Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1170: hold on for a while

No live bugs could be found in sight anymore, Ouyang Ping put his gun away and stood up, feeling extremely happy.

What's so special about rolling over wood?

What's so special about massacres?

This is so... uh, what's going on?

Dozens of red dots suddenly appeared on the radar, and then dozens more appeared. As soon as you looked up, the cliff was already full of bugmen, and they were condescending and eyeing, like tigers about to descend.

Ouyang Ping's arrogance suddenly shrank, and he was dumbfounded. Where did so many worms appear? What about the fire support of the warships?

Looking up again, I realized that the sky had been covered by clouds at some point.

Ouyang Pingping was not feeling well personally, he secretly shouted to God, did you send the bugmen to play with me?

I don't know which worm jumped off the cliff first, and all the worms jumped down. One root after another, the airborne pod was flooded like a torrential rain.

With the heavy armor on his body, Ouyang Ping gritted his teeth and did not retreat a step. He hid behind the airborne cabin and opened fire again and again: "Master, there are too many bugs, I can't stand it anymore, I need fire support, I need the fire support of battleships!"

The bone blades couldn't penetrate the armor, so Ouyang Ping could fight back with the dense bone blades, but if the machine gun was hit by the bone blades, the consequences would be hard to say.

Ye Han was also anxious: "Just hold on for a while, and hold on for a while and we'll be there!"

"Can't the battleship support it?"

"The clouds are too thick for the laser to penetrate, and live ammunition for at least two minutes!"

I wipe!

Ouyang Ping was almost insane when he saw that the swarm had washed up on the beach. He gritted his teeth and jumped out, moving his machine gun sideways while firing.

This kind of drum is derived from the 81 type, and it is loaded with seventy-five rounds. If it is not faced with so many bugmen, it will not be a problem to persist for doubling the time.

Ouyang Ping quickly replaced the drum, but the insect man also found this opportunity. Before the drum got stuck on the gun, Ouyang Ping had already hit more than a dozen bone blades.

This is nothing, the bone blade can't pierce the armor layer at all, but what the **** are seven or eight bone blades pierced on the machine gun?

A good machine gun has so many bones and stubble, half of the handle is cut off, one-third of the barrel is cut, and two are inlaid on the receiver. No matter how you look at it, this machine gun is completely unusable.

He was wondering if he should try it again, in case it still works?

Before he could raise the gun, another wave of bone blades attacked him, and several more were pierced on his body. The gun was pierced even more, and the barrel was almost cut off by the bone blades.

Don't think about it now, this gun is definitely useless.

Ouyang Ping was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, just as a bug man rushed forward, he grabbed the barrel of the gun, swung the rifle and smashed it.

The Insect Man was not slow at all, raising his stout arm to block the **** of the gun.

Ouyang Ping's hand was light, and the fragile gun barrel was instantly broken. He almost shattered his posterior molars, raised his arm and threw half of the gun barrel at the bug man.

Just after the barrel of the gun was released, four or five bone blades were nailed to his body, and the bug man in front of him also swung his arms and rushed up, with a stance of immortality.

Ouyang Ping stepped back, and at the same time opened the side of his thigh, revealing a pair of armored pistols.

He quickly pulled out the pistol, his hands were wrong, the rear doors of the two pistols were pressed together, and there was a crisp sound. As soon as it was lifted, Papa shot through the head of the other worm.

The head of the worm that was shot was thrown away by the bullet, the brain was mixed with blood, and the broken bones flew around.

Ouyang Ping didn't even look at it, and immediately turned to the next target.

The superhuman balance ability endows him with extraordinary flexibility. His two hands flutter from side to side like a butterfly through a flower. As he steps back, any worm who dares to approach will be shot and fall to the ground.

He is a professional soldier, and his pursuit is to kill the enemy as much as possible, so as long as the shot is double-clicked, even if he is particularly confident to kill the enemy, it is no exception.

If he thinks two bullets have failed to kill the enemy, he will not hesitate to make up a shot.

But with so many enemies, the double sound was a bit out of place. He had to adjust the double sound to a single sound, in order to kill and injure the enemy as much as possible.

The pistol had a limited capacity, and the battle was very tense, and it didn't take long for the gun to run out of bullets.

Ouyang Ping immediately tucked the gun in his left hand back to his leg, took out a magazine, and pressed it with his right hand, the empty magazine had just dropped, and the new magazine had been inserted into the grip.

This time, instead of holding guns with both hands, he retracted his arms, flipped his wrists while backing up, and fired a shot with each movement, which was more flexible than when he used two guns.

In the movie, when fighting with a pistol, the arm is always straightened, but the specific situation is analyzed in detail. In the case of close combat or in a narrow space, straightening the arm is not a good Retracting the arm a little bit instead more flexible. (ps: i.e. c.a.r.)

Ouyang Ping doesn't know much about gunfighting, but this way of holding a gun has a whole set of fighting moves, and the combat efficiency is outrageously high. Almost every shot can hit the key point. Even if the bug man is shot immediately, it will be sent to the operating room. It definitely didn't help.

The airborne capsule was less than 20 meters away from the sea water. When Ouyang Ping put on the fourth magazine, his feet had already fallen into the water, and a large number of insects were still coming from all directions. He could not think of life and death. , the only thought is to shoot at the **** closest to him.

It is precisely because all his attention is focused on shooting that he can't miss the gun... Just kidding, if he can miss the target within five meters, he simply buys a piece of tofu and kills him.

The worms were also very collapsed. They really wanted to use the bone blade to completely kill the human being. The problem was that the armor was too abnormal. Even if the bone blade was full of armor, what should the person do?

He's already turning into a hedgehog, okay?

The sea water had not reached Ouyang Ping's calf. He replaced the fifth magazine at lightning speed, wiped his left arm on his body, and the bone blades all over his body broke with a bang. A rushing worm stopped.

Ouyang Ping didn't think about the reason at all. The only reaction was to continue shooting. After knocking down all the nearby bugmen, the remaining bugmen actually started to retreat.

Ouyang Ping was at a loss. Even if he killed nearly a hundred worms, he didn't see what happened to the remaining worms. They wouldn't withdraw because they were afraid of the sea, right?

At this moment, he heard a chuckle: "Hehe, good job, brothers, work started!"

Ouyang Ping suddenly turned around and saw a group of motorized infantry flying at a low altitude in the air behind him.

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