Armor Frenzy

Chapter 782: Win 1 game

"Here it is!"

"I found it!"

After tossing for so long, the alien was finally found. Several soldiers roared and shouted excitedly, and the team that had just passed the hatch turned back.

"What's the situation?" Liu Bin asked loudly.

As soon as the soldiers described the previous situation, Liu Bin's eyes lit up immediately: "Good job - Captain, caught!"

Ye Han waved his hand sharply: "Serve with grenades, you will die, don't give me face!"

"Look at you!" Liu Bin personally directed, several soldiers took out all the remaining grenades, all kinds of grenades were readily available, several soldiers quickly divided up, and each person was divided into two.

"Throw!" Liu Bin gave an order, and the two soldiers at the front threw the grenades in, then dodged away, and the soldiers behind quickly filled their seats and threw grenades into the cabin one after another.

The explosion sound of each type of grenade is different, there is a loud bang, some ordinary, and some crackles after the explosion - it is the steel ball that collapsed after the explosion of the anti-personnel grenade hit the wall.

At the beginning, the aliens used silk light to counterattack, but after a dozen grenades were thrown, there was no movement in the cabin.

Liu Bin whispered in surprise: "No way? Is this dead ball?"

"That's not necessarily true, be careful not to overturn the boat." Ye Han said cautiously.

Liu Bin nodded, reminding the soldiers to be careful.

At this time, the soldiers should have rushed into the cabin and controlled the situation as quickly as possible, but Liu Bin's reminder interrupted the original plan. The two soldiers who should have rushed in lied on both sides of the cabin door and probed their heads to observe the situation.

Ye Han suddenly felt that he was too cautious, and made a gesture to Liu Bin.

Liu Bin threw a flash bomb in it and rushed into the cabin at a rapid pace.

When the soldiers saw it, come on, let's go, seven or eight people rushed into the cabin... The other half of the troops naturally stayed outside to keep vigilance.

The soldiers who rushed into the cabin moved quickly and dispersed immediately, the muzzles pointed to all corners, and the sound of "control" was heard endlessly.

Liu Bin finally concluded: "Safety!"

Hearing these two words, Ye Han stepped into the ship.

The cabin was a mess, with shrapnel left by the explosion everywhere, and in one corner of the cabin, two aliens lay motionless in one of the pools of blood.

There seems to be a console beside the two aliens. This thing aroused Ye Han's great interest, but he didn't dare to move, so he could only let the soldiers take pictures of all the equipment in this cabin... Actually, it's nothing to do without , the video is not a real thing, and I can't study anything useful when I take it back.

And the battleship is so big that it can't be driven outside the cave, otherwise Ye Han wouldn't mind learning how to drive an alien spaceship... Thinking of this, Ye Han was suddenly startled, no, the spaceship is so big, how did it get in? Is there a secret passage under the water?

There are tropical rain forests for hundreds of kilometers nearby. There are several rivers, but there are few lakes, and even the larger ones cannot be found. Is it possible that there is a waterway leading to a certain lake in the depths of the underground lake?

This is simply impossible - the cave hall is located nearly 100 meters deep underground, and is not at the same level as the ground lake. If the two lakes are connected, the water surface of the two lakes must be at the same level. It's strange that Yongcai had already flooded the cave hall, and even submerged most of the entire spider cave.

The more Ye Han thought about it, the more strange it became. No matter how he speculated, he couldn't explain the origin of the battleship, until he remembered the vine roots under the water, and a bold idea suddenly came into his mind - this thing didn't grow out of that vine, right?

The idea was so outrageous that Ye Han didn't believe it himself, but the idea took root in his heart and never went away.

The brief conflict was over, but the search had not yet been completed. Ye Han was not interested in the corpses of aliens, and was not interested in wasting time. He searched the cabin carefully. After there was no other gain, he left and continued to search the unknown area of ​​the spacecraft.

However, Ye Han's troops could not find the aliens again in the next search operation. During the period, they heard a burst of gunfire. It seemed that the Americans were fighting the aliens, but they waited for Ye Han to lead the team to arrive. When the battle was over, the U.S. military also killed an alien.

Since they met, Ye Han simply stopped the major, and the two of them summed up the situation, and found that the exploration of the ship had basically been completed. The unfortunate ghost of my son... or an alien ghost.

The major still didn't give up, or was worried that the leaky fish would control the spacecraft again. Ye Han also had the same concerns. Under the major's suggestion, the two sides jointly conducted a comprehensive search and confirmed that no other aliens could be found. , Ye Han ordered Ouyang Ping to place explosives on the bottom of the ship and in the engine compartment.

It's a pity that I didn't find the weapon system, or found it and couldn't recognize what it was used for.

After the explosives were placed, everyone withdrew from the spaceship, and at the same time, they recalled all the soldiers left outside the spaceship. A few minutes later, there was a muffled sound inside the spaceship, waves of water rippled, and the huge spaceship swayed. submerged in water.

The battle has come to an end for the time being, but the next step is to face the ant colony in the passage! After arranging manpower to guard the lake, others rushed to repair the armored vehicle.

It is not so easy to repair the armored vehicle, especially the technical equipment such as microwave guns. There are no spare parts at all. Ye Han has to take the method of dismantling the east wall to repair the west wall, dismantling a microwave gun into parts and repairing it. The other two guns.

The process sounds simple, but it actually took five or six hours. When all Fang's work was completed, it was close to midnight.

The situation of the U.S. military is not much better. They tried to repair the damaged armored vehicle, but the cut surface caused by the fine light was not able to be repaired at all. The U.S. military had to retreat and try to repair the relatively intact armored vehicle.

The maintenance scope not only includes the armored vehicles that the US military took when they came, but also some relatively complete vehicles with wreckage.

In addition, the collection of American soldiers' weapons and ammunition is also a top priority for the United States!

They consumed a lot of ammunition in the previous battle, and if they didn't replenish it, it would be difficult to rush out of the spider hole. So the Americans hit the wreckage of the armored vehicle. Dozens of American soldiers got in and turned it around. They really found a lot of bullets and shells. After filling the ammunition compartment of the armored vehicle, there were still some leftovers.

Fang's ammunition was also consumed, but unfortunately the ammunition of both sides was not common, so he could only stare at the slander.

Ye Han secretly decided that after returning home, he must suggest to the level, and bring a batch of foreign equipment when there is any action, which can replenish ammunition on the battlefield.

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