Armor Frenzy

Chapter 754: Chicken and Duck Talk

754 Chicken and Duck Talking

Thomas knew very well that the troops in the front were the most dangerous, but after the French disobedience incident, he really had no confidence in the Allied forces of other countries. If the front was defeated by the aliens, it would seriously damage the morale of the troops.

Let the Allied cannon fodder take the lead? He doesn't have that confidence.

More and more troops entered the cave, and Thomas was very surprised by the feedback.

Don't look at the outside of the cave is just an ordinary hole dug by car bugs, but the further you go deeper into the cave, the bigger the space, and it's obviously not the underground space dug by car bugs, but an underground hole in the ground!

Thomas didn't care how many holes were in the ground at all, he only cared about where the missing Italians and the British were, and the reason for this was not that they were dead or alive, but that the missing person was found. Alien clues.

Of course, it's another matter if it's the American guy who goes missing.

For the sake of safety, the troops entering the cave did not advance very fast. In order to prevent accidents, the soldiers did not hide in the armored vehicles, but adopted the standard combination of infantry and tank tactics, and moved carefully step by step.

However, when the troops entered the cave for half a kilometer, they still did not find anything. Soon after, the forward found a fork in the road, and Thomas Ma, who had sufficient troops, ordered the troops to divide into two paths.

After a while, most of the multinational troops entered the cave. At this time, two transport planes flew to the hollow of the cave, and the low whistling alarmed the people on the ground. Constantine looked up and said, "The plane of the Chinese?"

"Never mind them," Thomas said, frowning.

He arranged for James to reveal the news, but Fang expected the two planes to arrive much faster.

The empty Ye Han also saw the situation on the ground, and happened to see a group of people driving into the cave.

He couldn't help grinning, he was drilling holes all day in Siberia, how could he still have nothing to do with the caves when he arrived in Africa?

The transport plane that arrived at the destination began to hover in the air at the target. After reaching this point, Ye Han had nothing to hesitate, and decisively issued the airborne order.

The tail hatches of the two transport planes slowly opened, and the strong wind blew into the cabins. The soldiers released the locking devices of the armored vehicles. The armored vehicles slid out of the cabins and opened their parachutes. The soldiers immediately jumped out of the cabins and landed together near the armored vehicles.

After a while, the people and vehicles fell into the jungle together. The soldiers rescued the armored vehicles neatly and quickly prepared for departure.

Although Fang did not have poisonous smoke bombs, the multinational troops used poisonous smoke bombs to smoke the nearby jungle not long ago. Not even the shadow of a giant ant could be seen near the airborne field, saving the soldiers a lot of hands and feet.

The landing points of several armored vehicles were not far away, and they soon converged and set off towards the cave according to the orientation of the map.

It can be seen from the real-time images provided by the space battleship that there are few multinational troops left outside the cave, but the remaining vehicles have no intention of entering the cave.

A few minutes later, Ye Han led the troops to the ground. An armored vehicle painted with jungle digital camouflage drove towards him. A power armor with three generals on the shoulders emerged from the vehicle, signaling Fang to stop advancing.

Needless to say, Thomas himself is the only person qualified to wear this armor in the multinational force.

The convoy stopped, and Ye Han got out of the armored car.

Thomas Maddie made a big talk.

Ye Han shook his head helplessly, spread out his hands to show that he understood, and suddenly a sentence came out of his mouth: "NoEnglish!"

The series of English stopped abruptly, Thomas stared at Ye Han dumbfounded, and the whole person was not well.

This sentence has no problem in the eyes of the Chinese people, and it is easier to understand, but to the native English speakers, it is like a devil who is full of trains saying you are a big drop, that kind of weird voice The sense of incongruity pierced Thomas' heart like a knife.

Thomas didn't believe that Fang would send a liaison officer who didn't understand English at all, and spit out another string of foreign codes angrily.

Ye Han was helpless, and asked with a grin, "Can you speak Mandarin?"

"What?" Thomas looked confused.

"Can't you find someone who can speak Mandarin?" Ye Han confidently accused.

"Excuseme?" Thomas gritted his teeth.

Ye Han rolled his eyes and asked on the radio, "Who can speak English?"

Soldiers you look at me, I look at you, no one said a word.

Thanks to the education system, the soldiers here know a little bit of English, but only a little bit of English. It's not a big problem to cope with the exam, but face-to-face communication with the crooked nuts is a big problem.

Ye Han couldn't help sighing, it would be better if he brought Zhang Ruo.

Seeing that no one said anything, Liu Bin raised his hand hesitantly: "How about I try?"

"You? Can you?" Ye Han asked suspiciously.

Liu Bin grinned: "Speak slowly, it should be fine."

"Then hurry up, it doesn't need to be so accurate, there is a general Ye Han said.

Thomas saw that there were more people beside Ye Han, and Ma guessed that this was Fang's translator, and immediately said a few words.

Liu Bin glanced at Ye Han in embarrassment, and said a word slowly, to the effect of asking you to speak slowly, I don't understand.

Thomas was annoyed, thinking that you can't find a neat translator? What does it mean to bring two knives over to a disgusting person?

But he had to say it again, and Thomas could only patiently repeat what he just said, without omitting any pronunciation.

Liu Bin's expression was painful: "He seemed to say, let's stay outside."

Ye Han asked suspiciously, "He said so much, and you finished translating a sentence?"

"I didn't understand..."

Ye Han couldn't wait to kick Liu Bin under the car... There was a shortage of language talents in the team, so Ye Han simply called back to the base with a communication and said bluntly: "Let Zhang Ruo come over, horse!"

The communication was quickly transferred to Zhang Ruo. After Ye Han briefly explained the situation, he set up a separate communication channel at Zhang Ruo's suggestion, and then dragged Zhang Ruo and Thomas in together.

As soon as Thomas entered the channel, Zhang Ruo said something, and the angry Thomas finally found a channel to vent.

Zhang Ruo translated with a black line: "He said that his troops have already entered, let us wait outside, the rest is nonsense, and the dog's mouth is dirty."

Ye Han was startled: "What did the dog scolded?"

"Don't ask, it's not a good word anyway." Zhang Ruo replied.

"Okay, I won't ask, you can write down everything he said to me, go back and tell Commander Zhuang, and let Beidu make a formal protest."

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