Armor Frenzy

Chapter 760: Active defense

760 active defense

Liu Bin suddenly inserted into the communication: "How long is a while?"

"It takes more than 20 minutes to go back and forth, and up to half an hour plus airdrop." Zhang Ruo replied, "The two pilots said they had a mission and wanted our people to leave the plane."

"Dream." Ye Han spit out two words coldly, "Before the transport plane comes back, no one will give it to anyone who wants it... Zhang Ruo, do you know the situation over the spider cave?"

"I don't know, I just know that the fight was fierce."

"It's strange that it's not intense." Ye Han frowned deeply, "Zhang Ruo, stay online."


Ye Han switched the communication frequency band: "671 calls 451, please answer when you receive it!" 671 is the new code name after he was transferred to the task force, and 451 is the code name of the temporary fleet stationed by Beiyuezhou in Africa. These two code names only operate in Africa. The ground-air communication is effective.

"451 received, 671 please speak!"

"I want to see the spider cave, Ma!"

"Hello, please accept it!"

Ye Han immediately received the video data from the space battleship, and found the open space outside the spider cave on the satellite image. The open space was full of spider ants, the number of which was impossible to count. Several armored vehicles were submerged by spider ants. What happened to the staff.

Naturally, the situation in the spider cave could not be seen, but the shells shot out of the cave could be seen exploding from time to time. The surviving soldiers of the multinational force must have withdrawn into the spider cave and built an external defense line at the entrance of the cave.

With a thought in Ye Han's mind, he moved the map down to Morodakon, and then he saw that the airport was covered with countless spider ants, and the number of giant ants that besieged the airport a while ago was much higher.

The situation is not good!

"451, help me find the plane!"

"What plane?"

"Transport plane, from the airport to the spider cave... No, just look at the entire Moroda!"

"Wait a minute... it's marked!"

Several light spots with arrows appeared directly on the map in front of Ye Han. The light spots were located near the spider cave, and the arrows pointed to Moroda Airport.

Ye Han immediately breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the plane came back.

He made up his mind that as soon as the plane lands, the horse will grab a plane and no one will let him out, and the horse will take off back to Djibouti.

A group of people sent out finally found the ground staff at the airport and began to refuel the helicopter.

The two pilots kept asking Ye Han to return the plane, but Ye Han remained unmoved, so angry that they both walked away, not knowing who to complain to.

Both Thomas and Constantine were trapped in the spider cave, Ye Han really wasn't afraid of this.

It didn't take long for the two pilots to find the person in charge of the airport, but the spider ants' attack was tight, and he didn't have time to deal with the dispute between the pilot and Ye Han, and only told them to wait.

Time was anxiously waiting for minutes and seconds to pass, ten minutes seemed as long as ten years, the small bright spot representing the plane on the electronic map finally overlapped with Moroda, and Ye Han seemed to hear the low noise of the engine coming from the northern sky. .

Not long after, several transport planes draped in sunset clouds arrived at the airport, and one of them left the formation and aimed at the runway, ready to land.

Ye Han geared up and ordered the soldiers to prepare to **** the plane.

Everything is developing in the ideal direction. Ye Han is looking up at the decelerating and descending plane. He expects that the sound of the dense gunfire suddenly weakens a lot.

He instinctively turned his head to look back, and was stunned to find that several machine gun turrets on the east side of the airport defense line had stopped firing, and only the rapid-fire guns behind the defense line were still buzzing non-stop.

But the rapid-fire guns only lasted a few seconds longer than the machine guns.

After a truck stopped at that line of defense, several American soldiers were nervously transporting ammunition, apparently because the ammunition was not supplied in time, and the machine gun turrets and rapid-fire guns had run out of ammunition.

The spider ants that attacked in this direction were like chicken blood, and the front of the soldiers immediately approached a large section.

The fire support horses from space moved here, and the lasers swept around the gap, splitting the spider ants all over the ground. I don't know how many spider ants died outside the gap for a while.

However, there are too many spider ants and the speed is too fast. The firepower of the space fleet alone cannot stop it. In just a few seconds, a hundred giant ants have passed the laser blockade and are about to cross the line of defense.

The American soldiers rushed to the machine gun tower in a hurry, trying to reload the machine gun tower, but the ant colony had already rushed outside the defense line, looking at the defense line, loading the bomb had become an impossible task.

Ye Han's brain seemed to have a thunderous sound: "Come with me!" After that, he rushed to the gap with a gun.

The soldiers didn't know why, but everyone responded to the order immediately and rushed to the gap with their weapons.

The distance of tens of meters passed in an instant. Ye Han was still 20 to 30 meters away from the defense line. He raised his armored rifle and shot with all his strength. The armored rifle with a caliber of 12.7 mm was the standard preparation for this mission, but all the guns were loaded with It is a special dart shell with amazing penetrating power. It can not only penetrate the shell of the giant ant, but also roll and explode inside the giant maximize its lethality!

This kind of bullet is also a new thing that began to be equipped with troops after the Siberia operation. It is said that because the caliber of the armored gun is too large and the amount of ammunition is too small, it is not conducive to the continuous firepower. After equipping the armored rifle with new ammunition, it is enough to penetrate most giant insects shell.

The special bullets developed by the military are far more than this one. Ye Han has even heard of guided bullets, but other types of ammunition have no signs of being equipped with troops at present.

Ye Han emptied the magazine in one breath, and hit a dozen spider ants with thirty darts, but this loss was nothing to the ant colony.

Ye Han replaced the new magazine at the same speed as flying. At this time, Liu Bin rushed to the vicinity with a few soldiers. One of the soldiers set up the grenade launcher and fired a burst.

A series of 35mm grenades hit the open space outside the defense line one by one. Hundreds of thousands of steel **** flew out of the blasted grenades, sweeping down a large area of ​​the approaching spider ants.

Ye Han's second magazine had just been loaded, and the others arrived one after another, and all the weapons in their hands fired at the same time, resisting the wave of the spider ants' charge.

The last few fighters finally arrived, each of them carrying a very large and heavy box... It was a new type of flamethrower that only motorized infantry could carry.

After the soldiers arrived at the ground, they kept walking and continued to run a few steps forward. They stopped at a distance of only ten meters from the defense line, and then took up the spray guns in their hands. Four fire dragons spewed out. In just a short moment, the flames ignited the charging insect waves, and countless spider ants roamed around, but the burning oil had already pronounced their death sentence.

The wave-like charge of the spider ants was temporarily blocked by the fire, and the spider ants behind were hesitant to move forward in fear of the raging flames.

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