Armor Frenzy

Chapter 818: stick to

The drone responded very quickly, still faithfully executing the attack command, biting the target tightly and firing with full force, and the missile was not affected in any way, and still faithfully executed the attack command.

The rigid control program will never be affected by the changes of the aliens. The aliens' advance quickly shortens the distance between the enemy and the enemy, and the life rate of Xiaoguang rises suddenly. More than ten drones in a row were destroyed, and the missiles were also destroyed. Thin light ruined a lot.

The attack of drones and missiles is still fierce, and the fatality rate is much higher before, but most of the human firepower falls on the outer ice ships, although the bombed ice ships are blown to tatters in a blink of an eye, and even broken into two pieces in serious cases , but the ice ship in the inner layer was not affected much, and continued to sprinkle fine light.

The chaotic ray of light not only streaked towards the drones and missiles, but the air force that was preparing to withdraw was also attacked by the alien fleet.

A loud voice suddenly appeared from the bridge of the Nanzhou: "Report, the aviation force requests to join the war!"

Duan Jingma turned his head to look at Ling Yu, and Ling Yu's mind changed: "How far is the enemy's reinforcements?"

"Sixteen minutes flight." Wang Tianyu said.

Ling Yu immediately made up his mind: "Order the aviation troops to make a quick decision, and order the ships to charge at full speed!"

Wang Tianyu almost thought he had heard it wrong, and repeated loudly: "The air force is quick to fight, and the fleet is charging at full speed." After he finished speaking, he paused for two seconds, seeing that Ling Yu didn't mean to speak, Wang Tianyu then conveyed the order.

The air force that was about to withdraw received a new order, and all the fighters turned around at the same time. Although the directions were different from different angles, there was no pattern, but they always maintained a two-aircraft formation.

The Third Fleet, far behind, also launched an assault at the same time, with all the engines at their maximum power, and the flashes at the engine nozzles were connected in a string.

The aliens wanted to do their best to deal with the aviation, but after discovering the movements of the Third Fleet, they changed their minds and focused on the Third Fleet. The relatively complete ice ship in the inner layer suddenly accelerated again, leaving the damaged ice ship in the outer layer, at full speed. Pounce on the Third Fleet.

The aliens' actions were very decisive, but their choice made Ling Yu very puzzled: "What's the situation?"

Wang Tianyu couldn't understand it either. He shook his head and said, "I don't understand either."

They really couldn't understand.

Go has a saying of golden horns and silver-edged grass belly, which means that although the corners are inconspicuous, they occupy a large area. The formation of alien battleships is similar, and the outer ice ships that act as shields exceed the total number. one third!

If the alien warships in the inner layer do not speed up, the enemy can still stand for a while with the protection of the "ship shield", but what does it mean when they give up their cover and get out? Desperate is not such a spell, is it?

No matter how many brain fragments the aliens ate, the fat meat that was delivered to their mouths did not come out. The remaining drones and the aviation troops launched a turn to charge the enemy army. Before the fleet approached, they took the remaining enemy The ships are all killed.

Although the aviation force also paid the price of more than 20 aircraft, this loss is completely acceptable compared with the results obtained.

The enemy on the opposite side has been eliminated by the Third Fleet, but the alien reinforcements are still on their way.

While there was still a little time, the remaining carrier-based aircraft used the fastest speed to clean the battlefield. It only took a few minutes to rescue all the pilots, and the remains of the martyrs were recovered as much as possible, and then the air force returned.

At this time, it was less than two minutes before the arrival of the alien fleet reinforcements, and the third fleet left at full speed and quickly left the battlefield.

The aliens probably knew that they couldn't catch up with the Third Fleet, and after catching up to the battlefield, they took the initiative to stop and put an end to the battle.

After the Third Fleet had withdrawn for some distance, it was found that the enemy's reinforcements had not withdrawn, but remained there to clean the battlefield.

Wang Tianyu immediately became alert: "Commander, look!"

Ling Yu sneered: "Eighty percent of them want to check our old bottom, don't worry about it, let them toss."

Wang Tianyu reminded: "Commander, is this bad?"

After all, aliens are also technological races. What if the principle of a shredding bullet is researched?

Ling Yu sighed: "What if you don't look at it? Rush over with the fleet and desperately try?"

Wang Tianyu thought about it too, staring at the screen and gritted his teeth angrily.

It is true that the Third Fleet can use missiles to fight harassment, interfering with the enemy's actions, and making the enemy unable to investigate with peace of mind.

But the enemy's army is large, and harassment warfare can only play a role in harassment. The possibility of aliens stopping the investigation is very small. At most, it will delay the progress of the enemy's investigation. With new weapons, how could aliens not care?

If it is not clear now, there will be more losses in the future. I am afraid that the aliens would rather bear the losses and find a way to find out the situation of the broken armor.

Ling Yu and Wang Tianyu both understood that anything could happen on the battlefield, maybe the aliens had already found the duds left on the battlefield.

If the aliens get the samples... The next step is to test the physical level of the aliens. If the aliens think of resonance, the armor-shattering bombs will become worthless. Neidu will be a weapon against alien warships!

After the Third Fleet flew out for a certain distance, it braked in time, and kept a safe distance to monitor the movements of the alien fleet. After the alien fleet stayed on the battlefield for more than half an hour, it gathered up the scattered warships and returned to Io Zero.

Ling Yu and Wang Tianyu both felt that the aliens probably found useful clues.

After the alien fleet returned to Io, it merged with the remaining fleet, and all the warships were left in the empty space of the planetary engine.

"This is to be strictly guarded!" Ling Yu said.

"What should we do?" Wang Tianyu asked.

"Let's wait and see. UU reading" Ling Yu said, "If you guard it so strictly, airborne will definitely fail. Let's see if there is a chance to drop a nuclear bomb."

"Difficult!" Wang Tianyu commented in one word.

Ling Yu chuckled: "It's not difficult to use us? You're just a **** when you think of an international fleet..."

"Commander, there is movement!" Duan Jing suddenly said without looking back.

Everyone's eyes moved to the main screen. Everyone's first reaction was to look at the alien fleet behind Io Zero's butt, but the alien battleship was exactly the same as before, and there was no change at all.

Immediately everyone saw that the planetary engine below the alien fleet suddenly contracted downward. As the crater sank, the surrounding ice layers burst one after another, and the undulating sea water gradually submerged the hillside, and continued to climb firmly.

After a while, the planetary engines that were originally protruding from the ground all sank into the water, the crater sank below the waterline, and the surrounding seawater poured down along the edge of the jet. Filled with turbulent waters. (Carapace frenzy..6868629)--(Carapace frenzy)

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