Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1172: gifts for bugs

The six worms had just raised their arms, and before the bone blades could be fired, a round of bullet rain had already fallen from the sky. The precise bullets either blew the worm's head or pierced through the body of the worm. The bugman hits a bone blade.

The worm seemed to have made a surprise attack, but it was not the case at all. Before they broke out of the coconut grove, they were locked by the radar because of their unusually fast movement.

Luo Qi immediately ordered a squad to prepare for battle, but did not start to clean them up because the trees were in the way.

The short battle ended with the annihilation of the insect people. However, the short battle sounded the alarm of the battle, and all the insect people who heard the gunshots were gathering in this direction.

Ye Han ordered without hesitation: "Luo Qi, just land on the beach, let's fight all the way!"

Luo Qi burst into arrogance: "Okay!"

With an order, the guards landed on the beach. As soon as they landed, a group of insect people rushed out of the woods in the distance. There were almost a hundred people.

Luo Qi's voice echoed on the radio: "The first row is front, the second row is left and the third row is right, fire!"

In an instant, the sound of gunfire was loud, and the deafening gunshots were continuous... No one wasted bullets, everyone aimed at the head of the bug man and shot, the charging bug man instantly fell more than 20, and after just one second, There were another twenty or thirty, and within four or five seconds, one wave of charges was completely crippled, and only a dozen people escaped back to the coconut forest in the end.

In the first battle, Ye Han and Luo Qi did not order the troops to advance to the third target, but continued to stick to the beach, waiting for the bugmen to attack.

Now the military already knows that the range of the worm's bone blade is far less than that of the armored rifle. The open battlefield is more beneficial to humans. On the contrary, the narrow battlefield is equivalent to giving the advantage to the worm.

Target No. 3 is not a luxury hotel in the usual sense, but a group of villas built on the mountain. In addition to the main body of the hotel located on the top of the mountain, there are dozens of single-family small houses on the **** of nearly 45 degrees. The villas are scattered throughout, and there is even a swimming pool that has long since dried up on the mountainside.

There are several coconut groves of different sizes at the bottom of the slope. The road between the coconut groves twists and turns. After crossing the coconut grove, there are delicate white sandy beaches and clear sea water.

Neither the coconut grove nor the hotel itself is conducive to the human side's use of firepower, but the terrain that is similar to street fighting is a good place for hand-to-hand combat.

Ye Han didn't plan to attack the hotel directly from the beginning, and he had long thought of using the beach as a battlefield.

The gunfire just dissipated, and the second group of bugmen had arrived, but instead of rushing out of the trees, they gathered in the woods to wait for more bugmen.

Ye Han was a little surprised to find out about this situation. He knew that worms must have wisdom, but from his personal experience, the wisdom of worms could not be compared with normal people at all.

There are not many guards, and they look very thin when thrown on the beach. No matter how you look at them, they are very easy to bully. However, after a loss, the bugman refuses to be fooled, which shows that the wisdom of the bugman is not as low as imagined. At least the command level is not so stupid.

But it's just not that stupid.

"Lishan, I'm Ye Han!"

"Lishan received, please speak!" The Lishan, which was suspended in outer space, responded immediately.

"The enemy is gathering, and I want to give them a gift, a little warmer."

"Are naval guns okay?"

"Of course." Ye Han immediately sent the coordinates of the insect man to Lishan.

Lishan opened fire immediately after receiving the coordinates, and several naval guns fired dozens of shells in one go.

The reason why it is a naval gun instead of an electromagnetic gun is that the attitude of the battleship must be adjusted to launch the electromagnetic gun. In contrast, the response time of the naval gun is shorter and the firepower density is higher.

The shell penetrated into the atmosphere, left the sonic boom far behind, and within a few moments fell over the island of Buha.

Ye Han and the others only felt that the red light flashed between the clouds, and the meteor-like projectile hit the bug man's head accurately... This is not a free-falling ordinary projectile, but a guided projectile from outer space. The accurate hit is It's a normal thing, it's weird not to hit the target.

This thing is not so much artillery shells as it is artillery guided bombs.

The cannonballs roared and smoke filled the air, and the worms in the coconut forest ushered in a disaster. Every cannonball exploded, it could blow up a group of worms, and their stumps and arms flew all over the sky. .

What's more, the cannonball directly hit the coconut tree, and the cannonball directly shattered the tree trunk. No matter the blasted shrapnel or the flying wood stubble, it could inflict fatal damage on the insect man.

After the shelling was over, the smoke of gunpowder slowly dissipated, and the coconut grove had completely disappeared. Only the corpses, broken internal organs, and the flesh and blood of the worms who could not tell where they came from were left on the ground. Less than one tenth of the survivors survived.

Many warriors who witnessed this scene thought that the eighteen layers of **** were nothing more than that, but no one softened their hearts because of this. As long as they saw the insect man, they still shot down The shelling came so suddenly and again Such a shock completely disrupted the insect people's plans. The insect people who were gathering in the direction of the beach instinctively stopped. After a short period of stunnedness, they turned around and ran away.

Through the camera of the drone, Ye Han found that the bug people were not running around randomly, but gathered towards the hotel on the top of the mountain, as if they wanted to shrink their troops and stick to the hotel with all their strength.

Ye Han couldn't help but sigh, in the face of absolute power, does it make sense to do this? He only needs to issue an order to Lishan, and the firepower from outer space will destroy the hotel in minutes, no matter how many bugs are hidden in the hotel.

Why is the order given to him to find out the purpose of the bug man, rather than to eliminate the bug man completely and cleanly?

It's useless to think about these, Ye Han didn't interfere with the retreat of the bug people at all, but calmly watched the bug men evacuated, watched them retreat into the hotel, and evacuated into the villa... The main body of the hotel on the mountain plus the mountains full of people A single-family villa is simply a three-dimensional defense system!

But Ye Han was not in a hurry, until all the worms at the foot of the mountain were removed, and then he called Lishan without haste, and reported the coordinates of the villas outside the hotel one by one.

Every coordinate is a single-family villa, and Luo Qi, who has no house so far, grinned.

After a while, the cannonballs fell from the sky again. Each cannonball corresponds to a villa in which the worms were hidden. Although the caliber of the cannonball is not large, the power of each cannonball is enough to destroy the entire villa.

Moreover, Ye Han was particularly black-bellied. He didn't just report the coordinates casually, but slowly bombarded them one by one, not to mention bugs, even Luo Qi felt that staying in the villa would definitely be stressful.

As a result, just after blowing up a few villas, the worms in the nearby villas couldn't stay any longer. They rushed out of the villas, some rushed to the mountaintop hotel, and some rushed into other villas, but they couldn't find them to run down the mountain.

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