Armor Frenzy

Chapter 749: beetle

The car bug stayed in the deepest part of the cabin. I don't know what caused this big guy. The tentacles on its head swayed a few times, and its head the size of a washbasin stuck out, staring at the open hatch with its huge compound eyes.

Bruno was stunned.

There is no light source in the alien warship, and it is pitch black no matter where it goes. The French soldiers must rely on night vision goggles to provide sightlines and watch the movement of the car bugs. Darkness does not seem to be a problem for it.

But after thinking about it, it is not surprising. This thing appeared in the Fengcheng incident. Afterwards, the Chinese side conducted a detailed investigation of this thing and made the investigation results public.

Bruno had read the survey report and knew that the car bug had a very strong digging ability, and it might even be a ground-dwelling giant bug.

There must be five fingers out of sight in the hole, so why is it strange that car bugs can see in the dark?

Thinking of this, Bruno waved forward: "Go on, catch it!"

The French soldiers swept through the mucus in the cabin and surrounded them eagerly, ready to start to control the car bugs, and no one was worried about encountering danger. There are several videos attached to the Chinese investigation report. According to the content of the video, it is speculated that the car bug Worms are just a means of transportation and do not have offensive capabilities in the military sense.

If not, how dare Bruenor order the soldiers to risk approaching the car bug?

The car bug originally stayed quietly, but the actions of the soldiers seemed to alarm it. The car bug moved a few thick legs a few times, from facing the crowd sideways to facing the hatch, and the tentacles on its forehead were unprecedented. Swing quickly.

Between the buggy and the hatch, there were seven or eight fully-armed French soldiers.

Bruno suddenly felt that something was wrong, and was about to say something when the car bug suddenly shrank its head, strode forward with six thick legs, and the few French soldiers couldn't escape, and was knocked down by the car bug into the mucus.

The others instinctively dodged to one side, avoiding the bugs in time.

The car bug, covered in mucus, rushed out of the cabin without hesitation, and was out of sight of everyone in a blink of an eye, leaving only the sound of a string of insect legs hitting the ground quickly away.

Bruno is completely stupid, what's the situation?

He chased it out without even thinking about it. The soldiers in the cabin didn't care about the mucus all over their bodies, and hurriedly chased them out, but they didn't even see the shadow of the car bug.

At the same time, the helicopter loaded with reinforcements finally flew over the alien warship. There was no suitable place to land near the warship. Several helicopters were lined up and hovered above the warship. With guns in one hand and ropes in the other, they descended from the sky one by one, and quickly landed on the ship's ridge to form a defensive formation.

With a panoramic view of the surrounding situation, Constantine saw at a glance the armored car that the French had left outside. He made a gesture, and a few soldiers jumped down neatly, and rushed to the armored car to check the situation: "Empty!"

Constantine took a deep breath: "Get ready to enter the ship!"

The footprints of the French were still on the ground, and the reinforcements quickly divided into several groups and followed the footprints of the French entering the ship.

It just so happened that Constantine took the exact same route that Bruno took.

The team passed through cracks in the ship's surface, across the huge cabin, and through the half-open hatch into the wide passage.

Just after taking a few steps, Constantine heard a series of dense knocking sounds. He couldn't help but stop in doubt and turned his head to look into the depths of the passage: "What sound?"

"Is it French?" guessed the adjutant behind him.

"This way!" Constantine led the team to meet him without hesitation, shouting over the radio as he walked, "Bruno, answer me right away..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. Before Constantine could see what the black shadow was, he was knocked to the ground by the galloping car bug. He only felt that there was something dark in front of him. It passed quickly in his eyes, and he subconsciously reached out to grab it, but he didn't know where to hold it, and half of his arm was inserted into the belly of the giant insect.

The American soldiers who followed Constantine instinctively lifted their guns and fired, and the bullets hit the car bug and shot out sparks, but the car bug didn't slow down at all, but suddenly accelerated, breaking through the fire blockade as if flying.

It was only at this time that Constantine, who was dragging under the belly of the car bug, had no recollection. His arm seemed to be inserted into the air hole of the giant bug.

Nothing to be polite to the bugs, Constantine took off the grenade on his waist with a backhand, pulled the safety off with a flip of his thumb, stuffed the hand gripping the grenade into the air inlet, and exchanged his two arms.

The buggy continued to run unawares. Constantine, who had escaped from the buggy, rolled seven or eight laps in a row before unloading his momentum. He lay on the ground and stared at the buggy running away.

In an instant, the whole world came to a standstill, as if the car bug was the only living thing.

A few seconds later there was a muffled sound in the belly of the car bug, and the car bug's running footsteps were messy, swaying from side to side like a drunken man, constantly hitting the bulkheads on both sides of the passage.

The car bug rushed all the way to the corner at the end of the passage, slammed into the bulkhead before it stopped, and moved its six legs in pain, but turned back.

Constantine was a little stunned, wondering if the car bug still had the strength to stand up, and the big guy had accelerated and rushed back again.

The soldiers rushed to Constantine's side in a swarm, and when they saw the car bug that turned back, everyone was stunned, and then the gunshots rang out.

Constantine jumped up: "Disperse, disperse for me—"

The soldiers immediately dispersed to both sides of the passage, but all the guns in their hands did not stop firing. The running worms slammed left and right. When they rushed to the area where everyone was, they slammed into the left bulkhead, and the two could not dodge. The soldier was caught between the car bug and the bulkhead, rolling several times like a steel ball in the middle of the bearing, and the screams suddenly filled everyone's eardrums.

When the car bug walked away, the armor of the two soldiers had already been squeezed out of shape, and the four arms of the two men were twisted into a strange angle that would never be reached under normal circumstances. I don't know how many places were broken.

At this time, the French soldiers led by Bruno finally arrived, and several of them were still holding poisonous smoke bombs in their hands.

Seeing the chaotic worms and the American soldiers firing at full force, Bruno couldn't help sinking, and rationally ordered the French soldiers to shoot at the worms.

Constantine's shout cut through the flood of gunfire: "Bazooka—"

The speed of the car bug has slowed down a lot, but it is still running. Pull the trigger, a flash of fire flashes, and the rocket hits the chrysanthemum of the bug.

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