Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1176: determination

The purpose of the worm was beyond Ma Hongwei's expectations. His brain was not enough, and he really couldn't think of any way to turn the worm back into a human.

Aliens must have this ability, but this worm in front of him... Could it be that there is technical power among his hidden companions?

This possibility cannot be ruled out, but if you become a worm, can the level of biotechnology also rise?

Just kidding, it's weird that aliens can leak biotechnology to insects, but it's very possible to learn by stealing. The question is what can be learned by stealing?

Ma Hongwei thought a lot, but he couldn't be the master at all, and there were no new instructions on it, so he calmly motioned the bugman to continue, but he didn't expect the bugman to shake his head: "No more."

"It's gone?" Ma Hongwei looked surprised, "What about the intelligence?"

"Isn't the purpose of aliens just intelligence?"

Ma Hongwei was extremely painful, and his tone became stern: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, this kind of information has no value!"

"Of course I have other information, but I want to hear the promise first," said the bug man rightfully.

Ma Hongwei couldn't believe his ears, he couldn't help but laugh in anger: "You really have nothing to fear!"

"I'm sure your boss will be interested."

"I'll play tricks too."

The bug man thought about it for more than ten seconds: "I understand what you mean, well, I can reveal a little bit. I have two pieces of information, one is related to Jupiter, and the other..." He suddenly lowered his voice. Voice, "The other one has to do with Americans, and I think it's very important, not for you, but for humanity as a whole."

Ma Hongwei looked at the bug man suspiciously, with a sincere expression on his face, but he didn't know what to do in his heart.

Ye Han said in time: "Tell him to wait, and then you can come back."

Ma Hongwei immediately said, "Wait for the news." After that, he turned around and walked back, wondering what information the worms had in their hands.

It is not surprising that they have information on aliens, but why are they related to the Americans?

Until he walked in front of Ye Han, he couldn't come up with a clue. He could only pick up his mood and said calmly, "Master, I'm back."

"It's hard work, you have to run again when there is news from above."

"It's all right," Ma Hongwei said.

The first contact between the two sides ended here. The entire process of the conversation, every word, every look, and even the slightest change in tone of the insect man was recorded by Ma Hongwei, and was carefully analyzed by a group of experts in Beidu.

There was a temporary truce on Buha Island, but both sides had a string in their hearts, and both were taking the time to adjust their deployments to prepare for a sudden attack by the other side.

Ye Han also called up the video of the conversation and watched it several times, trying to analyze the worm's mentality through the changes in his voice and demeanor, but he really wasn't like that, and after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't come up with a reason.

However, according to the insect people, their capture of Buha Island was not an impromptu intention. Maybe they chose to occupy Buha Island because they saw a large number of pirates gathered here and could provide enough raw materials for their biochemical experiments.

It's just that the worm never thought that the Chinese side also took a fancy to this place and planned to make some troubles here to pave the way for the plan to go south.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help laughing, it was like two thieves put their hands into one pocket, but instead of sympathizing with each other, they directly overturned the bitter master.

However, the pirates can't be regarded as the bitter masters of Buha Island. At best, they are only second-order traffickers who occupy the magpie's nest... Thinking about it in this way, wouldn't the two thieves put their hands into the pockets of their peers?

Ye Han couldn't help but **** the teeth and Hanako. He couldn't understand how he could have such a thought. This is why he regarded himself as a thief;

Anyway, what's wrong with thinking.

Three waits, two waits, and the sun was slanting in the blink of an eye. Ye Han finally waited for Beidu's reply. He immediately called Ma Hongwei: "There is movement above, do you know what to say?" Then he passed the instruction document above.

Ma Hongwei didn't rush to answer, but first browsed the document and thought about it before nodding: "I know."

"Go." Ye Han said concisely.

Ma Hongwei came out more and more, and the bug people who didn't know where to hide before jumped out like a trick.

The bug man looked at Ma Hongwei calmly, trying his best to hide the tension in his eyes: "Is there a result?"

"Yes." Ma Hongwei nodded, "I have already received a reply from the superior. On the premise that the information is true, the above agrees to your request, but there are a few additional conditions."

The bug man immediately made a gesture of invitation: "All ears."

Ma Hongwei said solemnly: "First, on the premise that the northern capital holds the sovereignty of Buha Island, parts of Buha Island can be handed over to the worms for autonomy. Do you have any opinions?"

"No, a part of such a big island is enough for us." The insect man's answer was neat and tidy, and he was very relieved.

"Second, all your experiments must be supervised by the military throughout the entire The content and process of the experiments must be reported in advance. On this premise, the military will try not to interfere with your experiments."

"What does it mean to be as non-interfering as possible?"

"I don't know the specific situation. This is just a framework. If you agree, you can interview experts from Beidu in the future."

"Okay, I have no problem."

"Third, all bugmen must be disarmed."

"This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible. If you want to survive on Buha Island, you must lay down your weapons!" Ma Hongwei's words were sonorous and powerful.

The worm shouted in dissatisfaction: "That's a mutant arm, do you want us to cut off all the arms?"

Ma Hongwei was startled, this is really a new situation!

But his response was quick: "Then this one will be postponed for discussion. Fourth, the insect people are obliged to cooperate with the military's military operations. Is there a problem with this one?"


"Fifth, the military has the right to access all experiments and use all experimental results. Is there a problem?"

"Yes, we don't care about the results of the process, but the experimental materials require a lot of raw materials, far more than coconuts and corpses."

"The specific content can be interviewed with experts." Ma Hongwei said.

The bugman almost collapsed, why is this sentence again? He couldn't help but ask, "Where are the experts?"

"Still in the Northern Capital, when to leave depends on what kind of information you provide... Do you want to continue listening?"

"Of course, why not?" said the Bug Man through gritted teeth.


"I can really bear it..." Ye Han at the back sighed: "I'm starting to believe in this bug man now."

"Why?" Ouyang Ping in the communication was very puzzled.

"Because these conditions are equivalent to turning Buha Island into a prison for worms, they dare to agree to these conditions... Their determination is really not small!"

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