but they cannot let the servants go too deep to prevent the enemy from breaking the jar and giving up Ganymede... Well, Ye Han found that he thought too much, so he resisted To organize that little force, a partial capture is definitely not a problem, but there is no way to capture the entire Ganymede.

Besides, the underground bunkers are so simple. Without the cooperation of the paratroopers, it is difficult for the servants to break in. As long as the paratroopers are well controlled, the attack of the servants can be indirectly controlled, thereby achieving the purpose of manipulating the servants.

All in all, let the resistance groups and the noble army dog ​​bite the dog, just toss.

The remaining six transport ships were descending. Ye Han originally thought that the noble army would intercept them regardless of the loss like the previous two, but this time he miscalculated. The enemy not only failed to intercept, but even the expected second wave of attacks was stillborn. , except for a few noble troops who came to check from time to time, there was no other movement from the enemy.

It is not surprising that the noble army fought back no matter what, but there was no movement at all, but Ye Han was at a loss as to what conspiracy the enemy was brewing.

Ye Han suddenly remembered the friendly army on the other side of Ganymede, so he sent a message and asked straight to the point: "General Albert, how is the situation there?"

"Very good." Albert's answer was simple and clear.

He is very uncomfortable with Ye Han's directness. Although the dialogue between the two is not a diplomatic dialogue, after all, they belong to two camps. Is it really good to speak so directly?

"Can you be more specific?" Ye Han asked again.

Albert frowned and didn't answer the question right away.

Ye Han guessed Albert's thoughts at a glance: "General, I hope to understand the situation on your side and provide a reference for the next battle direction, that's it."

Albert thought for a while and said, "Our progress is very smooth. The troops have successfully airborne. Two teams have already entered the airport and are advancing deep into the crypt."

Ye Han was stunned: "How do you deal with the anti-aircraft firepower of the aliens?"

"It's hard to say a word or two, I'll send you a few videos," Albert said.

"Okay." Ye Han agreed immediately.

Albert said as he chose the video: "I also need to know about your situation."

"The troops have successfully landed, occupied a small area, and are preparing to attack. It was originally expected that the enemy should have a large-scale counter-offensive, but the counter-offensive has never appeared."

"Do you think the aliens giving up the attack has something to do with us?" Albert was taken aback.

"I think there is such a possibility." Ye Han said.

Albert put on a solemn appearance: "Senior Ye, I now ask you to attack as soon as possible as an allied force."

Not afraid of 10,000, just in case, Ye Han has just landed here, and Albert has already invaded the crypt. No matter how you look at it, the landing troops of the base group are more hated than Ye Han.

Ye Han nodded with the same solemn attitude: "I will, but General Albert, I have the responsibility to remind you that our mission is not to capture Ganymede, but to mobilize the enemy's fleet, and it is absolutely unnecessary to go too deep into the crypt. "

Albert chose to send and sent the selected video clip to Ye Han: "I know the content of the task as well as you."

Ye Han squeezed out a smile: "Then it's better...General, I hope we can keep in touch all the time, instead of communicating temporarily when there is a problem, what do you think?"

"Agreed." Albert nodded, "We ran from Earth to this ghost place for the same purpose."

Both sides are soldiers, and although they have their own positions, they have the same interests on the issue of fighting aliens.

End of Ye Han clicked on the video. This is a video of paratroopers landing in an airborne capsule. The airborne capsule was launched from the spacecraft like a cannonball and fell to the ground at a very high speed. There are many spaceships launching airborne capsules together, and in just a split second, hundreds of airborne capsules entered the camera.

Then came the second round, the third round... In just a short while, the Second Fleet launched thousands of airborne pods at Ganymede.

At the same time, all the warships belonging to the strong second fleet began to fire on the ground to clear the ground firepower of the noble army... Although the firepower of the assault ship of Yishui cannot be compared with the main force, it is far stronger than this power in Ye Han's hands. , All the ground positions located in the landing area were ruthlessly attacked by the strong second fleet.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han couldn't help feeling a little powerless in his heart. If he also had so many assault ships in his hand, how could he rack his brains for a few air defense positions?

The landing of the strong second fleet went very smoothly. Although the air defense positions of the aliens sprang up like bamboo shoots after the rain, there were too many assault ships in Albert's hands. As long as the aliens dared to emerge, they would not be able to escape the attack of the fleet.

Then the aliens died down for a while, until the airborne capsule approached Ganymede, and then a large wave of air defense positions suddenly appeared. Countless fine lights rushed into the sky. In the first round of counterattacks, hundreds of airborne capsules were destroyed. .

The fleet opened fire immediately, but the aliens' resistance was very tenacious, and they were not called the fleet at all. They admitted to the airborne capsule that was about to land. Many giant insects drilled out of the ground just to emit a thin light, because they did not launch a second one at all. Thin light opportunities.

The intensity of the exchange of fire in just a few minutes was unprecedented. The loss of the second fleet and the aliens reached a new height. Until the airborne compartment exploded at a low altitude and the first paratroopers successfully landed, the intensity of the battle between the two sides gradually decreased. .

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