Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1163: Indescribable pain

Ouyang Ping sucked Yahanako painfully, but he didn't rush to solve the problem. Instead, he stretched his stiff body and moved all the limbs and joints, and then quietly turned over to observe the situation under the tree.

I slept in the open air, and my joints were stiff and stiff, and they would fall off if they didn't move.

Ouyang Pingping took a look, and Ouyang Pingping was not feeling well. There were more than ten worms in the places he saw, and there must be more worms in the places covered by the tree canopy, and the total number must be no less than 20!

Who is it that you want to suffocate?

Ouyang Ping hated his teeth so much that his roots were itchy, but he couldn't take risks because of this. He just woke up and was thirsty. Holding the coconut in his arms, he turned the saber upside down and slashed the coconut husk with the serrations on the back of the knife.

He didn't have much contact with coconuts, but the airborne division was formed in Qiongzhou. He had never eaten pork and had always seen pigs running. He still knew how to deal with coconuts.

If there weren't so many worms under the tree, he could chisel vigorously with a saber and peel off the coconut skin in a few strokes.

It took a little work to finally peel off the outer skin and the fibrous coconut coat, and the peeled things didn't dare to be thrown around, but they were all stuffed between the petioles.

Ouyang Ping groped and peeled off the outer skin of the coconut coat, felt the bulge on the outer shell, flattened it with a knife, and poked it a few times with the tip of the knife.

Aiming at that place and digging hard a few times, I quickly dug through the coconut shell, stabbed it in and turned it a few times, and quickly dug a hole the size of a copper coin.

It was the first time that handling coconuts by hand went so smoothly. Ouyang Ping was so surprised that he lifted the coconut and poured it into his mouth, drinking the coconut juice in one breath.

I seem to have heard it somewhere, this stuff is rich in nutrients and can be injected directly, but it is just cool and delicious when you drink it, and it is not as sweet as you think.

After drinking a full stomach, the pressure on the lower abdomen increased. Ouyang Ping opened the hole in the coconut a little bit, put away the saber, took out his little brother, and carefully poured water into the hole in the coconut... Worrying that he would urinate too quickly. Sound, he even had to carefully control the speed at which he released the water.

Although Ouyang Ping thought of all the problems he could think of, the unexpected happened.

The capacity of the empty coconuts is really not very good, and the stock in his stomach is a little too much. Just halfway through, the coconuts are almost full. In desperation, Ouyang Ping cut off the surge with great perseverance. The flow of water, a shiver almost fell from the tree.

Holding the full coconut, Ouyang Ping started to worry again.

The water in my stomach is only half filled, but after removing 50% of the burden, I can last for a while, and it is not a big deal if I can't cut a coconut.

The question is what to do with this loaded coconut!

It's definitely not good to put it on a tree, the top of the tree is just a little bit, and there is no place to stay if you put this thing.

It's not appropriate to throw it down. This thing is very irritating. What if the bugs find out?

Change a tree before the sun rises?

Although the method is good, but he has a rifle and a magazine on his body, and jumps to another tree with so many pieces of equipment... It's not the way to die, if something is wrong, it shouldn't be released. The movement, Xiao Ming can explain.

Ouyang Ping had been thinking about it from before dawn until the sky was twilight, but he couldn't think of a safe way. The palm of the hand is thrown out suddenly like a shot put.

As soon as the coconut was released, Ouyang Ping immediately retracted into the top of the tree, making up his mind that the tree would never move until it fell.

It was not until this time that he realized that the treetops were actually not as solid as he thought. If it wasn't for the fact that the coconut trees on the island were generally taller, he would have been discovered by the bugs under the trees long ago.

It must be a dead end to go down the tree now. He quickly adjusted his posture, huddled into a ball, and tried his best to hide himself.

He didn't know if he could hide it or not, he just hoped that the bugmen were all fools, and no one should look up.

At this time, Ouyang Ping could no longer care about the coconut he just threw away, and that coconut lived up to his expectations, flying higher and farther than expected... His main feature is his good balance, but his strength is also Not without.

With Ouyang Ping's full throw and the bonus from the height, the coconut flew 70 to 80 meters before falling from the sky. It fell to the ground and broke into several pieces. The irritating liquid splashed everywhere, and several bugmen nearby all won the lottery.

The strong smell of morning urine didn't attract the insect's attention, but the sound of the coconut falling on the ground caught the insect's attention. A dozen or so worms hurried over and ran around, but in the end they found nothing.

Their search range is really short. If the search radius is doubled, it is hard to say whether Ouyang Ping can hide.

Moreover, the fish's belly has already appeared in the east, and the dawn is not far away. When the sky is bright, it is hard to say whether this big tree can shelter him.

Ouyang Ping secretly made up his mind that when it was really time to hide, he would fight to the death with the worm!

Immediately, he thought of the coconut that solved the big problem, and he couldn't help feeling a little fortunate. Fortunately, it was only water. If it was a large size, it couldn't be solved with coconut shells at all.

At this moment, Ouyang Ping didn't know that Ye Han's actions were all seen by Ye Han.

After Ye Han led the team to leave Buha Island, he immediately rushed to the predetermined sea area dozens of kilometers away.

He is very clear that at this time, the above must already know the situation of Buha It is estimated that the ro-ro wheel is heading to the predetermined sea area!

This is not Ye Han's imagination. Don't look at the fact that the team didn't bring any communication equipment, but the mission this time was too important, and it could not be ignored even in the north.

In other words, everything that happened on Buha Island is not a secret, and the above must have taken action after receiving the news. Even if Ye Han stayed in place, it is estimated that he could wait for the roll-on reels.

However, there will be too much information exposed in that way. It cannot always be said that the satellite has discovered a small boat, so the ro-ro ship carrying nuclear materials is ordered to take a look. At that time, what reason will the North use to implement the battle plan for the South?

As a commander, you must focus on your mission. No matter what happens, you must find ways to prepare the steps. Even if everyone can see the tricks, at least it must be reasonable.

So they had to be pirates on the run, so the speedboat couldn't stay near Buha Island anyway, so the speedboat and the ro-ro had to be disguised as a chance encounter.

In this way, before midnight, the speedboat arrived at the predetermined sea area a few hours in advance, disguised as running out of fuel and drifted with the tide.

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