Armor Frenzy

Chapter 18: Cloud-piercing arrows

Zhou Yun looked at Huxi Island from afar, and the smoke and dust on the island was easily blown away by the wind, revealing the island after the ravages of artillery fire. The original lush island has become a stone island with the smoke of gunpowder.

"I'm going!" Zhou Yun almost bit his tongue, but his expression changed immediately, "No, it doesn't look like it was wrong, intentionally?"

There must be errors in indirect shooting, but the straight-line distance between Huxin Island and Huxi Island is more than one kilometer. Even if the shell misses, it will not be so outrageous, unless it is Uncle Black from the other side of the earth, only aiming at the lake. Heart Island, but the shells landed on Huxi Island.

Ye Han nodded: "It should be, there must be giant insects over there."

Zhou Yun also thought of this, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

There are 20 or 30 large and small islands on the lake mirror. Although the island in the center of the lake has the largest area, the total area of ​​the other islands is at least ten times larger than that of the island in the center of the lake!

What is the concept of all the islands being occupied by giant insects?

Bai Xiaoting also thought of this, her face instantly pale as paper.

Zhang Yang was no better than Bai Xiaoting, and the whole person became lost.

Professor Qin said solemnly: "The fish in the lake are eaten up by the insects. Now the insects are the dominant creatures in the underwater ecosystem of Jingshui Lake, and their distribution range must be the entire lake area, not just these islands!"

The expressions of everyone changed drastically again.

Before everyone thought about how to escape, no one thought about the distribution of giant insects, but Professor Qin broke the window paper, and everyone immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.

Ye Han pinched his hair: "It's useless to just bomb the islands. Unless the lake area is blocked, it is possible to prevent the spread of giant insects!"

"Blocking the lake area is not enough, the giant dragonfly can fly, so it must be blocked together over the hydrogen lake area!" Zhou Yun added.

"The water system, and the water system!" Bai Xiaoting tensed her face tightly, "The rivers flowing into and out of Jinghu Lake must be blocked!"

"It's useless, the blockade is useless at all!" Zhang Yang shouted, "It's been more than two years, what's the use of the blockade now?"

Everyone present was silent, only Zhou Yun was puzzled: "What two years?"

Ye Han said in a low voice, "The fish in the lake has been decreasing since two years ago, and 80% of them are eaten by insects."

Zhou Yun suddenly realized, but he couldn't believe it: "Professor Qin, you mean the giant insect spread two years ago?" He deliberately asked Professor Qin not to ask Zhang Yang because Professor Qin's answer was more authoritative.

Professor Qin shook his head cautiously: "It's hard to say, giant insects are also insects, they must follow the laws of nature, and they must emerge into adults before they can have the ability to produce offspring. At present, it happens to be the first time that giant insects have collectively emerged. The worm does not yet have the ability to reproduce, so it is naturally impossible to spread. However, the reason for the mutation of the giant worm is still unclear, if the source of mutation has spread throughout the water system..."

Another screeching sound penetrated into everyone's ears. Professor Qin's words were drowned out by the whistling, but everyone understood what he meant.

If the giant worm spreads in the entire basin of Jingshui Lake...

If countless giant insects suddenly come ashore from the water...

Ye Han suddenly widened his eyes. Professor Qin, besides Jingshui Lake, is there any shortage of fish?

"I haven't heard of this... er, that's right!" Professor Qin's eyes lit up, "Giant insects are so large that they will eat a lot of food no matter where they are, which will definitely cause a shortage of fishery resources. I can basically It is certain that there is very little possibility of giant insects in other places in the Jingshui Lake water system except the lake area!"

Out of a scientific researcher's caution, unless he sees overwhelming evidence, Professor Qin will never speak to death.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief in unison, Bai Xiaoting patted her full chest with lingering fears: "Grandpa, I'm scared to death!"

Professor Qin chuckled: "This is called ignorance. At least we know now that even if the giant insects spread out, there won't be many!"

While talking, there was a disturbing buzzing sound from downstairs in the distance, Zhang Yang rushed over to take a look, ran back panting and said loudly, "Giant dragon, dragonfly is about to fly!"

"So fast?" Ye Han looked back and saw that the shells of the giant dragonflies that had lost their heads were completely hardened, and the inner veins of the stretched transparent membranous wings were vertical and horizontal, and they looked very delicate.

Professor Qin didn't care about his old age, he took a few steps to the edge of the rooftop, and happened to see the first giant dragonfly flying in the forest. It's gone!"

The others rushed to Professor Qin's side, staring blankly at the giant dragonfly taking off.

Originally, the giant dragonfly could have escaped from the island in the center of the lake by taking advantage of the opportunity when the giant dragonfly was not yet able to fly, but now the giant dragonfly has the ability to fly.

The navy turns into the army and then into the air force. Unless the giant dragonfly after its emergence changes to a vegetarian diet, no matter who leaves the hotel, no one will be able to escape the giant dragonfly's pursuit!

More giant dragonflies tried to flap their wings, and a few strong ones flew up crookedly, and soon dozens of giant dragonflies rose into the air, UU read www. The humming of's wings flapping at a high speed, like a magic sound piercing the brain, is disturbing.

"Get out, go into the building!" Ye Han shouted sharply.

The giant dragonfly took off successfully, and it will be too late if it doesn't leave.

At this juncture, a few straight white tracks suddenly appeared on the horizon. Ye Han's eyes twitched, and two words blurted out: "Missile?"

Before he finished speaking, several missiles had already encountered the giant dragonfly taking off. Several fiery flames burst into the air instantly. The scattered flames burned the giant dragonfly's wings, and the shrapnel shattered the giant dragonfly's body. More than a dozen just took off. The giant dragonfly fell in the explosion, and the rest scattered like headless flies.

The giant dragonfly, which had not yet been able to fly on the ground, also became extremely irritable during the explosion, jumping all over the floor in shock.

Zhou Yun was so happy that he almost jumped off the building: "The plane, it's our plane!"

Ye Han couldn't describe his feelings of ups and downs. The giant dragonfly grew bigger, and it was just over three meters in length. He hit the giant dragonfly with a missile that hit the plane. It's too exciting, is there any wood?

In the face of modern weapons, any giant dragonfly and giant cockroach are all scumbags in the end!

Zhang Yang looked up at the sky and was silent, with crystal tears flashing in his eyes. He was saved and finally survived!

Professor Qin stumbled and almost fell, but thanks to Bai Xiaoting's support in time, he didn't make a fool of himself. He took a few deep breaths and waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, then grinned and laughed.

Fortunately, he didn't have any serious problems on weekdays, otherwise he would have been ill when he was excited.

Bai Xiaoting, who was busy taking care of her grandfather, naturally didn't have extra thoughts like other people.

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